Lin Asian Times, Aljazeera, Hyung-Jin Kim, Edith M. Lederer, Frazer Chronicle)
Korea, land of enchantment, a hot spot of cultural, and intellectual activity…..just
where I’d like to take my lovely wife for a fortnight or two. But ya better
plan your visit at the right time, and bring an umbrella cause your gonna need
it. Winter is the dominate climatic pattern, while the summer, which I love,
is short, hot and wet. Damn, foiled again in my quest for the perfect vacation
Korea is what I call a baby boomer country, conceived during or directly
after World War II, with the country being occupied by the Soviet Union, the
north, and the United States, naturally the south. Gotta give it to those G.I.’s
they sure as hell wanted no part of those cold January blizzards that hit the
north of the country.
partitioning of Korea by the soon to be super powers, the Soviet Union and the
United States, really began in August of 1945 when the Soviets established Kim
II-sung as the head of the Provisional Peoples Committee. Kim II was not, at
the time, the head of the Communist Party, whose headquarters were in Seoul in
the U.S.-occupied south.
of the first things Kim II did was to establish the KPA, the Korean People’s
Army, and of course aligned with the Communists. With the help of the Soviet
Union, an elite group of fighters was formed from a cadre of guerrillas and
former soldiers who had gained their experience in battles against the Japanese
and the Nationalist Chinese.
course everybody has heard of the 38th parallel, and the occupation
of the Korean Peninsula north of that parallel by the Soviet Union at the end
of World War II, and how Russia foiled a joint trusteeship between the U.S. and
the Soviets to help resurrect the country after the war.
rift over the years has only widened due to differences between Russia, the
United States, North Korea, or the (DPRK) Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
which was established in 1948. Much of Korea’s production assets had been owned
by the Japanese or by Koreans who had collaborated with Japan.
II began to nationalize these assets in 1946, placing around 70% of the country’s
industry under state control. This figure had risen to 90% by 1949, and since
that time virtually all manufacturing, finance and internal and external trade
has been conducted by the state.
prelude to the Korean Conflict, bloody confrontations along the 38th
Parallel between the north and south ended in all-out war between which drew
China, the Soviets, and the United Nation and American forces into the tussle.
A bloody stalemate ensued resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths before
finally the 38th Parallel stabilized and after long negotiations,
the warring sides agreed to a border truce in 1953.
don’t pretend to understand the north or South Korean culture other then the
fact it’s like 360 degrees different than that of the United States. It always
seems cold there, with poverty and displaced people living in paper shacks
under unbearable conditions.
culture of North Korea doesn’t seem capable of a sustained war, doesn’t seem
capable of launching a preemptive military strike of any kind, unless
you count sticks and stones. All I know is that we’ve fell for this nuclear
threat before, remember Iraq, and we’ve also been disillusioned by the
possibility of a Communist or a socialist takeover, Viet Nam.
spilled our blood all over the place in order to keep the peace…..right? But
what if we have been mislead on a continuing basis, entering into first one conflict
or war after another, some we don’t even know about, remember the C.I.A.
isn’t romantic, fun, neat cool, and it’s differently not the way to catch an adrenalin
rush, anyway a lasting one. War is all about displaced people, the degradation
of human-kind, of wasted human accomplishment, broken bodies, rape, and
carnage, and of lasting scares for generations.
are only two guarantees that come from war, death, and the fact that rich
people are going to get richer. Oh and yes, that the elite will not supply any
of their sons and daughters for the effort that is necessary.
really funny how politicians talk about change being good until your either
talking about the constitution of the United States, wages, or treaties and
armistices that were signed by people no longer living.
is at fault for continually bringing the old dust covered document out into the
light of day, well I guess it would be the United Nations who sometimes seems
to be the whipping boy for the United States. Here is a shattering
statement, a unique bold one for the times we live in, scrap the 60 year old armistice, in today’s world it makes no sense.
pooplyear, we got ‘em, Russia has ‘em, Britain has ‘em as does France
and China, and do you really think that any of these countries are going to
launch one of their bombs…..not likely. I swear to God those in power on Capitol
Hill or the Pentagon have rocks in their head, nobody in his/her right mind
really thinks that anybody will really shoot a nuclear bomb at the United
a bomb is detonated the area involved can become uninhabitable for years, even
centuries, and the people…..well let me tell you about the people, they are
atomized, never to be seen again, whether they are men, women, children, it
doesn’t matter, they are all gone…..and they are the lucky ones. Survivors can
linger on for weeks, months and sometimes years, suffering almost constantly
until death.
when a country threatens another with their nuclear bombs, I find the ensuing rhetoric
nothing more than testosterone posturing by both military officials as well as politicians,
of course you’d have to include both Condoleezza
Rice and Hilary Clinton in this category, although I don’t know how.
the situation, stop all the simple minded chest beating, and serve the
countries that you represent, and remember one simple truth, how many other
countries in the world can drop a bomb down a pickle barrel from 30,000 feet
away? Now……….let that sink in for a while, and do you really think that North
Korea really doesn’t know that?
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