Wednesday, September 10, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)


Confused…..I’ll bet that you are, I know that I am, what the hell, I never even heard of a Caliphate,  a Levant, or ISIS, or the ISIL until recently, I repeat, “what in the hell is going on with my country.” Before 1961 I kind of understood why the U.S. was running around the world attacking “bad guys,” those jerks who oppressed their people, killing thousands, and depriving millions of their inalienable rights. For me, when I was just beginning to understand the ways of the world, the United States was a good, benevolent country that seemed to kind of be the guardian of the free peoples of the world.


I lived through the Vietnam conflict/war, and as I read, watched, and listened I became more and more angry. My anger grew as the mounting dead or missing U.S. military continued to rise, I wanted to ask the hard questions when it became apparent that whatever mission there had been had long been lost…..kind of like an old newspaper clipping that had been misplaced.


The answers that I got, the same answers that the vast majority of American citizens got was a whole bunch of mumbo-jumbo…..that wasn’t lost in translation because the message we, as a people, were given was untranslatable… was like voodoo, window-dressing… was a distortion of the truth.


The United States has turned into a global hopping military force that is like a virus unleashed upon the world at large. Nobody is safe; the United States has perfected the art of war to such a high degree of success that it has almost taken on a life in and of itself. I think that the United States wages war, not to win, but to perpetuate the act.


I say this with much veracity, there’s way too much money to be made from waging war, not in the United States, but thousands of miles from America’s shores. That’s the art of war in the 21st century, to wage war with high tech war machines from afar, to bomb from the air, to shoot the “bad guys” from miles and miles away. Like a surgical operation… muss or fuss for the U.S. hell in most cases they really don’t know who they’ve killed.


I remember President George W. Bush talking about “the long war,” in the Middle East, and how it would “take years” to eradicate the enemy! Bush wasn’t prophetic; he was simply stating the facts of some conservatives, and the U.S. war department’s efforts. At the time his statement escaped me, and I believe it also didn’t register with many Americans…..but now we should all understand the mission.



Tomorrow will mark the 13th anniversary of September 11, 2001, and in a few weeks some on Capitol Hill will be celebrating our presence in Afghanistan as a milestone in the war on terror. The celebration will be a short affair, in many respects, the U.S. is getting their collective asses handed to them by a rag-tag element of some sort of Islamic faction… hasn’t been pretty, the fight over there.


I said it before, and I’ll say it again, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, or any other Middle Eastern country that we might choose to invade because they are terrorists, or harbor terrorists is not an engagement that the United States can win, and as I’ve said, “I don’t believe that is the aim of the U.S.” the true meaning of the effort is to perpetuate military engagement, engagement of any kind, and with almost any enemy.



The “war effort” that is now happening in the Middle East is all about foot-prints, that much has been alluded to many times over. President Obama has said that engaging ISIS is to protect Americans from those terrorists, and that “Americans should be proud of our servicemen and women who are protecting Americans, and their freedom, and way of life. It’s the exact same message that George W. Bush gave on many occasions during his eight years in office.


It was a lame excuse for war then…..and even though President Obama delivers pretty much the same message today, the only difference between the two presidents is that Obama has a better command of the English language, and articulates his message better.



Like I said, “confused…..I’ll bet you are, I know that I am,” I wasn’t just digging for a catchy intro into today’s blog. As there is an escalation in war efforts in the Middle Eastern area of the world, there seem to be additional (and new) catch words and phrases that only a few understand.


I’m gonna say this once more…..again, “I could care less what happens to people in these sand and burr countries.” I do feel for their plight, and am appalled that humans are killing humans in some sort of genocide effort…..almost like Adolph Hitler did from in the 1930’s into the 1940s, but I feel that we’ve got problems right here in the United States that we aren’t addressing…..that need to be addressed!


The jargon, the messages, and the war effort that the U.S. military seems hell bent to carry on, on its surface completely escapes me. Like I said, “I do believe that the powers that be want to continue a war of some sort.” For me, President Obama was our last hope to get the heck out of these foreign places, but it would appear that he’s now bought into the military effort.


Even though we can’t possibly win almost any kind of conflict in the Middle East, I do have one simple word that would solve all of our military wars, and problems that we encounter…..that word…..ISOLATIONISM!


If nothing else, with isolationism being practiced we could actually solve the problems and the ills that our country faces each and every day. Wow, just one little word would seem to, on the surface, put the country once again on the right path to prosperity…..wouldn’t that be neat.



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