Saturday, August 20, 2011


DEDICATED TO MY "SEESTER." (Frazer Chronicle)
Lets see, she is retired, has as much time as she might need to devote to her inner most desires, has a wonderful husband that "dotes" on her, has a liberal retirement benefit package, a lovely daughter, a beautiful home, a part time job that continues to energize her, great sisters and an internationally renowned brother, yet, she still wants more, unbelievable.

I am that renowned brother, having written in excess of 150 published blogs, yet.....for my adopted "seester" it's not enough. She continues to "bug" me about shorter, more interesting material, material I might add might  one day win me a Pulitzer prize. But even though this takes away from my efforts to only publish "up to the minute" material, I will take the time to attempt to placate my "seester."

I have dedicated this edition of the Frazer Chronicle to my "adopted" baby "seester" Jane, Elizabeth Frazer, Acord, McLean. She wants rock & roll, she's got rock & roll, why I have no clue, most people want only opinion in this type of media, not the make believe world of some "stoned out," leather wearing, crotch bulging nut job.

Elvis Presley, Billy Joel and John Bon Jovi, make way for some of the truly talented rock & roll stars, guys like Johnny Walker, "not the booze," Chris Mbewe who did "Bachibelebense," or Zion Lofwa, member of the Five Revolutions, singer Troy Dale who a singer in the band Kitchen Cing, and Armageddon. Yes, these were household names, at least in their households.

The real grass roots of rock & roll, people like Allen Dalrymple, keyboardist of the band, Felt, authors of such "forgettable" songs as "Look At The Sun," and "Destination." Bruce Knox, an original member of the Allusions who became the famous Split Ends, they did "Rich Worth Nothing," or how about Manfred Schmid, a member of the Monsun who later became Lily and did "Which is This," and "Pinky Pig," 2 great old standbys.

Of course no list of former rock stars would  be complete without Joe Briar, credited with co-writing "The Hokey Pokey," a wonderful little rendition. Of course there was Mary Ann Thomas, a member of The Ad-Libs who sang the "Boy From New York," and "He Ain't No Angel."

Of course everybody knows about the Beatles, the Ronettes, the Everely Brothers, or Foreigner, and who can forget the Wild Eyed Southern Boys, or Stix. Great groups, great music and top preforming band members.

But "come on," lest we forget, groups like the Ultimate Spinach, the Bubble Puppy, The Charging Tyrannosaurus of Despair, Truman Coyote, Kesus Christ And the Nailknockers, Lothar And The Hand People, "who by the way I loved."

Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks, Paul Bear And The Mortitions, Toad The Wet Sprocket, Soft Machine, Dillinger Escape Plan, The Butthole Surfers, Tired & Emotional, and of course, Anarchy Condom, every one a wonderful group of interesting people.

My "seester" also wanted a little Petula "Pet" Clark, a lovely singer who's career started on the B.B.C. back in 1944, DURING THE 2nd. WORLD WAR. Jane, I can only supply the following, "her songs were.....well, kinda hard to take, her voice.....sounded kind of like she had gargled with razor blades, and when you consider that both her mother and father were nurses at Long Grove Hospital, and that "Pet" was born in a city named after a "salt," Epsom, people usually get what they ask for, "a kind of weird looking women, who's talent was questionable, and a sound like a rusty band saw." Sorry, it's the best that I could come up with.

Now.........................would anybody "like to see my seester," PLEASE!

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