the News That Nobody Else Will Print)
we go again, it’s in the phonics of the thing, or at least
that’s what the scholarly that, at the present time, occupy the offices on
Capitol Hill. Two other words come to mind, rectify and justification,
politicians either say, or think of ways to explain their existence, so that
they won’t have to back-up to the pay window on the 15th and
31st of the month to collect their paychecks.
issue is almost like a soap opera that my mother used to watch, The Guiding Light. She lived and died
every day at noon, thank God it was
only on television Monday through Friday. I never even watched a
segment, but I sure heard enough from my Mom, but I did get the gist of the
plot, regular life experiences that were modified at least 10 times to better
hold the viewers attention.
compare The Guiding Light with the
GOP’s radical interest in the Benghazi investigation that seems to be shifting
into high gear…..and will never go away, at least until it does it’s kind of
hidden (ha ha) agenda, to kick the crap out of Hilary
Clinton’s possible run for the presidency in 2016.
number of Benghazi investigations, according to whomever you listen to, is as
few as eight and as many as fifty. People that list these kinds of things do so
with great trepidation (on purpose), because they know that they are imparting
on many of those who except as fact the guesses of these people. After
all…..guessing is all that is happening; only people in high places, in government, or some in the business community are
privy to the actual numbers.
the Obama administration mislead the American people when it was initially
claimed that the September 11, 2012 was a spontaneous protest and attack on the
U.S. consulate in response to an anti-Muslim video, or was it a premeditated
terrorist attack. That was the first questions that were asked by the wives,
friends, fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers of those dead from the attack.
didn’t matter why the carnage, degradation, and the murders happened, all the
survivors knew was that their loved ones, friends and working colleagues had
been killed by bullets, or bombs. The phonics of what had happened didn’t enter
their minds. I’m sure that most understood that where these people were going
was dangerous…..and that anything could happen, and sadly, for the
survivors… did.
be the first to admit that answers would be needed, that people needed to be
held responsible for the deaths of four people. To be sure, somebody in the
Obama administration, in the State Department, the CIA, and other intelligence
agencies guessed that something like what happened on September 11th
2012 was possible. How to deter what happened was quite a different story, and therein
lays the problem.
to the information that I have…..this is the same information that anybody else
has…..if they take the time to research the incident is that there were no
protesters prior to the attack, and that five days after the attack (on
September 16th), Libya President Mohamed Magariaf insisted that the attack was a
planned terrorist attack, but that Obama administration officials continued to
say that there was no evidence of a planned attack.
President of Libya said that the assertion by the Americans that the attack was
a spontaneous protest that spun out of
control is completely unfounded and in fact preposterous. On an appearance
on the David Letterman show on September 18 (a week after the attack) President
Obama continued to state that terrorists weren’t involved.
September 19th, Matt Olsen (no relation to Superman’s Jimmy Olsen), director of the National Counterterrorism
Center finally called the attack an act of terrorism, and that it had been a
planned event, this admission to a congressional hearing, and Secretary of
State Hilary Clinton did the same on September 20. However on September 20th
at a town hall meeting, and during a taping of ”The View” on September
24th, Obama continued to deny that the attack was spontaneous…..and
in fact, “yes…..elephants could fly.”
the important questions are few, and really simple, and they have nothing to do
with which side of the aisle that one sits on. The quest for gathering fodder
for political reasons is silly, despicable, and frankly makes me tired. Four
American citizens were killed during September 11, 2012, however they weren’t
murdered…..Libya was, and is, a war zone, just because American troops aren’t
on the ground doesn’t matter, gun battles happen all over the place in Benghazi,
in Libya…..American’s had better wake up to the fact that we no longer hold
that type of world power.
3:00 P.M. a security agent at the Benghazi compound hears loud noises coming at
the front gate and gunfire and an explosion. On a security camera at the main
gate reveals a large number people (armed people) flowing into the compound. By
about 8:30 P.M. control of the American embassy had been regained, and the
discovery of the dead was reported to the U.S. State Department by 10:00 P.M.
I said, let’s stop our elected officials from organizing and then going on
witch hunts to damage the credibility of either elected or appointed officials.
These investigation committees do little to ferret out the truth; they do
however damage those people that they go after.
these committees do is, first and foremost, waste taxpayer funds and blur the
real issues that need to be addressed. United States Senator Ron Johnson
(R-Wis.) is all het up to find out the guilty parties in the Benghazi event. I
have a simple prescription, Ron, use the following criteria, and you’ll have
your answers, and it won’t take much time, and won’t waste much of my tax
are Johnson’s two topics for his reasoning for renewed efforts to investigate
Benghazi…..and the accompanying solutions;
1. State Department…..(AKA)
Hilary Clinton, (Secretary of State) failed
to honor repeated requests for additional security.
response to requests by Chris Stevens for additional security personnel,
neither the Secretary, Hilary Clinton, or any member of the State Department
responded with the additional personal. The failure to address this problem is,
well…..a failure. But where that failure lies is open to debate when one
considers that the area was a cauldron for terrorists, political and religious
activists, thugs, and roving gangs of opportunists ready to take advantage of a
poor situation. Consider that maybe our people should have been taken
out of the area completely…..would that have solved the situation?
2. Did the State Department
before September 11, 2012, actually reduce security in Libya?
the number of advisors, I wonder which person one would actually point a finger
at…’s the D.C. two step. People are put into complicated, almost impossible
situations that… many instances NOBODY
is capable of making decisions on. Would removing all personnel to a safe place,
maybe like Brooklyn, New York have worked…..I don’t know, but my idea has
is no quick answer, what happened at Benghazi was a screw-up, of that there is
no doubt, but military and security foul-ups have been going on almost forever,
and with little exception nobody was held responsible…’s the nature of the
beast that is named the United States. I could list past leaders, and talk
about their mess-ups…..but it would do no good. Anyways…..we already know what
was a screw-up, it’s been identified… can we move on, already, in this
case, what happened was SPONTANIOUS AND
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