Wednesday, July 24, 2013


(Atlantic Wire, Christian Science Monitor, National Journal)

(MRC-NewsBusters, Weakonomics, Ira Stoll, Cleveland Plain Dealer)

(Heritage Foundation, San Mateo Daily Journal, Frazer Chronicle)


Tackling the issue is tough, you need to know a little bit about what you’re talking about, some issues take longer to research…..and this is one of those issues. People on both sides of the aisle have an almost maddening opinion. It may be the law of the land, but some people sure as hell don’t act that way, and that is one thing that I just can’t understand.


The issue has needed repair for years and years, it’s been confronted, fixes have been suggested, everyone seemed to have weighed in with some sort of fix, yet we struggle with the issue continue,  and very little has ever been resolved. I started taking note of the issue some twenty or so years ago, and at that time I wasn’t what you could call and activist, but even back then I knew something would need to be changed.


What am I talking about… insurance, and the battle that seems to be going on every day in the halls of our government. This is serious my friends, how serious, well let me count the ways:

1. 1,147,271 words

2. 906 pages long

3. 55 page “health care education reconciliation act of 2010

4. 700 directives for HHS and other agencies to implement Obamacare

5. 1,093 pages of regulations

And there’s more, my fingers just got tired, and I now have a splitting headache from reading all the crap that makes up the overall care act.



I don’t get it, Obamacare has been passed into law, it’s ratification was debated, haggled over, and demonized, (remember the death squads,) what is the lightening rod dispute, is it the employer with 50 or more employees, or is that bogus argument that are rights are being trampled?


Obamacare won’t affect me; I’m retired, on Medicare and pay a separate supplement…..and if all else fails, there’s always Medicaid. For me the system works pretty well, I however do understand that for others in my age bracket, an extended illness, or a medical malady, there simply isn’t enough insurance.


I was listening to Rush Limbaugh yesterday, and he was lamenting about how Obamacare takes people’s rights away…..(they won’t be able to choose their own health carrier) and it got me to thinking, I have automobile insurance, I have life insurance, I have property insurance, flood insurance, and I have a medical supplement insurance policy. If I’m covered, (like I think I am) why would I care where I go, who I talk with or where I send my monthly, or quarterly payments?


I don’t give a fat rats behind where I get the insurances that I figure I need, I only worry that I’ll be able to afford them. So when somebody comes along with the old sob story about government taking my rights away, I’m reminded about former President George W. Bush and his insurance policy that didn’t have a bid competition involved…..was there anything funny going on?





Look, with regards to Obamacare, there are several issues going on that, even though we don’t quite get it, these issues could submarine the act altogether. It’s the small businessman who has gotten away with murder for years with regards to employee benefits…..these people are master corner cutters!



The biggest single issue regarding Obamacare and its implementation throughout the United States is twofold, on the one hand you’ve got small business crying all the way to the bank, and threatening to downsize their workforce because they can’t afford Obamacare. These people…..who really are the salt of the earth, are worried about a dip in their take-home pay.


I don’t blame them, they initiated (in most cases) the business, took a chance, and worked their fingers to the bone keeping afloat early in their business’s history. They deserve every single penny that they can get, and maybe even a bit more. Their attitude is “I took all the chances, worked nights and week-ends, and now the Fed is gonna tell me I’ve gotta provide health insurance, you must be out of your fricken mind.”


I empathize with these people and their attitudes…..however it’s not the way it’s gonna be, Obamacare is the law of the land…..and you can’t fight city hall. Every single 50 and above employer can afford to pay for employee’s health insurance.


You don’t expect me to really believe that you are that poor of a businessman, you are the wanna-be Captains of industry. Aren’t you the same guy who drives around in his big black 4 wheel-drive SUV and has a big motor home in his back yard? Sure you are…..and you can afford to pay the ticket for the Obamacare initiative.


And if some of you Captains of industry can’t afford the program, you’d better get out of whatever it is you do, and hook up with a business that can provide healthcare for his employees. That by far is the weakest of the arguments against Obamacare, the it’ll “break my bank, and force me to downsize.” My retort, do not let the door hit you in the behind on the way out.


I have friends without employee provided health insurance, and a couple have almost gone broke attempting to pay their health care bills. I also know people who use a hospital’s emergency room like it’s their health care provider…..which it ain’t. We are picking up that cost in all kinds of inflated costs that hospitals pass on to those of us with legitimate health coverage.


So in a way we are paying for universal or federal government health care, read between the lines, you’ll be surprised. Do you know how sick and tired I am when a politician talks about government being poor administrators of government benefits? Isn’t that like the pot calling the kettle black, I mean those people that bad-mouth Obamacare are part of the solution, hell they’re part of the problem.



Politics 101, Obamacare is the law of the land, so why don’t we all get behind the act, began to understand it…..(even just a little bit) and make the damn thing work. I do not agree with small business mandated to provide health insurance to its employees. The only thing that business must provide is a safe, clean and pleasant environment to work in, with the potential for the employee to earn an honest wage for his/her work.




Everybody needs to have health insurance, this isn’t 1850, or 1900, where the old doctor took a pig for delivering a baby, or stitching up old Pete after he fell out of the wagon on the way to church, or on the way home from the saloon.


It’s clear that the Obama administration is having almost second thoughts about the act because they’ve already suspended parts of it for a year. Probably the most controversial of the plan is the employer supplying the insurance…..and it’s a part that has been pushed back a year.


Gee “Prez” grow a pair and get the damn thing implemented… big boy, politicking isn’t always cutting ribbons, kissing babies, and giving keynote speeches before yet another chicken dinner. Parts of the plan are undoubtedly good, while others need a load of  fiddling with…’s okay, Rome wasn’t built in a day.


Will everybody pay more taxes, absolutely, can it be any other way, the Federal Government doesn’t have any money, the fed doesn’t go out and generate an income, so it’ll be up to us, kind of like pulling the United States out of the middle 1950’s and into the 21st century.


Nowhere in the Constitution of the United States does it talk about mandatory medical care and treatment for all Americans. Hell even back in the 1770’s there was the rich and the poor, but as times changed, as people became more aware, it simply followed that health care was an important factor in our lives, and that there were people who were unable to afford a program.


I guess I’ll put it to you the best way I know how, what would you do with your next door neighbor if they were sick and needed care…..let them die? Probably not, Obama and his crew designed a plan that is inclusive, it may not be the best…..but it’s what we have, and it’s the law of the land!



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