the News That Nobody Else Will Print)
am so sick of partisan politicking…..and the silly season (election cycle) is
almost upon us, I’m not sure what us quote-unquote sane people are going to do. The latest salvo across the bow, at
least here in Wisconsin is Governor Scott Walker lumping Democratic candidate Mary
Burke and former Governor Jim Doyle together when talking about Burke’s stand
on raising taxes to the tune of billions of dollars between 2005 and 2010.
accused Doyle of raising the burden of higher taxes on the middle class through
tax hikes on nursing home beds, gas, phone and garbage. The tax hikes created
billions in state deficits, and unemployment rates higher than the national
believe that anybody who reads my blogs understands the disdain that I have for
politicians, Democrats, Republicans, Teabaggers…..and any other political party
that’s out there. The United States is in trouble…..deep trouble, almost to the
point where a fix is impossible. Don’t get me wrong, America is, and has been,
a grand experiment, possibly the grandest and greatest in the history of the
there are forces out there who figure that the United States is an exception to
the rules of…..well…..humanity. And that is just not true, there are rules and
regulations, not written down, but non-the-less have to be followed,
that the U.S. is simply oblivious of. At this point, the citizens of the world do not care about the needs of the United
States; I’ll say that again, because it bears repeating; citizens of
the world do not care about the needs
of the United States!
tell you why I feel this way, and in the end, if you are swayed to my way of
thinking, you’ll wonder why you didn’t see the simple essence of my thought
process. With very little exception, country’s worry about their own, worry
about the care of their own, and in the end do care for their
own. That is not to say the country’s care for their people is always the best
of efforts, however they do make an attempt to care for their own.
in the United States, we have a jumble of contradicting issues in how to take
care of our own…..and in some cases, the political forces would simply as soon
take the ill, the poor, and the non-producers out into a field under a big oak
tree…..and walk away. Walk away and let those people die, putting an end to the
tedious job of taking care of those less fortunate, or those who aren’t willing
to produce, and work.
Governor Scott Walker, his administration, and his handlers throw out wild
accusations of how a former elected official operated, there are actually two
different trains of thought that emerge here. Of course number one, the
American taxpayer is paying way too much on taxes; and number two, the
programs that will benefit from these taxes are unnecessary.
exception when an additional tax is proposed, there is little or no talk about
what the program that the tax would pay for will do for people, whether these
people are in need, and actually who benefits from whatever program has been
have decided to completely block off these silly politicians and their rhetoric
concerning tax hikes, or those politicians who pledge to never raise taxes. The
tax pledge thing is completely asinine; there are times when, in an emergency, additional
funds are necessary, and the only way to get them is through our tax system.
are always talking about unbalanced budgets, Democrats are always talking about
unbalanced budgets, and both parties are always talking about deficit spending.
And both parties are always selecting committees to study why budgets aren’t
balanced… it’s some kind of secret thing that can’t be understood.
real problem is that we, as the constituency aren’t being represented properly;
there are all sorts of in-fighting between the parties that
wastes the efforts to address the real issues. As I mentioned at the top of
this article, I’m sick and tired of partisanship, bickering like little kids.
It’s a smokescreen that blocks the real issues from view.
say we fire the whole lot of them… more incumbents, vote each and every
jerk…..even those who aren’t jerks. I’m for term limits, get on the band wagon…..let’s
go… term only, one term only, one term only. Sounds like a great war-cry
to me!
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