Thursday, May 22, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)


A person who advocates war, an advocate of an aggressive policy on foreign relations…..peace through violence, a person who fosters warlike ideas, or advocates war…..(John McCain, Rush Limbaugh some Tea-baggers, the United States of America foreign policy, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, the Industrial Military Complex, any number of intelligence agencies…..many, many conservatives…..Evangelicals, red-necks, news papers, radio-television conservative talk shows hosts, and any number of non-independent thinkers.

I watched the movie Captain Phillips last night, and once again was stunned by the talent of Tom Hanks, he truly is one of the top actors of our time. Although I wasn’t that impressed with the story-line, I once again was reminded of the military might of the United States and how awesome and lethal that power is.

The movie again chronicled the mighty power of our military, how much there is of it, and the inherent problems and danger that is connected with it. Do you know what “stepping on toes” really means…..I thought that I did, but I don’t. I believe, like many, many other Americans that our military and intelligence works in concert to corral and dispatch the bad guys…..but very seldom does that happen, and when it does, there is a great deal of anger, foot dragging, and almost collaboration with those people that actually are the bad guys by some of our agencies.

There is a huge amount of responsibility that is connected with any number of the United States rescue, intelligence, and espionage groups. The country’s Homeland Security Agency, and military agencies, Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and the Coast Guard, are second to none on the face of the globe, or in the history of man.

The United States has taken all of the chances with regards to military research, manufacturing, and the careful distribution of that war machinery. The United States is the biggest exporter of military hardware, and also the largest occupiers in foreign countries since history begin to be written down on tree bark.

In the beginning, in Europe, countries expanded their territories by conquering their neighbors by invading them… was a time when military might was by far the most important commodity that a nation could hold. In the new western world, expansion came about through innovation and development as opposed to the bloody and pestilence ridden invasion and conquering effort.


By far the most important issue of war are the human beings that fight it, not so much by choice, but rather chance…..and at the behest of others. Without exception every war that has been fought by humans on the face of the earth is ended up being unpopular…..and almost everybody that was involved wanted an end to hostilities.

Also, without exception, the outcome of wars has never justified them being fought, the human degradation has far outweighed the initial reason and justification for the war. Yet year after year, decade after decade, we are drawn back into physical conflict with a perceived enemy, and again, almost without exception, these people end up not being an enemy at all.

I was born in 1943, I was in the military like many of my friends, and I also was sold that “bill of goods” that “this is my weapon, this is my gun, this is for shootin, and this is for fun.” Since this is a family blog, I’ll let you-all fill in the blanks, but I’ll give you a hint, the gun is a body part located below the belt line.

My point is simple, but at the time felt complicated, I was made into a human war machine, I knew hand to hand combat, I knew my rifle, I knew the logistics of war, I could repel a sheer cliff side, and I could kill a person without a weapon (firearm) or knife. I was young, dumb…..and full of-----, and I was an obedient student. It was God and country all the way for me…..and I was ready to receive and carry out whatever orders and directions that I was given…..I was blind and deaf to everything except my immediate superior.

I am sure that the military operates the same today as it did close to fifty years ago… has to, obedience is the only way that a crack military unit operates. It may sound like copping a plea, but it is absolutely true, military personnel, every military outfit throughout the world is brain-washed… cleaner brains can be found anywhere!

Once a man, or women (the brightest and best or our young people) has been indoctrinated by the professional and elite cadre of the United States military, they’ll never be the same. It must be admitted that (at the start) these raw recruits brought only the potential to become top solders. It took the teachers, drill sergeants, weapons experts, and the atmosphere that molded 99% of every person who entered the military to become members of the fighting machine that the U.S. military is today.


As another Memorial Day approaches, as all of those war mongering individuals and military related industries prepare to eulogize their day, I’d like to take this opportunity to raise just two questions to my readership. I swear if you answer truthfully, you’ll be as outraged as I am.

 1. How necessary have the wars in  Afghanistan, and then Iraq been, remembering how much both have costs the United States in terms of human lives lost, and the monetary burden on our treasury?

2. Exactly what has changed in the 10 odd years that the U.S. has been warring around except death, violence, and an almost complete misunderstanding of the facts about the war?

When our solders return home, with visible scares as well as those injuries that we can’t see, exactly who is going to care for them, I can’t, I can’t afford it…..and with little exception, you can’t afford it either. The Pentagon, White House, Congress, and the Senate can’t afford to pay for it…..anybody with the access that these officials have understand what in hell is going on.

As a people, as tax payers, we’ve been sucked dry, anyways, even though it might be popular, and a feel-good issue, these returning military personnel are not my heroes, they’ve not protected my way of life, and frankly, I don’t want to 6…..I’m all sixed out.

I’m gonna say it one more time, and then I’ll put the issue to rest…..”Afghanistan, and the Iraqi wars were a figment of the Bush, (W’s) administration’s imagination, it was little more than a power struggle to grab oil rights from part of the World’s biggest petroleum reserve. While our military does not set foreign program, they’ve got a voice…..and a back-bone…..time to get the hell out.”



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