Friday, September 28, 2012


(Edward Warriner/Frazer Chronicle)
Ya know, everybody has one, some are bigger than others, some are flashy, some are bubbled, some are flat and some don't make any sense at all. Of course you’re wondering exactly what I'm talking about, it's a perfectly legitimate question so I'll tell you, but not just yet.
We are in the season when the whores come to our door, call us on the phone, send emails, use conventional postings through the United States postal service to keep us posted to what is happening, and use television and radio to get their whore message out there. Who the hell am I talking about, and where are these whores located, again, legitimate question, and'll have to wait.
These whores seek money for services rendered, actually these services are promised, if we give them enough money, or fall for the junk that they say, or print, or that we seen on television, in the news papers, or on the radio.
Is this legal you might ask, the solicitation that these whores use, there seeming friendly way in which they approach us, they stroke our egos, or our patriotic sense, or, like "comfort food," they say whatever it is we seemingly want to hear. We volunteer, donate our money, and cheer for our particular whore.
Now I realize that almost everybody knows what the oldest profession in the world is, it's been going on for centuries, boy meets girl, wants a more meaningful relationship then the girl usually wants, but presto, in some cases, a price is agreed upon, and everybody is happy.
The second oldest profession in the world has got to be politicians, "you can't count goat herders, to them, herding goats in a way of life." You can't blame these guys and gals, they simply do not know any better. It's in their blood, the water that they drink, and the food they eat. It has to be these things, why else would any sane person want to put up with the crap that these people do?
The very second you decide to enter public office, almost on any level, you have no more private time, your new address, "100 Fish Bowl Street, Any Town, America." People in public office, on the highest of levels age, on average, 5 years for every one year that they hold a public office. Take a look at what is happening to Barack Obama. I rest my case. I'd list George W. Bush in that category, but stupid doesn't count in the aging process.
I read an email this morning that just got my blood boiling, it was obviously sent by a right wing wacko neo-con who feels his opinions come from God.....but gee, fella, that just isn't true. Let me give you-all a few tidbits of this guy’s rantings.
(What Obama inherited)       (What we have now)
AAA credit rating             AA credit rating
7.8% unemployment            8.3% unemployment
$1.81 gas/gallon                $3.93 gas/gallon
$10 trillion debt                $15 + trillion debt
2 wars                                3 wars
26 weeks unemployment            99 weeks unemployment
Annual budget                  No annual budget
You know, without exception I agree with good old Eddy, he hit the nail right on the head with his opinions, but gee fella, ya left a bunch out. I'm not gonna get into the semantics of how you arrived at your statistics, "it would be hopeless" to try and point out where what you say may be technically right, my opinion where we are today is because both George W. Bush and President Obama were both screwing the pooch, or simply dropped the ball as it were.
The only thing I hold former president Bush at fault for is his stupid war in Iraq and Afghanistan, he and his administration through some stupid revenge deal got us warring in two countries, botched getting Osama bin Laden, and actually was responsible for murdering Saddam Hussein.
I blame President Obama for keeping the United States in Afghanistan.....and Iraq for as long as he did, and I guess Eddy is referring to the Libya thing last spring. To my way of thinking there almost is never a reason for going to war.....with anybody. War is not a pissing contest, war kills people, destroys countries, and isn't a necessary evil.
It's the whoring season my friends, it's been around forever, it happens every single year of our lives on some level, why don't we get used to it, be involved, and get the right guy in office, "for one term only." I'm all for term limits, it would cut down on much of the whoring.
And yes, everybody has one.....and it's not where we plant our butt, it's what we think say and do, experience also has a bearing, it's our opinions. Look through all the bull that patricians seem to gloat over, I am an American, I have absolutely no affiliation with any political party, I watch, read, converse, and listen before I formulate an you?
So in the final analysis, after all is said and done.....these people who opinion-ate along party lines, or have an unshakable feeling about how things are, or are supposed to be can simply BITE ME!

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