Saturday, July 9, 2011


All her misunderstanding about current events, her misspeaking and stretching the facts, Michele Bachmann at least kept her signature off a piece of paper so that, down the road she could, deny, deny, deny. Politicians say things every day that are untrue, or slant an issue in their favor, or flat get something wrong. But to sign a pledge, "wow," a big mistake, it ranks right up there with a guy video taping his extra marital affair.

The pledge, titled "The Marriage Vow: A Declaration of Dependence Upon Marriage and Family," originated with a group led by Bob Vander Plaats, a frustrated unsuccessful GOP gubernatorial candidate and Evangelical Christian leader in Iowa.  The group, the Family Leader, is  asking all GOP 2012 candidates to sign it.

The pledge asks signatories to be faithful to their spouses and to the United States Constitution. I'm not sure what that has to do with doing a governmental job, you know, faithful to your spouse and the Constitution. Can't a guy be faithful to his spouse when he's with his her, and not faithful to the constitution and then faithful to the Constitution when he's working, but not to his spouse? 

It all seems a bit confusing to me, "is a politician at work 24/7," I mean, they do get paid a pretty good wage and their benefits are "to kill for," but on duty 24/7, I think that is a lot too ask from an elected official. There's got to be some personal time, you know, for rest and relaxation.

The pledge also condemns adultery, "and quickies," why would anybody condemn....."wait quickie divorce," I'm sorry, I read it wrong." The 2 page document also decries infidelity, pornography, cohabitation and the Islamic Sharia law. The document also suggests that more African-American children are born out of wedlock now then when they were under slavery, "well.....sure, they have more time."

The pledge also warns that the "institution of marriage is under "great crisis," "ya I can agree with that one, when an "institution" is successful only about 50% of the time, I'd call that a real bummer, but the unsuccessful rate of marriages isn't do to any political view, or preference,  it's usually do to money problems, people out of work, or incompatibility. 

The pledge/document also takes exception to homosexuality and it's decaying effect on society, is a risky lifestyle, and is genetically against the laws of nature, "you know," to desire another of your own gender. Genetics come into the conversation when Mr. Vander Plaats states that heterosexual inclinations are determined at birth, and are as irresistible as skin color and as innate a trait like race, gender and eye color.

This guy, Bob Vander Plaat, is an Iowa Hawkeye, where they take their political views pretty serious, and pretty conservatively.  I could care less, "I'm not running for anything," about what fringe "whack job outfit" is crusading for. I don't like "homo's," I don't like their lifestyles, I think that they are misguided and weak individuals, but I have no right to try and force my opinion on those that feel "completed" by laying with one another, it's their business. "Oh, and by the way, homosexuals do not attack straights."

Every election cycle, some new fringe issue comes out of the woodwork, I guess religiosity, the institution of marriage and protecting it are this years "hot button" issues. Stay tuned, I'm sure that they will change, and for God's sake, quite drinking the water in Iowa. 

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