Friday, August 15, 2014




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)


There isn’t a stand-off, or a shootout, or a running gun battle, in many cases civilians do not carry a hand gun, and in many cases, these civilians are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Nobody is immune, boys, girls, women, men, and the elderly, everybody in today’s world take their lives in their own hands whenever they decide to either drive, or walk to the local corner grocery store for milk.


Weapons in the hands of well trained professionals are watching for the hint of trouble…..trouble of any kind, and are ready, willing and able to deal with that trouble in the most violent, and archaic way. No community is immune; absolutely no type of person, regardless of their position can escape the possibility of retaliation for the most innocent of action, or response.


There is an atmosphere, there is a feeling of authority, and there is a propensity for the quickest, the most abrasive, and the most violent reaction to any question of authority that is held by an officer of the law. And the reactions may include, but are not limited to a person, or people being pepper sprayed, Tased, handled in a physical, violent manner…..and in some cases…..shot to death.


I’ve written about police brutality several different times, and in each case, I was goaded into further research caused by an incident of a police shooting, or riot police handling a situation with what I perceive to be an excess use of force. During the initial paragraph or two I always eluded to the fact that police officers, no matter the jurisdiction, or the activity, have a tough job, and most of the time…..a thankless job (to boot).


However… attitude is changing and I now find myself questioning exactly what a cop’s job description contains and what their mission really is. I’ve know for a long time that every police organization, city, county, state, and the several different federal policing organization has some bad apples. It’s that way with any organization whether it be police, or street sweepers, or garbage collators. There’s always a jerk or two, or the slacker, or the guy who figures the rules aren’t for him…..but for you… matter what type organization one might be talking about.


But I’ve come to understand and belief that there are more than just a few bad apples in these different cop shops. It has to be that way, there’s way too many illegal situations going on, and way too many injuries, brutality, or killings that are suffered by us civilians. I understand that some perpetrators deserve exactly what they get, and there are certain times when force, excessive force is necessary to either protect the citizens, or the police officer.



Jim Fisher (True Crime) blogger uncovered some astounding statistics with regards to police killings back in 2011. According to data that he (Fisher), collected, police officers in the United States shot 1,146 people, killing 607. And the worst part of these figures uncovered was the fact that the numbers were all disjointed, and with the exception of the F.B.I. there is absolutely national database to keep track of the numbers of cop shootings, and cop killings.


It seems strange to me, given the facts that the U.S. government keeps statistics about almost everything, but doesn’t keep records about local, state and federal policing officials killing civilians. Oh sure, I know that some of these shootings and deaths are justified, there’s some really bad people out there, but 1,146, that would seem to be an inordinate number of bad guys.


Some statistical information can get blurred, like 46 shootings in Chicago, and 10 fatalities when one compares the 1,866 citizen shoots and the 1,134 dead. Chicago is a cauldron of death, where cops have been resistant in doing their jobs when it comes to policing the black community…..the attitude is “let the niggers shoot and kill the niggers.”


We are going to continue to suffer as a nation until we get a handle on our government, and those governmental divisions that deal with funding, law enforcement and the like. The United States is becoming little more than a Police State, complete with high powered weapons, and the military war machines that are made available to every cop shop in the land, by the Pentagon, under a presidential decree by Ronald Regan back in the 1980’s.


It’s a funny situation, and not funny in a “ha, ha” way, that police organizations throughout the country resemble military camps or bases. Military weapons are designed to do one thing, and one thing only, to obliterate an enemy… not only put a bullet hole in a person’s head, but to blow half of the head off. The training that our police forces are getting can be called little more than crash courses, and do not relate well with what police are supposed to do… protect and to serve… there’s a real metaphor.



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