Tuesday, March 12, 2013


(U.S. House of Representative-Committee on the Budget, the Atlantic, Frazer Chronicle)


The path to prosperity: a blueprint for American renewal…..TRUST US, we know the way to a higher standard of living while not having to pay for it. What a load of crap, how can any one committee, one party, or a one person have the answers to such loaded problems?


I’m sure that those people on the budget committee earnestly believe the decisions that they have made regarding their Blueprint for American Renewal, could it be any other way? This flies in the face of President Obama and the counter-part to Paul Ryan and his legion of Republicans in the house…..Harry Reid, and his assembled Democrats in the Senate.


I can tell you exactly what is going to happen, the action will go from automatic cuts to dueling budget plans, divisive bickering, mudslinging and the almost classic he said-she said stupidity that has divided Capitol Hill for way to long. Of course lost in this political shuffle will be the very people that are supposed to benefit from government and the tax dollars that we pay into our coffers.


That’s right, it’s like a professional sports team, exactly like a professional sports team, no fans, no money for salaries, hence no sports team…..and high priced athletes. With government, on any level, if the citizens quite paying their taxes…..there would be no government, no services, and ultimately…..no United States of America.


As a nation, we are, in effect living from paycheck to paycheck, the exact way a credit councilor will tell you not to live. I can remember some politician back in the late 1970’s talking about governmental debt in American and how by pushing the problem down the road was only delaying the inevitable…..a reckoning with creditors.


Since that time we have went through five different presidents, four with two terms in office, evenly split between Democrats and Republicans. There have been three Republicans and two Democrats regimes during the last 33 years, 20 years of Republican control, and by the end of the Obama term in office, 16 years of Democratic control.


Those who point a finger at one party or the other as the root of the problem are fools, and in total denial, these are the people that are actually dangerous, they think they have a solution for the problems that plague our nation. These people are in fact part of the problem, and not the solution, they need to be locked away during the entirety of the election cycles…..which would translate to almost all the time in today’s world of endless election cycles.


I’ve blogged about Paul “I would be King” Ryan on several occasions, and my opinion hasn’t changed, unless you count a worsening opinion. He is an idiot that the voters of southern Wisconsin are saddled with. I blame southern Wisconsin for Paul Ryan, without their vote…..the Jack-Ass would never have attained public office where he has found a platform for his almost constant dribble.


His new budget is a 99 page generalization about how he and the Republican Party can save us from…..ourselves. It’s almost the “thank you sir…..may I have another,” syndrome. I think some of you people are a sheep herder’s best friend, you love to be led, it makes you feel safe, no decisions…..no problems, probably is tacked over your front door.





If you are making $300 a week and spending $301, you will go in the hole by a buck every week, and by the end of the year, you will have deficit spent a total of $52. Multiply that by 40 years and, well, you see where I’m going, no actually I’m going to carry this figure on out, $2080.


Let’s say you constantly overspent for the entirety of your working life by the same figure every year, and you amassed this $2080 deficit. After 40 years of effort, you have developed a bad back, high blood pressure and diabetes and are told you can’t work anymore…..what happens to the debt, who pays it off?


It’s where the United States finds itself today, older, tired with high blood pressure and diabetes, and at the threshold of not being able to work. As a nation we have a huge debt, it’s like a gazillion space bucks, with all sorts of whammies. I am not an economist, but I can tell you one thing, with regards to our nation, and the possibility of failure…..it ain’t gonna happen, we are the original too big to fail world problem.


To many nations around the world stand to lose way too much to allow the United States to fail, and, after all, that is a big part of debt payments, interest. But for the country to be beholden to any other country but our own is unacceptable, and extremely stupid not on our politicians parts, but ours, the citizens of the country.


We have gotten exactly what we paid for, or actually didn’t pay for; all we had to do was pay attention, but didn’t. That’s right, as the electric, we are the engine that pushes the country, we provide the funds for government activity, and we fuel all of the funding that is called entitlements.


Paul Ryan didn’t write the Republican budget, he’s simple the figure-head, the face of the budget, the budget was a collaboration of all sorts of people who, I can guarantee, have absolutely no touch with reality, can’t remember how it is to not provide for your family, or continually come up short with the rent money.


These framers of the Republican response to Obama’s budget possibly never worried about where their next cigarette, or bottle of beer was coming from, or how’d it get paid for. Am I getting through to you…..politicians, no matter the party, are out of touch.


Ryan and his pals that have made up the budget committee are in tune with only one agenda, to save the rich, spare the old, and forget the poor. This according to Derek Thompson of the Atlantic, who also writes that the Ryan budget is “nothing new,” and he’s been saying the same thing for years now.


I am no fan of comparing numbers from differing budgets presented by different political persuasions, it’s been going on forever, and in the end does no good, and once again the taxpayer is left holding the bag, I’m tired of being left with nothing but a bag full of…..crap.


As a people we need to assess our priorities and re-think what is important, what will work for the most people, and how we are going to pay for the services that come out of this process. The general public needs to become involved, we’ve let the suits on Capitol Hill do this for decades, and it hasn’t worked, when in hell are we going to wake up?



Paul Ryan is a fine looking young man, the President used to be a fine looking young man, now he just looks spent. Why anybody would waste their time at drafting budgets, or creating committees to devise and deliver ideas to govern the country, I’ll never understand.


It ain’t rocket science, if you make a buck; you had better spend only .90 cents and put the rest in a sock, a bank, or some sort of investment where it will grow. Politicians are voted into office by their constituents, these constituents have wants and desires that may not be the best thing for the country overall. It’s a big reason why we all need to be better informed.


Time actually is a-wasting, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to wake up tomorrow with a Japanese flag flying from a flagpole on Capitol Hill!


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