Wednesday, March 14, 2012



Did you ever wonder where they come up with the names that are used for foreign military bases, or troop movements, military battles or skirmishes, they are, in a way romantic and evoke a sense of history, of toughness and urgency, the names quotable. The propaganda mills had to be working overtime to accomplish their desired effects.

I mean "Camp Leatherneck," come on, I can't think of a better way to describe where military news from the United States should come from. Called something like Camp Rhino, or Camp Kick Ass, or Camp Testicles in a Jar, or my favorite Camp Redneck with an Attitude.

And then there are the military combat operations which seem to be named for the overall objective of a particular mission. There are names that begin with the word operation, operation eagle's summit, operation silicon, volcano, Achilles, falcon summit or operation Lastay Kulang. Of course there are pretty much standard names like Enduring Freedom, operation Anaconda, or operation mountain thrust, or fury.

And then there's the Tarnak Farm Incident, which is located near Kandahar, Afghanistan and the local airport. The camp, yes that's right "Al-Qaeda use central casting names to," was believed to be the training site for many of the September 11th hijackers and other top terrorists.

In addition to the farm being a training base for those who wanted to donate their lives for the cause and go to heaven and live with 20 virgins, it was allegedly one of Osama Bin Laden safe houses. U.S. authorities occupied the farm and claimed to have captured a "treasure trove" of information.

Although the operation names change as well as the missions, war continues in Afghanistan, more people are killed and millions spent every day in the effort. Originally the U.S. went to war in Afghanistan to rid the world of Osama Bin Laden, hey, guess what, that mission has been accomplished and he wasn't even living in the country. But that's okay; our military burned the bastard down and then threw his body into the sea.

So.....what are we still doing in the country, still fighting.....who, I don't know? And now we got that old hag, "Hillary sure didn't age very well," Clinton trotting that old tired line, "we were attacked," and "that's why we're there" crap. She also cited the old "we are safer today because we are in the country," and "we are creating a better future for the Afghan people."

A poll released yesterday listed 60% of Americans against any further military action in the country, which I find distressing. That means that 40% still figure we should stay in Afghanistan, which means that 4 in 10 don't realize that one of the biggest reason Russia fell apart was because of the war with Afghanistan. I can just hear some of those 40% saying, "No it was President Reagan that defeated Russia." I guess those people forgot that the biggest thing Reagan did was preside over the Screen Actors Guild, not the United States federal government.

All the posturing, all the speeches and all the bleeding hearts for war aside, the United States is in Afghanistan for three reasons and three reasons only, to secure a foothold from which to launch military activity when necessary, to safeguard petroleum resources and to continue the crazy military industrial complex.

This I know, and this is true, when 4 in 10 feel that a stupid war is justified, no matter the cost, our country is in horrible shape and if just one more person falls in with the war makers, then we got ourselves a 50/50 deal and those rednecks will drown out the peace doves every time.


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