Wednesday, January 28, 2015




(All the News That Nobody Else Will Print)

We are entering the silly season…..that’s right, it’s when people, both men and women start acting like preachers, go around wearing those fake smiles, looking like that big ole fat Cheshire cat, kind of satisfied, but always looking for more. It’s the season when honesty is stretched right to the breaking point, and often is stretched past it, and snaps. It’s a time when the United States is looking for a few good people, both men and women…..and mostly they ain’t it!


It’s a time when everybody wants to be fresh as paint, or at least give off that appearance, these people actually go around kissing babies, and glad-handing…..shaking hands with everybody that they meet. It’s a time when the media, all media, tends to lose itself in all the hype that they themselves are writing. Cooler heads do not prevail, but who can blame the media, they shovel what their given by campaign organizations without so much as a thought to credible investigation…..investigation costs money, and anyways, this is the era of “one hour news coverage”.


I’m sure by now, without much effort you’ve guessed what I’m talking about…..(no you don’t get three guesses), if you haven’t guessed by now you’re an idiot and won’t catch my drift anyways. The silly season is none other than the presidential election cycle that gets longer and longer with each passing election. It’s a way that these dudes and dudettes (female dudes) want to operate when they’re campaigning, they don’t have to make any decisions, they just state what they stand for and move on to the next campaign stop.


To be a candidate in today’s world, first and foremost, you’ve got to be some sort of masochist; the abuse that’s piled on political candidates is unreal. With little exception, in every election, whether for the president of the United States or the dog catcher of Pleasant Valley, you’ve got to be prepared for the worst and most brutal mud-slinging in your life. Wherever there’s a bit of power, money and some dinky benefits, look out, you’re usually in for a no holds barred fight to the finish.



Today’s political campaigns, I think, are different than at any time in the history of the United States. The vast amounts of money involved in politics today can be used to dig up all sorts of political dirt; from a candidate’s most overt of acts to the most innocent…..nothing is safe.


I am not saying that today’s political campaigns, candidates and their committee’s can “take the cake” for their political snarling and cavorting around like their lily white, far from it. The present time in the country’s history of political skullduggery does not have a corner on the market of mud-slinging, it’s just reported in an almost unending coverage, and is now slanted (liberal or conservative) by whichever media source one might watch, read or listen to.


There’s all types of political scandal…’s one of the big reasons that I never considered a political career, I don’t want anybody rummaging around in my closets. Without a doubt my favorite dirt that has resulted from messing around in a candidate’s closet is…..what else, a sex scandal.


To my way of thinking there’s nothing better than a juicy, clandestine affair with all sorts of innuendos, hidden cameras, love notes, or better, texts. Sex scandals have been around since the late 17th century… the very beginning of the 13 colonies…..before there was a real United States.


I’m talking about a time in the country’s history when it was a struggle just to shoot enough game to keep everybody fed, and the biggest job was to stay alive, warm, and provide some sort of roof over one’s head. Secretary Treasury Alexander Hamilton had an affair with Maria Reynolds while both were married to other people. Ms. Reynolds husband blackmailed dirty old Al, forcing him to confess, which damaged his already controversial career.


Down through the annals of American history sex has played a key role in exposing the country’s top political officials to their weaknesses and, at the time, tarnishing their image, careers and families. It seems that during the early days of the United States white political figures actually enjoyed the charms of the slaves that they had in their charge on their plantations…..even Thomas Jefferson.


I’m not talking about those scandals that were propagated during a term in office; I’m talking about what I would call BEFORE OFFICE or (BO). I guess during a time in a person’s life when he, or she, seems to sew wild oats, or committed financial or business indiscretions before they decided to seek a public office where they’d need the citizen’s electoral support.



And please spear me; I ain’t got time for an opinion about which political party is worse in how they practice their politics, I swear they’ve both used the same books, and been taught by the same people.


There’s a Federal Election Commission, founded in 1975, is manned by six members who serve six year terms, and are nominated by the president and confirmed by the US Senate. The terms are staggered so that every couple of years the sitting president has to appoint two people that need to be confirmed before they can take office.


Their job is to enforce limitations and prohibitions on contributions and expenditures of federal campaign laws, to keep track of all contributions over $200 along with each donors home address, employer and job title. This “database” goes back to 1980. Private organizations are legally prohibited from using this data to solicit new individual donors…..but may use the data to solicit Political Action Committees…..kinda defeats the purpose doesn’t it?  


There are all sorts of rules, regulations and laws that have been established to monitor the country’s political process. Sadly in many cases the view is at best murky, and left to the individual’s interpretation.


I’ll say it once again about one of the United States institutions, like many other of these staples of the country… needs changing, upgraded, and put on a level playing field. But the first thing that needs to be done is for us, the people to wise up, and quite this stupid partisan bickering, it’s what the politicians count upon to help them maintain the status-quo.


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