Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Okay, I get it, America is at war and everything that goes along with that statement, "war" is "inbounds," as harsh as that statement may seem, American military will use every weapon at it's disposal to win that war. It shouldn't be any other way, soldiers lives are at risk, billions of dollars are being spent and I guess national security and our way of life is at stake.

But changing the news stories, "staging" rescues, decorating fallen soldiers, when in actuality the man was shot by friendly fire. Calling no attacks by foreign aggressors on the United States since September 11, 2001 a mark of successful acts by every protective force in the country, hoisting the flag up every pole whenever possible and wearing those stupid lapel flag pins is kind of "pushing the envelope," kind of singing the praises of war.

I thought the biggest and best deterrent to war was the cost, both in life and money, I never knew, for many Americans, war and the participation therein was the defining moment in many Americans lives, I never knew that we had sunk "as a country," so low.

Whenever a dead soldier's remains are returned home, and he is honored, "as he/she should be," one point is pounded home, the fact that the "young person sacrificed his life to protect the American way of life." I find that mode of thinking to be completely impossible to follow and sadly, a complete fallacy. Our way of life is not at threat by the Muslim people, get used to that fact.

The United States has by far the greatest military power on the face of the planet, and also in the history of the planet. When an American kid is asked what he wants for Christmas, more then half the time he wants a computer. When you ask a little Muslim kid what he wants for Christmas, his retort is that he "wants a stick." The Muslim kid usually doesn't have electricity to power a computer, he wants a stick to beat off the flies. It's much the same when making war against the United States, computers against sticks.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were never the United States to win, only to lose. Both wars are on foreign soil, one was the result of retaliation for an attack on American, "Afghanistan," and the other was a pre-emptive, "Iraq," war supposedly to deter a nuclear attack.

Both wars were poorly planned and little logistics were used and next to no understanding of the perceived enemy was in hand. The planners of both wars were like little kids with war toys and the attitude that "we are Americans, we have the right to make war," screw the rest of the world."

When Al Jazeera replaced Wadah Khanfar as that news organization's news director.....through his resignation.....from disclosures by Wiki Leaks, the action once again showed an America "selling" the war, not fighting it.

I don't know about you, but I'm smoldering, just short of burned up by the actions of the "war department" of the United States. The job of soldiers, the job of war planners, the job of the generals, the job of the Congress and the job of the White House is to get the troops OUT of war, not to nurture it. Gees, get the hell going.....and do you jobs. 


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