I watch Bill O'Reilly maybe once a week, usually resulting in a good belly laugh, or a kind of stunned feeling that I just heard something on the Fox network that made less then no sense. To say that O'Reilly is "opinionated" would be an understatement, to say that his "rantings" made constructive sense, would be stretching the boundaries of even conservative thinking at times.
O'Reilly has a staff of "gofers" feeding him all manner of information with regards to which topics he might be using on a particular night. I am sure that he takes the information, disregards some of the facts so that they fit into whatever conservative stance he might take.
On the O'Reilly Factor, July 26th. 2011, "big Bill" took aim at the federal government's efforts to aid the poor. O'Reilly mixed in a little "pursuit of happiness," how the American government, "the greatest government and country on the face of the earth," gives people the ability through hard work to achieve the "American dream." Money, happiness, and stability for themselves and their family members.
In other words, "if you work hard, good things will happen." My wife said as much to one of our grand daughters yesterday. Learn to swim, go the extra mile with regards to safety training, and you can become a lifeguard. Luckily our grand daughter is only 12, so she has time to overcome one of the great American lies.
Unless you live in California, you can't make a living wage at hauling people out of a pool, or body of water. According to O'Reilly, "all the trillions" that the government has poured into poor people's programs since the middle 1960's hasn't done much good. Poverty rates have remained constant, and a problem for the poor in particular, and America in general.
I have worked for as little as .75 an hour and as much as $30, I can tell you I was happier at $30 then the .75 I was making back in 1959. The biggest problem with poverty today, or any other day for that matter has been low wages perpetrated by the great American industrial process. I would bet the milk money that 75% of the benefits for low income people could be cut if living wages were paid for an honest days work.
Put that in your pipe Mr. "big boy" Bill O'Reilly, and smoke it with your girlfriends.
I watch Bill O'Reilly maybe once a week, usually resulting in a good belly laugh, or a kind of stunned feeling that I just heard something on the Fox network that made less then no sense. To say that O'Reilly is "opinionated" would be an understatement, to say that his "rantings" made constructive sense, would be stretching the boundaries of even conservative thinking at times.
O'Reilly has a staff of "gofers" feeding him all manner of information with regards to which topics he might be using on a particular night. I am sure that he takes the information, disregards some of the facts so that they fit into whatever conservative stance he might take.
On the O'Reilly Factor, July 26th. 2011, "big Bill" took aim at the federal government's efforts to aid the poor. O'Reilly mixed in a little "pursuit of happiness," how the American government, "the greatest government and country on the face of the earth," gives people the ability through hard work to achieve the "American dream." Money, happiness, and stability for themselves and their family members.
In other words, "if you work hard, good things will happen." My wife said as much to one of our grand daughters yesterday. Learn to swim, go the extra mile with regards to safety training, and you can become a lifeguard. Luckily our grand daughter is only 12, so she has time to overcome one of the great American lies.
Unless you live in California, you can't make a living wage at hauling people out of a pool, or body of water. According to O'Reilly, "all the trillions" that the government has poured into poor people's programs since the middle 1960's hasn't done much good. Poverty rates have remained constant, and a problem for the poor in particular, and America in general.
I have worked for as little as .75 an hour and as much as $30, I can tell you I was happier at $30 then the .75 I was making back in 1959. The biggest problem with poverty today, or any other day for that matter has been low wages perpetrated by the great American industrial process. I would bet the milk money that 75% of the benefits for low income people could be cut if living wages were paid for an honest days work.
Put that in your pipe Mr. "big boy" Bill O'Reilly, and smoke it with your girlfriends.