I don't occupy, I probably should, I relate to too many of the issues, but I don't think the movement will work, too many issues, not enough recognizable people and not enough protesters. Many, many people in the United States do not understand that the Occupy Movement is a war, a class war of the 99% against the 1%, but the 1% has absolutely nothing to gain by either giving in to the issues, or even acknowledging the 99%er's.
There have been hundreds of arrests of the 99%er's, and in some cases violent action has taken place by police as they attempt to take control of the situation, control is very important to police, without it, the police view their efforts as null and void. Busting a few heads, "cuffing" a few perps, or whacking protesters over the head with their batons seems to be how local police operate.
I don't occupy, I probably should, I relate to too many of the issues, but I don't think the movement will work, too many issues, not enough recognizable people and not enough protesters. Many, many people in the United States do not understand that the Occupy Movement is a war, a class war of the 99% against the 1%, but the 1% has absolutely nothing to gain by either giving in to the issues, or even acknowledging the 99%er's.
There have been hundreds of arrests of the 99%er's, and in some cases violent action has taken place by police as they attempt to take control of the situation, control is very important to police, without it, the police view their efforts as null and void. Busting a few heads, "cuffing" a few perps, or whacking protesters over the head with their batons seems to be how local police operate.
In my opinion, few local police operate well in a stressful confrontation with angry protesters of any kind in any situation. It's as if the protesters are a threat to the local cops, when actually nothing is further from the truth. In any protest situation, those folks simply want to get their message across to the "powers that be, in general," and to the news media in particular.
Police take their orders from their supervisors, who get their orders from a Mayor, a city manager, or a city board; it all depends on how a city's government is set up. This set-up explains why police, local, county and state have always aligned themselves against a protesting body.
Peaceful protests almost never work, those on the fence about an issue will remain right there, on the fence. The gumption necessary to truly be an active protester rests somewhere in a person's mind, and cops realize that the more harsh the treatment, the less people will want to get involved.
Brutality is still the best way for police to get the reaction that they want; it's still the fear factor that drives most people away from standing on street corners, or in areas where governmental work is carried on. To occupy a city center, a court house, a bank, or better yet, a police station is how protesters get their point across.
In the end, whichever group forces their way is the winner, the protesters win if they occupy, and the 1% wins if their agents of doom, cops, and other public officials can dislodge the protesters completely. There can be no draws in public discord, in reality, you either win, or you lose, there is no middle ground.
"Freedom of speech, Congress cannot make laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Heady and powerful words our fore-fathers wrote, there was an effort to help insure that "the people" would retain the right to question actions of elected officials, or the ideas there-of.
You don't have to be a "rocket scientist" to figure out most of what ideals run the United States of America. Actually all a person has to do is set back and watch "proper procedures," and marvel at how America can operate, if done correctly, without the greedy fingers of the wretched 99%er's.
The Constitution, the amendments to help infuse oversight rules, the Bill of Rights, the laws at the local, state and federal levels that have been passed, all help to govern the country in a fair and unbiased manner were first debated, and written by men probably in smoke filled rooms as the outcome of the debates.
The "chain of command" which was supposed to be followed by officials at every level of the country's government has long been abused by either elected officials, or appointed personnel that were entrusted to follow the rules.
People or groups like the 99%er's must not be allowed to voice their opinion opposing the 1%er's, big business, wars or decisions that chafe those in power. Long ago the power people saw what discord by the people would do to their agenda, so they strove to affect the outcome, and over the years it has worked out really well, and they got really good at dictating the outcome of issues that were near and dear to their hearts.
A rather unique process "where else," in California is being used by Los Angeles prosecutors to "help" arrested occupiers from going to trial, being possibly convicted and going to jail. That's right, just pay $355 to a private company for a lesson in free speech.....and it will set you free.
Law officials in L.A. said the class would save the city the funds necessary to bring the occupiers to justice, and.....will also teach the arrested protesters the nuances of the law. The 1st. amendment is absolutely not absolute, and the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled government can regulate when, where and how free speech can be exercised.
I knew this and I sure as hell hope each and every citizen in America understands this fact, no matter what the constitution or amendments might say. I would say that the U.S. Constitution is rather like, no.....exactly like a rule of thumb, a recipe or a blueprint to "help" guide the country and its people through its rights.
Now the "chance" to avoid a trial or jail time is available from this private company manned by lawyers and retired judges for just $355, I wonder if they except, or have payment plans available for those strapped for cash.....I mean it is Christmas time.
One really has to wonder about the path our country seems to be going down, the crooked politicians, the power of corporate America and the ridiculous rules that are made by the courts, locally as well as federal.
We are in an election year, 9 days, and every citizen in the country needs to be aware of what is going on, not just from my point of view, but from some sort of educated position. Look what has happened because we have held our heads in the A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves.
1. People to be aware and to question
2. Elect people that get past party lines and want to work for the good of everybody
3. For now close our borders
4. Remove all illegal immigrants from our country, "including those children born in U.S."
5. Stop making war
6. Bring all our military home
7. Get rid of the C.I.A. a truly evil organization
8. Fix our health plan(s)
9. For me, a new Cadillac
There you have it, I realize that I have left some issues out, but I need to have something to complain about for later blogs. Have a wonderful Christmas and a safe new year, your editor and chief.