Okay today were gonna talk about "Daddy and Mommy" parts, so young children should at this time should leave their "trays and cup holders in an upright position," as they leave the room. Everybody under 16 years of age is included, "I'm waiting.....I'm waiting," okay, I hope the room is clear; this subject will be graphic, with finger pointing and name dropping.
ADULTERY.....ugh, there I said it, the "A" word, a word which I might add I know a little about. There are disgusting words to graphically explain the activity behind the word, ADULTERY, "@#&^%. Here are a few of the "dirty words" that are used to describe the act of love making, the use is not intend to offend any of my readers, rather for the full value of the act itself.
"Bam bam, screw bee do doo, wham bam thank you Ma'am, drop your draws and grab your ankles, let’s do it, lets huck, lets holly huck, you know you want it, great, your tops off, now let’s get to the real goodies, trust me, lets screw, let’s get r done, of course I'll respect you in the morning.....I gotta go, and finally, lets f---.
Playing around on your wife, your man, your girl friend, your significant other or in any way casting an atmosphere of distrust in a relationship is usually a killer for the relationship. Lies, cheating or getting a little booty on the side does not make you a better man, or women, it simply submarines whatever relationship that you might have with your designated mate.
Without exception, adulterous liaisons lead nowhere, sure they make you feel good, give you a better prospective of yourself, can be fun, and the newness never seems to wear off. The sex is great, and your liaison-mate might seem to never tire of trying new erotic positions.....even the Pretzel hold, but in the end, even though the sex is past great, there will come a time when you will miss your "soul mate" unless she /he is a real dog. If that is the case, pack your bags and hit the road with your "new" soul mate, you will be making a way better decision.
Did you know that 23 states have laws on the books that make adultery a crime, punishable by up to life in prison; some states have a fine system which starts at $10 a violation, man that would make some people with a balance of thousands of dollars. The thing that gets me is that men, men in powerful positions, men in the public eye simply don't get it. First they showed incredible stupidity for venturing "outside their neighborhood" for this type of activity. Didn't you ever hear of "cell-cams" even I know about them.
If any of these jokers are running for high profile, elected positions, their personal life is differently going to be put under the microscope for everybody to see. Personally I could care less about Herman Cain or old Newtered Gingrich's bedroom exploits, whatever they can get "on the side" is fine with me, but don't expect to get a pass when you run for public office, it's not going to happen.
And guess what, there is a segment of the United States electorate that does care about moral behavior. Then the simply stupid takes over, they deny, deny, deny, the "I never heard of that person," "have never seen that person," and technically, "some sexual acts are not really sexual acts at all," so technically I didn't have sex with that person.
It never ceases to amaze me that decent men/women, sound and true can be swayed by the carnal knowledge, the wispy scent of a women, or the musk of a man. God truly did create us all the same, at least in one aspect. This fascination with illicit sex, "at least to the moral code that we all must live by," usually takes those involved down a slippery slope with no "return ticket" to the summit.
For me, I could care less what an elected official does behind closed doors, but there is still an involuntary thought in the back of my mind that whispers "liar, liar, pants on fire." It's a thought that I simply can't suppress, and more often than not, affects my voting practices. Down through the annals of history, powerful men have indulged themselves on sex. To a lesser extent, women are as guilty as men, women just haven't had as many opportunities as men, "hang in there girls," your time is fast approaching.
People in many states, "23 to be exact" can be prosecuted for their indiscretions.....regarding sex. Many of these laws are antiquated, enacted decades ago and even hundreds of years in the past. They are challenged as unconstitutional, but many of these states, their legislature and the residence resist removing such laws mostly because of somewhat outdated morality crime feelings. It's kind of like the "last port in the storm" a "safe place," away from the sinful ways that at times seem to dominate America.
Some people are actually addicted to sex, can't stay away from it, and seek out willing partners to have their way with. I thought I was addicted to sex, but my wife put an end to any misgivings that I had with regards to our sex life. Until I met my future wife, fell in love with her, got married had 3 healthy kids; I never knew that a kiss constituted a sexual act. I however do know that kissing cannot create kids; they come "somehow" from a stork.
As the country approaches another election year, I am wondering exactly how far we have come as a race of people, how do we track our progression, how do we measure our successes. Are we a moral people, are we worthy of carrying the mantle of human decency. Most of us have skeletons in our closet, most of us have indiscretions that we try and forget.
I guess, at least for me, I need to remember that when I view, watch, or read about a political candidate, and possibly "temper" how I feel about that person. We are a nation that for whatever reason, figures that an elected official needs to be on a different plain, better than the average guy, above reproach. I guess that is the real fly in the ointment, we forget who these people really are.....human, like us.