Esposito, Rhonda Schwartz, Mathew Schecter, Green Bay Press Gazette)
Zalaria, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Frazer Chronicle)
article this morning in the Green Bay
Press Gazette caught my eye, and how couldn’t it, How Safe Do You Feel? What with all the talk about terrorists, and
terrorist attacks here in the United States. Thankfully the article was about
home safety against fires. The headline and accompanying article gave some in
depth tips and common sense ideas on how to escape a fire in apartment complexes,
(Green Bay has been the site of two in recent weeks.)
am, at the present time working on a blog that will carry with it some
astounding statistics with regards to shootings that occur in the private
sector throughout the country. I find the thought process of needless random
shootings a kind of bizarre look into the soul of our societal fabric. Stay tuned,
it’ll take some time…..and I’m on vacation from July 29, through August 5.
is what we all are supposed to achieve with advancing age, but somehow,
here in American, for some, maturity never seems to arrive at the station…..that
train simply goes right by the depot, leaving a major portion of our country
searching for a semblance…..a nugget, a speck of maturity.
me, maturity is a kind of coming of age; it’s a mix of life’s
experiences, formal education, and a heavy dose of common sense. Maturity does
not come easy, and some people never ever gain the trait, yet whether we are
mature, or just silly and frivolous, we all have to deal, one with another.
11, 2001, when the terrorists who had commandeered those jet liners and crashed
them into the Pentagon and the world trade center buildings, life as we had
known it was over. The change took less than a day and has been a festering
sore every sense. “Heads will roll, and people will pay,” that wasn’t said, but
it should have been, instead President Bush said that “those people who wish us
ill will are put on notice right now,” You play with the bull, you’re going
to get the horn.
course our political leaders didn’t say it quite that way, but it’s what they
meant, or my opinion of the entire Bush regime is flawed. In the days and weeks
after the September 11 attack, our governments begin a constant blitz of almost
mis-information. And as we all know, the Bush White House shifted gears and
pointed to Iraq as a major player in the twin towers attack.
message is the massage continues
to this day, it can be felt throughout all of our security efforts from the border
patrols, to the protection of our president, to the mall cops that patrol the video
machines in the nation’s malls.
thought maybe cooler heads would emerge from the McCain, Obama and Romney,
Obama election runs, but I was wrong. I knew everybody knew that McCain was not
the answer to our problems in the White House after two terms of Bush. And even
though I voted again for Obama, I didn’t feel real satisfied …..but Mitt Romney,
surely you jest!
whatever reason, Americans seem to need a war, an event, or situation that we
seem to rally for, and to give our support to. The United States was attacked
on September 11, 2001 of that there is no doubt, and the cost in lives was
heavy, more than 2,900 deaths and 6,000 injured.
wrath was understandable, our attack of Afghanistan was in retribution for the
loss of American lives, and the world applauded and supported are effort to
bring to an end an oppressive lifestyle and attitude. However that feeling was
in response to a justified response to an act of war. But like the man said, how
long are you going to milk this instance before you switch teats.
McCain’s fate was sealed during the Bush administration with every lie that was
told after 2002 during the run-up to the Iraqi invasion. The Bush people
told so many whoppers it’s a wonder
that McDonalds didn’t seek an injunction because of product infringement with
regards to their Whopper, (which would taste so good right now).
Bush administration has been responsible for, and we are suffering because of,
the insidious way that it (the administration) practiced their governance,
spending on defense like drunken sailors, that in many aspects, left the
country bankrupt. We aren’t trusted throughout the world, it’s a fact, and it’s
one of the reasons that we have replaced Russia as a cold war opponent with the
terrorist threat.
will say one thing for Barack Obama; he was saddled with by far the largest
financial crisis as he assumed office. Bush spent trillions of dollars on the
war effort, and he will go down in history one day as the most ridiculous of
all presidents, it’s going to be his legacy, but sadly we’ve paid for it, some
more than others.
a responsible people we need to stop this merry-go-round, take stock and head
off into a different direction before it’s too late. I’m not sure that we have
the time, current activity, and our misdeeds can make for a cruel bed partner.
keep harping week after week about the average man taking charge of his life;
it’s really the only way that in the end, we will survive. I’ve said it before,
and I’ll say it again, I do not particularly care about the future generations,
the generation before mine sure as hell didn’t give much of a care for me, yet
surprise, surprise, I survived… will they.
need to take stock because it’s the right thing to do, and because it is way over
due, and we need to bring these jerks to justice. George W. Bush, Dick Cheney,
Paul Wolfowitz, and Don Rumsfeld, and whoever else it might be deemed
said…..realistically, we need to take stock so that we can move on into a more predictable
way of operation. We need it, our kids and grandkids need it, and the world
needs it. What-do-ya say?