(Deltawin/Frazer Chronicle)
N.P.R. "National Public Radio" really has it all together, the radio network is pretty much nation-wide, and unlike talk radio, offers both sides of an issue equal time to express their differing opinions.....and then "doesn't express their own opinion on the subject."
Ya that's right, a radio host that doesn't interrupt, doesn't talk over guests, and doesn't call people derogatory names," I know, I know, it's hard to believe.....but it's true, "way to go N.P.R." I wish there were more like you out there.
I was listening this morning to this political scientist, "I'm not sure what that means," and he was talking about election trends, political polls, and how they, "polls" can effect voters. This one women called in, and talked at length about the importance of religion in our leaders, and how the issue plays out in every election at least for her and many of her friends.
She didn't name "her friends," but I will.....they are "bubble people," those people that live in a bubble and have little or no idea about what is going on within the confines of our country, and surely not with the world at large.
This lady, I'll call her "Bubett" said that "she now felt at ease about both Obama, and Romney because they both had expressed their belief in God." She, "Bubett" was now thinking of voting for the current President because of this fact.....Obama's religion. She was, and is a Republican, voted for McCain in the last election, but now that Obama was a religious man, and she didn't like some of what Romney seemed to stand for, this single fact, about religion, might give her an alternative.
Without a doubt, this women is the epitome of stupidity, obviously she's never heard about the separation of church and state, or the wall that exists between church and state, and has since 1801 when Thomas Jefferson wrote these now famous word:
"I contemplate with Sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should (make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,) thus building a wall of separation between Church & State."
You know the questions that seem to plague us every four years or so, the radical Godless left, the uncaring right wing. Two different thought processes that never seem to come together and work for the good of the whole of America. Both sides, liberals and conservatives have their "hawks" who beat their collective differing drums.
Pledging ones allegiance to a country, or saying the Lord's prayer at the beginning of every school day isn't outdated, or for that matter an influence to be patriotic or religious, it's something I did every morning of my "school career" until either the 7th. or 8th. grade. It was simply a quite time before the rigors of the school day began.
And believe it or not, today I can understand the questions surrounding what I took for granted and never questioned, before the start of every single day in my early schooling years. Pledging allegiance to a flag, or saying a prayer doesn't make a kid a patriot, or a religious zealot, it's just something that we did.
I didn't pen this phrase, but I've found it to be accurate, "I don't trust anybody who doesn't drink, smoke, or swear." Everybody has a flaw, a weak point, or a soft spot for something a religious person shouldn't have. I think it's why we call ourselves human beings. We all were born in sin.....if you believe that kind of stuff.
My mother, "rest her soul" was a private person with regards to her religion, she felt that her religion was something to be lived each and every day of her life. One of her "weaknesses" was food, my mother lived to eat, loved to cook, and loved to serve others with what she had prepared. I have somewhat the same problem with food, and like my mother, I've battled all my life with weight problems.
Religion has absolutely no place in politics in our country, with almost no exception. Women's rights, equal rights should be practiced by everybody.....and it will happen just as soon as women decide that they really don't need a man to hold a door for them, or expect men to "man up," when it comes to dealing with a situation, how they may be treated, or what their "manly responsibilities are."
Religious wars have been going on for centuries throughout the world, these wars are an example of the weaknesses that each of us has as human beings. Why would one religion be better then another.....ya, I can't figure that one out either.
There are hundreds of religions around the world, some believe one way, another believes another, yet every religion has a supreme being, a "boss" if you will, that must be respected, prayed to, and tithed too.
I never have figured out way people need to pay, monetarily to a religious supreme being, somehow it almost seems like a luxury tax, like I got this big old Cadillac, or this huge boat, and I gotta pay a luxury tax on. I understand that God is great, and he's good, but he needs 10% of my, that seems a bit high in this day and age.
I something, and my belief does in fact have a supreme being, my belief is kind of like a the devil can't corner me. My religion, my quiet, is personal and private, how I was raised. I do not judge people, or at least I try not to. I don't feel that I have that right. I of course have an opinion, but it's only my opinion.....and we all know that people have at least two things that are the same, a posterior area and an opinion, and both should be kept to ones self.
I know it's close to elections, whether the current president, or the challenger capture the office, I would hope that religion isn't a deciding would be a mistake of monumental proportion. Not being "religious" does not make a person bad, it makes them kind of clueless, and searching for answers.....kinda like the rest of us.....damn.
Anyways, like the man on the television ad said, "vote early.....and often!
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