(Frazer Chronicle)
Nobody ever accused me of
"over-dressing," I do own suits, dress shirts and 2 rather spiffy top
coats, but why over-dress, I don't dress to impress, never have, never
will. That said.....I do understand that some people just can't seem to get
past the idea that some professions should be dressed for.
Priests, traffic cops, judges, doctors and I
guess American politicians all seem to have some sort of uniform for their
particular jobs. Thank God I was pretty much a lowly working stiff most of my
life and seldom was required to wear any type of particular clothing.
Oh sure, there were a few times when I was
required to wear a stuffy shirt, suit jacket, a tie and dress pants, but that
was on rare occasions, and I always protested with some sort of unorthodox
underclothing, like miss-matched socks, underwear turned inside out or
shredded, and sometimes no underwear at all.
Let's be honest, most of us simply don't trust
people with suits, they seem too crafty, or know.....sales
people. I equate "suited" people like I do lawyers, car salesmen, or
insurance people.....not to be trusted. It's always been that way, you can
check the history books, and it’s almost a state law that sales people have to
be "suited," as do lawyers. And how far are you going to trust your
lawyer, or your car salesperson, "not very far."
Some of the world’s worst dictators in the 20th
century were also "suited," but in completely different regalia.
These jokers wore military uniforms complete with what is called "breast
lettuce," combat metals, good conduct badges and I'm sure some stuff that
really doesn't mean a thing.
The list of 20th century bad boys
reads like rouges gallery, each with several undeniable traits linking them all
together.....military uniforms. With few exceptions each man was ruthless and
killed hundreds of thousands of his own people.
Now in keeping with my isolationism way of
thinking, however many people these dictators killed doesn't really matter to
me. Sure it's a tragedy and a waste of human resource and a blight on the human
race.....but can a country really step in and mess around with another culture,
nobody did that with the United States, even though the black and the red man
have suffered terribly at the hand of the white man.
The list of these "boys" who wanted to
play "dress-up" is long and is hideous and millions have died or
suffered under their military weight. The list is formidable and blood-thirsty,
sick in mind and with no heart:
Adolf Hitler
Joseph Stalin
Benito Mussolini
Saddam Hussein
Idi Amin
General Suharto
Pol Pot
Of course there are more, but in my opinion these
were the worst.....I added Pol Pot just because I think the name is cool. Who
in hell would have the cojones to go by the name "Pol Pot," my hat's
off to the guy.....even though he was a crazy S.O.B.
The one thing each of these guys had in common
was the fact that they wore military garb and seemed to worship military
activity, action and planning. And in most cases, they were the absolute final
voice in any military decisions.
Sure there are more of these 20th
century jokers, I mentioned as much, but the really bad ones seem to favor a
military uniform. They are the easiest to spot, and therefore the hardest for,
at least, "me" to understand. How could people not see right through
them, and not pick up on who they are or how they were leading their people?
There they are.....right in front of us, easy to
see, and rather easy to understand, yet, for most people, they neither saw, nor
understood. Each grew out of political unrest, bad economies and a poor job
market....."Uh oh," that's kind of where the United States is today;
guess we'd better start watching for those "uniformed darlings" in
the media.
So let's see, we either have uniformed, or
"suited" people running the governments of the world and according to
me neither can be that isn't very good. Just once I would like
to see a completely (casual) guy step up to the political plate and hit a home
Of course, as with everything else, after a few
of these casual guys, they couldn't be trusted either, they'd fall into the
power thing, the money thing, and the position thing.....and they'd start
wearing a suit.....or a uniform. Sadly, I guess the clothes do make the man.