Friday, November 4, 2011


(Frazer Chronicle)

I'm confused, when I was in high school, after a football game, my high school would sponsor a "victory" dance, complete with teacher and parental chaperone's. It was like "chicks on parade." especially if you played an intricate part in a win, you were greeted like .....well.....a "Greek God," it was just great. I can't tell you the number of times that I got.....well, use your own imagination you can probably guess what "I got."

Dancing at school dances was, granted, a little strange by today's standards, the Twist, the Watusi or the Bristol Stomp are out, looking back, the younger generation today has very little over us, my generation could "cut a rug" with any of them, we "rocked." I do remember, I believe it was my junior year, dipping was Verboten, absolutely no dipping allowed, no close dancing either, "what a drag."

Now I hear that dance fans have even went further, doing a double dip, wow, I want to try that step(s), it sounds "keen." However I'm not sure that librarian Pearl Phistz, or gym teacher Mary Jane Draper, chaperone's at almost every dance would have allowed the double dip. I think both women were professional chaperon's during my time in high school and set a pretty strict set of rules to govern behaviour at our dances.

Well you can imagine my shock when I learned that double dipping had nothing what-so-ever to do with a new dance step, rather was a veiled attack on tax-payer funds. A retire-rehire scam to collect payment for first, retiring, establishing a payment rate of retirement pay, and then being rehired to their "old" position at the same rate of pay as when they left, and the best's legal, "ain't that neat."

I know it's true because it happened right here in good old Packerland, "Green Bay, Wisconsin," where two college professors retired from their positions, one being paid $115,000 a year and the other $104,000 .  Several weeks later, both were rehired at their same salaries, but with brand new pension payments respectively at $65,000 and $40,000 a year. "Great work if you can get it."

These two jokers, teachers at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay deny any wrong-doing, "huh," the morals of the activity stink. I don't have the time, energy, or am I going to take my limited vocabulary to try and express my feelings about these two dinks. This practice happens all over the state of Wisconsin and in many venues.


Greece is in a terrible financial mess, their economy is in the proverbial toilet, thanks in large part to generous government benefits that could never be sustained. Some stunning facts related to the Grecian governmental practices, and it's pretty easy to see why the entire countries economy is flatter then a floozy, or lower then Whale crap on the bottom of the ocean.

Nearly 50% of the Greek population works for the government, the average age of retirement is the early 50's, "with 100% of their regular pay, lavish bonuses to upper tier workers, "sometimes as lavish as an entire years pay." Well over 50% of the Greek population pays -0- taxes as their tax laws are in the same place that the countries economy is, "the crapper."

The good times are clearly over for these people, it's time to "pony up the dough ray me," to begin to pay more then a fair share, "because you haven't for so long." Time to "pay the fiddler," as Antony Quin said in Zorba the Greek, to "cough it up," to "make things right."

The United States is on the edge of the Greeks, what with the wild payment plans, and the unsustainable practice that have been the norm, like I mentioned at the beginning of today's edition. It's time to pay the fiddler, it's time to prioritize where taxpayer money goes, how our government works and what we "allow" to go on, after all, there's more of us then them.

The double dip, sadly is not a new dance step to get a bit closer to your partner, rather a way to get into the pockets of the American taxpayer, and to "get yours before it's all gone."

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