Tuesday, August 12, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)


United States bombed areas in northern Iraq last Friday (August 8) and like any other bombing…..this one had devastating effects. Whenever you pack a steel seethed projectile with explosives, buildings will collapse, people will die, and there’ll be catastrophic injuries. But the bombing was ok, cause it saved lives, or at least protected them. According to a President Obama speech, “he was forced to act for humanitarian reasons,” God have we all heard that one before.


The Obama regime has had to act in the past, for humanitarian reasons, in fact acting, and reacting seems to becoming second nature to the Obama administration. Muammar Gaddafi, Bashar Al-Assad, and Osama bin Laden come to mind as good reasons to murder…..ya that’s right, I said murder. All of these people were scum; they each got exactly what they deserved, death execution style…..but since when did somebody make the United States judge, jury, and executioner?  Should one country have that much power…..seems to me like an awful big power grab, does the world still operate under those archaic set of rules?


To ask the question…..”Could ISIS retaliate against the United States because of air strikes” would seem, at least to me to be a completely asinine query. Let’s put this situation, of August 8th, into full context…..what would the United States do if Russia bombed Alaska? Let me take a wild guess, there would be a full retaliatory strike on Mother Russia, and world war 3 or 4…..or whatever the number is today would go into full swing.


Even if Sara Palin was still governor of Alaska, the U.S. would still have to retaliate in spades to the unprovoked attack by the “Ruskies.” Almost without exception every attack such as the August 8th Obama attack are unprovoked.


Now before I get anybody’s panty-hose in a bunch, let me assure you that I use Russia simply as an example…..and because they are in close proximity to Alaska. Russia won’t attack the U.S. and neither will the U.S. attack Russia, each is afraid of the other, and for good reason. Putin’s no fool and neither is Obama.


I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, the Middle East shenanigans are actually a holy war, an unbelievable holy war, because nobody wins in war, but nobody never, ever wins in a holy war. I could go back in history and site example after example to back up my point about winning a holy war…..but it would be futile, those people who would justify a holy war nut cases anyways…..and the rest of us understand little about a holy war.



The organization of the Islamic State, is also known as (are you ready for this) the Islamic State of Iraq, and the Levant (ISIL) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or al-Sham, or ISIS, and is a jihadist group. A jihadist group uses brutal methods, and they’re a religious organization that is fanatical in their beliefs and how they carry out their programs of conquests.


Organization may be an incorrect word to use in describing these people; they are rather like small cells or groups of people who act independently of one another. In its original form, it was composed of and supported by a variety of Sunni insurgent groups, including its predecessor organizations…..Al-Qaeda.


ISIS grew significantly as an organization owing to its participation in the Syrian Civil War and the strength of its leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghadi. When Saddam Hussein fell from power, these splinter groups were emboldened; in addition the economic and political discrimination against the Iraqi Sunni also helped the movement to gain support.


Suffice it to say that it is not a good thing to ruffle the feathers of these people, because of their very organization, to combat these people would be like trying to capture sand with an open hand…..it can’t be done. And yet, there’s the United States with its bombers, dropping bombs on the ISIS, strafing ISIS as well as innocent civilians, and generally rallying hard feelings towards the United States.



I grew tired and bored by President George W. Bush, and his silly band of cohorts, spewing out their crap about Iraq, Hussein, weapons of mass destruction, and the tie with the September 11th attack. We spent trillions, and lost more than four thousand soldiers. And now were saddled with tens of thousands of wounded people that’ll require care for the rest of their lives…..and now we gotta go back in!


That was George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Paul Bremer, and Condolezza Rice. All bad actors. Right now President Obama is proving to be a poor actor…..but there’s still enough time for the president to gain momentum and surpass the former President Bush. It seems as if his administration has not attracted the cast to help Obama “over the top,” but like I said, “he still has the time necessary to get the job done.”


Only our due-diligence can save the day, we sure as hell can’t count on our elected officials to stop the insanity…..I believe it’s up to us.



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