Thursday, April 12, 2012


DRIVE-BY UNITED STATES MEDIA (Google News/Frazer Chronicle)

I must have missed something.....I was under the impression that the Keystone XL pipeline was on hold, that the tree hugging liberals, that the environmentalists "wackos" had won and the pipeline from Canada through the U.S. to the gulf of Mexico was at least on hold.

Several weeks ago I wrote a blog about how the press seemed to be digging up the dusty bones of the pipeline idea, so the issue could be re-examined, re-dissected and re-debated, "Geez… don't these guys ever get enough."

All the arguments are back, the increased employment of 20,000, the new roads, buildings, and fattening economies in the pipeline areas and states. It’s a well financed campaign by a country, Canada, and the oil industry to overturn President Obama's decision to "go slow."

Canada has said it will deliver its sand-oil to other countries for production, kind of like a professional sports team here in the United States threatening to move its sports franchise to a new location and venue.

The calendar date has changed, but it's the same tired argument as in the past, in fact these arguments have been used for decades and usually with winning results for whatever mineral removing companies were involved. It's a dangerous game that these industrial kings are playing, a game where the rules are bent which-ever way the kings may be favor.

The rules are what some would call the "blame game," blame everything that is bad about the issue on the President. Gas prices go up, Obama's fault; people out of work, the Muslim did it, cats and dogs living together, Obama's fault.

Actually, pumping sandy oil slush through a 3 foot round pipe is a relatively new idea that should be studied for as long as the study takes. Whenever you inject a sand-oil mixture, under high pressure, into a pipe that will travel more than 2000 miles, you open yourself up for all kinds of environmental possibilities.

I for one am glad that the President has decided to take it slow with regards to the proposed pipeline; it seems the germane thing to do. No matter whether the pipeline is approved or not, the price of gasoline at the pumps won't be altered, at least in the short term.

You people seem to understand so little about all the stuff that is swirling around your heads, it sometimes gives me a pain in my ass, prices are set by a bunch of different issues, none of which involves the President of the United States.

Letting a bunch of sand laced oil unto the Texan coast of the Gulf of Mexico will do little if anything with regards to the price of a gallon of gas at the pumps from Los Angles, to Boston, to Atlanta, to Chicago. The prices already have been regulated.

Why doesn't everybody simply back off, and let those powers that their collective job, it would make a tough issue so much easier for everybody. For news outlet to seemingly "hawk" an issue seems outrageous and manipulated.

Of course many of those dim-witted people out there might simply like the taste of petroleum laced water and the good things it does to your hair when you wash it.

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