Monday, March 17, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)


I really had high hopes, I thought the man was going to be one for all seasons, silly boob that I am, I got sucked right in, and bamboozled too, boy, I’m a double threat…..of who not to follow in a national election that is as important as the presidency of the United States. I watched, I listened, I read, and by God I hoped, hoped that this slender articulate black man would be the one to deliver the goods.

Once again I was disappointed, the candidate, Barack H. Obama met one of my top criteria…..not to have been in political office for very long, he just made my cut, having served in public office for a decade when he was tapped to run for the presidency of the United States as the first black man…..and more important, to oppose that old war hawk, John McCain, and his ditsy running mate, Sarah Palin.

The country was (in my opinion), tired of George W. Bush, his junk and the collection of political hacks that actually were pretty dangerous. One day the collection of political toughs that the Bush administration recruited I have no doubt will be rated as one of the poorest excuses for a representative governing body that was ever assembled in one administration.  

I won’t dwell on Bush and his hack jobbing political bully boys, but I will say this, George W. Bush has been removed from the White House for over half a decade now, and the reverberations that his administration did is just now coming to the forefront…..his burping of a government job will be exhaling gas for years to come.

But we are now well into President Obama’s second and last term in the office of the U.S. presidency, and I for one am glad he can’t be elected for a third term. I just hope that he won’t be allowed to do a bunch of damage the way his predecessor did.

To a degree, the approval rating of a president here in the United States is tied to a popularity contest; it’s the way human nature works…..just more so here in the U.S. Without exception, how a candidate carries himself, how he might address a political issue and the exuberance that he displays goes a long way in determining how well he’ll be accepted by the masses.


Barack Obama was not elected in 2008 to be popular, and he sure as hell wasn’t reelected in 2012 to be popular, Barack H. Obama was elected to do a job, and reelected to finish that job. The only thing is…..what was the job(s) that a majority of the American people wanted their president to initiate, and then finish?

For me, the encouraging issue with Obama was the fact that he said that he’d get the United States out of Iraq, would shut Guantanamo Bay, would help to curtail the effects and the power of lobbyists, and would promote universal health care as a national priority.

Obama did get the U.S. out of Iraq (December 2011) and although it wasn’t an election and campaign priority, he did track down Osama bin Laden and kill him, although from where I sat that Sunday night, it was more like a murder being carried out than capturing a war criminal.

As the Obama administration moved towards some sort of universal health care (I never was going to depend on Obama-care, my wife and I have our own plan), progress seemed to be spasmodic at best, and a dismal failure at its worst.

Whatever the reason was, Obama health care failed to take a strong place in America’s health care programs…..and with the deadline fast approaching, problems still persist, and millions of people either refuse the plan, or chose to pay the $95 penalty for not having any health coverage.

Republicans can say all they want about Obama’s foreign policies; I call his foreign policies hawkish, and dangerous. The U.S. had no business in Libya, and has absolutely no business in the Crimean or the Ukraine.

What will President Obama do in his final three years at the helm of the most powerful military country on the planet…..I’m not sure. However I do know that he (Obama) worries about his popularity and subscribes to different polls as a way to map out some of his for the week.

Obama does get some credit for the economic recovery, because he kept worse things from happening, and he’s made good his promise to get out of Iraq, and will seemingly get out of Afghanistan by year’s end and ended the military’s stupid don’t ask, don’t tell policy, and endorsed same-sex marriage, helping top bend the historical arc of gay rights…..and he did win a Nobel Peace Prize.


The ease with which we occupy, or invade countries is a bothersome issue that won’t go away any time soon. How government bends international laws is also a sore point with me, and there are times that Obama uses tax threats the same way Republicans do.

Although the president has taken a stand on abortion and gay marriage, and kind-of-a-stance on immigration, I am far from satisfied with his opinions, stance, or action on any of these subjects. I’ve also had a problem with the Obama administration and their unemployment stance; I’m not understanding how we can continue to pay people for not working. If the fed deems it necessary to pay people for not working, let’s create work for these people, like clearing forest lands, or building parks, and paying wages that way.

And Mr. President…..compromise is a real word; a word that you and you’re administration should learn how to use…..of course the Republicans need to brush up on the word also. Until compromise becomes standard and understood in the halls of government…..little will get done… Mr. President, be a leader, throw compromise around a little, get used to its feel, you’ll find that the word can help in many sticky situations.



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