Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I WAS "RUMIFIED" (Frazer Chronicles)
Donald Rumsfeld won't go away, the old "war-horse" keeps popping up in the news like "dandelions" in your lawn, you know, "kinda cute, but non-the-less, a pain in the butt." You gotta give the guy his due, when the rest of the world and most of the United States cry about how stupid the Iraqi war was, how ill prepared the military was, and how the reasons for going to war changed, almost as fast as the weather does in Wisconsin,  Rumsfeld continues to sings the praises and the just causes of the war that still rages.

What Rumsfeld and the Bush administration gave the American public was a gift that keeps on costing the taxpayers of the country. First it was the millions upon millions of dollars that was handed out like candy from garbage bags, laundry bags and cardboard boxes to anybody who would help the U.S. military. The accounting practices for this money would make my 2nd grade math teacher, good old Dutch Kanitz cringe.

Then there was the "sleeked down" military that Rumsfeld advocated, you know....."doing more with less, (troops) that is. Not being a big fan of military stuff, I couldn't figure out what that phrase meant, "doing more with less." Sure the U.S. military is way more technically advanced then any of our enemy's, but we haven't reached the "push bottom" wars yet, (thank God.)

The former president G.W. Bush did a "really, really good thing" when he coined the phrase "the long war." Talking about the Iraq war, Bush referred to it "as a struggle with bad guys that is going to take a really long time." He should have added something like, "buckle up your money bags American taxpayers, my really long war will cost, really big amounts of money," and "I'm not talking space bucks friends."

Now we come to 2 bumpkins who are looking to cash in on the stupidity that has been the Iraq war, 2 American citizens want to sue Rumsfeld, the U.S. military and probably every swinging ---- that has had anything to do with the Bush war.

They allege that the U.S. military, under the direction of many treated the 2 men unfairly when the tried to blow the whistle on the security company that they were working for, for engaging in illegal bribery and other corruptive activities. Well hell boys.....bring your lawn chair and get in line, bribery is a big part of how America fights wars. Sit right down behind me, I think I'll sue the bastards.

According to the 2 men, they were taken into custody, thrown into Camp Cropper, near Baghdad, and interrogated harshly, both physical and emotionally, and abused .....in other ways. What does this last "abused.....in other ways mean," I don't know.....but I think I'd like to.....know.

So watch the news for the progress of these 2 men's plight, because if they are successful, I just might file a lawsuit myself, hell, I'm on a fixed income and could use some extra cash.

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