Acosta, Brianna Keilar, CNN)
Crawford, CBS News, Jill Mahoney)
Robinson, Barry Carin, David Bosco, Frazer Chronicle)
is a really good one, it’s so bizarre and the thinking is so flawed that normal people would call it what
it really is…..a joke that is played on
the entire world. The G-20 is
made up of Financial Ministers and Central Bank Governors from 19 nations, plus
the European Union…..gee, they can’t even add right, or don’t know what
constitutes a nation…..because where I come from a European Union is not a country, it’s a group of European business
people that have vested interests in making profits.
G-20 has been around since 1999, and
superseded the G-33, which itself
had superseded the G-22, and the G-7. Seems to be a lot of G’s to
me. No matter, one theme throughout the G’s
history was an effort to build a sustaining prosperity, for who I’m
not sure, and worse, I don’t believe that the current or former G’s had a clue of how to build a sustainable
future either.
G-20 was created as a response to
both the financial crisis of 2007-2010 and to a growing recognition that key
emerging countries were not adequately included in the core of global economy
discussion and governance.
nations are South Africa, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina,
China, Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Russia, Turkey, Germany, France,
United Kingdom, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Australia, and the afore mentioned
European Union.
19 countries represent the following regions of the world; Africa, North
America, South America, Asia, Eurasia, Middle East and the Oceania’s. China and
India have by far the greatest populations, China, 1,339,742,852, and India,
1,210,193,422, while Saudi Arabia and Australia have the smallest, 27,123,977,
and 22,328,632 respectably.
this time I’m sure that you’re wondering where I’m going with this subject, and…..I’m
glad you would ask that question. The answer is as easy just like a zucchini
Martini, all the meetings, all the planning, and all the huff and bluff has
amounted to -0-, zip, nada, butkus. There is little change in the overall
financial picture in the world today.
little exception these people that meet yearly, sit and mull over the financial
issues of the day with absolutely little understanding about what makes the
world tick! It really isn’t their fault, after all, how can most of
these people relate to not having enough money for a pack of cigarettes, a six
pack of beer or enough money to buy their babies milk.
of the decisions that these people make, all in the name and attitude of making
things better financially not only for the world, but for their particular
regions mostly offer financial rewards for a thin slice of their countries
won’t go up, living conditions won’t improve, health care will remain stagnant
and basically unattainable, and educating the young will, in many instances
will remain only a dream. There is genocide in South Africa, pitifully low
wages in Mexico, China, India, Japan, Indonesia, and South Korea…..yet each of
these countries are members of the G-20.
sitting members of this year’s G-20 are
almost interchangeable, with the exception of the sheet, that the guy from
Saudi Arabia wears, or the towels that the India fellow has, or funny little
hat that the representative from India wears.
are politicians, financial ministers, advisors, and country leaders, a perfect
reason to exclude each and every one of them. It’s been the same type of people
since the G’s began back in the late 1990’s.
Change is needed, change is necessary…..or maybe the G’s should just go away,
buried in their unsuccessful meetings of the past 14 years.
world representatives really aren’t doing anything except gaining face time on the evening news
back in their native countries. And today there is a shadow that hangs over the
summit, of course that shadow of Syria and really the entire Middle Eastern
part of the world.
Obama won’t be attending the G this
year because of disgruntled and ruffled feelings between the president, and the
Russian President, Vladimir Putin. It seems as if Russia and the United States,
missing their cold war rivalry of some
40 years would like to re-establish those hawkish attitudes and feelings.
okay now for the U.S. to hit Syria in a military strike, Senator John McCain has
endorsed President Obama’s wish to enter into a military confrontation with
Syria, what kind of campaign is anybody’s guess. I’ve said it before and I’ll
say it again, it’s the Iraq scenario all over again…..where is Colin Powell
when the country needs him?
connection between the G-20 summit
and Syria is hard to follow…..not really if you observe the sign-posts. There has been, and
there is a hell-of-a-lot of money to be made off of war, and as my dad used to
say, “war thins the human herd.” There
is talk of punishment for the Syria government’s use of chemical against their own people.
a minute here, will there be any collateral damage involved, will women,
children and old people suffer like they always do when either a country or collation
of nations decide to mete out punishment for a perceived transgression?
I’m kind of sick of this masking
of reasons to enter into a confrontation because there is a perceived act to harm civilians…..in
somebody’s country. Now there seems to be a galvanizing of political parties
here in the United States with regards to agreement on this military strike
thing…..and it worries me, and I don’t like it.
year’s G-20 will be held in
Petersburg, Russia and mixed in with the financial issues will be Russian
President Putin’s warning to the West on unilateral attack on Syria, the line
is not in sand, I think it’s in concrete.
of financial growth is…..to me kind of like a new freeway here in Wisconsin, it
looks good, does create jobs and money, travels well…..but the rotting surface roads stay the same…..in
ill-repair, and in the end you’ve just created more roads to repair that never
seem to get repaired.
the financial growth of the world is really, really to become more than just a
silky dream, and rhetoric, there needs to be a game plan. More people need to
be drawn into the conversation, real people, people that have experienced the
harsh realities of being poor.
Syria for whatever action was taken by the current regime against their own
people might seem like the best thing to do…..but it’s only a perception, and
really is a knee jerk reaction to an already pathetic situation…..and needs to
be handled diplomatically.
crap that if the United States does not act in a forceful and decisive manner
regarding the Syrian situation is…..well just that, a load of crap. Do the war
mongers of the United States really think that other countries or the so called
terrorist groups of the world will view the U.S. as weak…..I seem to recall
another time, and another country that felt that way…..that was Japan on
December 7th 1941, and we all know what the final outcome there was.
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