the News That Nobody Else Will Print)
Most all conservatives say that
“terrorists hate Americans” and it seems as if bunches of liberals are
beginning to feel the same way. Me personally…..well I’m kind of at a
crossroads in my thinking on the subject. There is no way that I believe that all Muslims hate Americans, it’s
simply to implausible to consider.
Anymore, whenever I have a
dilemma regarding world issues I tend to dig deeply into as many sources as I
can (both pro and con) to help me make a somewhat learned conclusion to whatever issue is at hand. Now I do realize
that the opinion that I arrive at won’t always be correct, and that my opinion
on some issues is kind of a work in
progress, but I search for my opinion.
However; there are people
out there who rely completely on a single source for their opinion…..and
frankly these people are dangerous. These people are like a guy who has a
permit to carry a concealed weapon, but is completely unhinged mentally. It’s
only a matter of time until this joker looses it and shoots people.
I’ve listened to George W.
Bush types who talk about the Taliban, Al Qaeda, or the entirety of the Muslim
people, and religion, and how they hate us. And even in the early stages of the
War on Terror,\ (after September 11, 2001) I simply couldn’t wrap my mind
around people hating the United States simply because we…..were.
I have blogged many times,
and written newspaper articles about war and the human degradation that it has
wrought. And I wondered exactly what the United States track-record has been throughout history with regards to the
invasions that have been initiated by the U.S. The discovery of this countries
record (America) was somewhat overwhelming. The subject was way too involved to
write a blog or even an article about… I broke the information that I’d
gotten down to just the 20th century, and the 1st decade
and a half of the 21st century. And the information that I got was
really eye-opening.
I used Zoltan Grossman’s research material titled From Wounded Knee to Syria: a Century of U.S. Military Interventions, and
the list is just partial. Grossman used the Congressional Record, (23 June 1969), 180 landings by the U.S. Marine
Corp History Division, Ege & Makhijani in Counterspy, (July-August, 1982),
Instances if Use of United States Forces Abroad, (1793-1993) by Ellen C.
Collier, and Ellsberg in Protest & Survive.
I further broke the
information down to include only those incidents after 1945, and included what
I considered just the Middle East, and looked at the Foreign Policies of the
United States regarding these nation states, and our invasions of these states.
The results weren’t only interesting; they were provocative with regards to the
reaction of the fringe elements
of some of these states.
Egypt, 1956, nuclear threat;
Lebanon 1958, occupation against rebels; Iraq, 1958, nuclear threat; Iraq,
1963, CIA killed president, brings Ba’ath Party to power; Middle East, 1973,
nuclear threat; Iran, 1980, nuclear threat; Libya, 1981, Naval jets; Lebanon,
1982-84, expel PLO; Iran, 1984, Air force jets; Libya, 1986, topple Qaddafi
government; Iran, 1987-88, intervention of Iraq-Iran war; Libya, 1989, naval
jets; Saudi Arabia, 1990-91, Iraq invasion of Kuwait; Kuwait, 1991, royal
Kuwaiti family returned to throne; Iraq, 1991-2003, no-fly zone over Kurdish
north, Shiite south; Afghanistan, 1998, attack on former CIA training camps;
Iraq, 1998, weapons inspectors; Yemen, 2000, USS Cole bombed; Afghanistan,
2001-15, overthrown Taliban, hunt Al Qaeda fighters; Yemen, 2002, attack on Al
Qaeda sites; Iraq, 2003-11, Saddam regime; Pakistan, 2005, CIA missile attack
on alleged Al Qaeda sites; Syria, 2008, Al Qaeda site; Yemen, 2009, Al Qaeda
site; Libya, 2011, bombing of Qaddafi government during uprising of rebel
forces; Iraq, 2014, air strikes against Islamic State insurgents; Syria, 2014,
air strikes against Islamic State insurgents.
The United States has used
its military might 27 different times to fiddle
around with Middle Eastern countries, without exception…. to further United
States foreign policies. Now, if somebody invaded the United States 27
different times over the past fifty something years… would you
In the beginning…..after September 11, 2001, all manner of
media and governmental figures repeated again and again that Middle Easterners
hated American citizens only
because of the freedom and prosperity enjoyed by her citizens. Missing from the
early explanation of the hatful feelings towards the U.S. was the historical
context of the U.S. role in the Middle East, and for that matter, the rest of
the world. Many of the U.S. foreign interventions, especially Middle Eastern
interventions were explained away with a wave of the hand, and the assurance
that military intervention was necessary to protect freedom and civilians.
Of course many American
citizens now realize that protecting people’s rights was not the number one
priority, especially if there was petroleum potential involved. For various
reasons that the United States military and foreign policy seems to have boxed
themselves into a corner in the Middle East. It’s the damned if you do, and
damned if you don’t syndrome, people have come to rely on U.S. intervention,
monetary support as well as a care
package kind of support with food, medicine, and even drinking water.
The United States military
or remnants of it through the CIA or private contractors seem to be going back
into an area, or country continually that was just left, citing “mission
accomplished” ceremonies complete with banners, speeches, and awards.
Quick trips through
history… World War II point to numerous invasions or interventions, as
I’ve already listed. Whether in the Middle East, Vietnam, Central America, or
the Persian Gulf, the overbearing effort was to spread an ideological agenda
(such as defending capitalism) or an economic agenda (such as protecting oil
company investments). In the few cases where the U.S. military toppled a
dictatorship, it was done in a way that actually prevented the country’s people
from overthrowing their own dictator first, and installing a new democratic
government more to their liking. The Pentagon is very keen in determining exactly who and how a new regime will be
placed into power.
For me the answer is easy,
it’s not convoluted, and isn’t shrouded in a misty fog in secrecy…..the answer
actually shouts out at anybody who’ll listen. It’s like the line in that 1980’s
song…..”Get off my back.” I’ve said
it before, and I’ll say it again, “the United States does not need other
countries natural resources, petroleum, precious metals, and whatever else
these Middle Eastern countries might have”.
Am I an isolationalist,
absolutely, until we take care of our own…….which I’ve said 1000 times before, the
rest of the world can simply kiss my behind. The United States is being broken
from the inside-out. It won’t be a
terrorist attack, or a nuclear device that does the country in, it’s be the
elitists, the power mongers, Capitol Hill, industry, and all political parties!
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