Friday, August 3, 2012



(Frazer Chronicle)

So you think your pretty smart know what the "E" word is all about, maybe you think it's EAT, or ENOUGH, or even ERROR, like in the game of baseball, well, you'd be wrong on every guess. You see, that's one of the perks with writing your own blog, you can string people along so they have to read the blog to get the answers.

No the “E" word I'm talking about here is enemy, as in the number of enemies that the United States has today in the world. For most of us, we rely on the Federal Government to keep us informed about which country or region we have to watch out for, today, which means today, Arab countries.

With a budget of more than $700 billion dollars in defense, we'd damn well better have some sort of enemy to justify all that money, man-power, weaponry research and stockpiling of materials that are earmarked just for the enemies that are lurking just over the horizon, around the bend, or behind those trees and shrub.

Some people are born for military service, while others have it thrust upon them, and yet others are in the military just to pass the time, you know, "to fill an empty space in their lives." Military service does several things to those who volunteer and some of those things are actually good.

Of course the down side is getting your head shot off, or actually worse, a soldier loses an arm, a leg, an eye, or the ability to move around on his own. And of course there are the injuries that nobody can see, the fractured minds, and an inability to communicate with civilians on the level playing field of life.

Tanks, planes, helicopters, gunships, radar plans, the M4 assault rifle, drones and stealth bombers, these are just a few of the items that have been, and are being developed. There are over 100 defense contractors in the United States, from Acutronics, to Allied Container Systems, to General Dynamics Electric Boat, these people, their staff and their production lines are ready, willing and able to produce whatever the Pentagon deems necessary to "protect" the American people from their "enemies."

The United States defense contractors on the Federal Procurement Data Systems list are upgraded every day. The Department of Defense announces contracts valued at $6.5 million or more each business day at 5:00 P.M. All defense contractors maintain CAGE (Commercial and Government Entry) Codes, and are profiled in the Central Contractors Registry.

So who is our enemy, where is the list, and which hostile nation has designs on us, our treasure, and just "hates us" for our lifestyle, technology and what we stand for. Well, since President George W. Bush, that list has dwindled down to a precious few.....if you are a soldier, a defense contractor or a political hawk on Capitol Hill.


A funny thing happened on the way to the war, it was discovered that the United States, with all of her great military strength, and some of the best fighting soldiers on the face of the planet, didn't really have an enemy! Nobody with the same kind of weaponry, the same kind of fighting soldier existed, where would all these beautiful innovations be used, and who would the best fighting soldiers on the face of the planet shoot at?

The simple answer, manufacture an enemy, and make war against that perceived enemy. If you read the news, or listen to it, or watch it on television, there is always talk about the enemies, enemies, enemies everywhere, but never any attacks, we must be fighting a "stumble bum" of an enemy.

The fact of the matter is that the United States doesn't really have an enemy, just rivals, and competitors, much the same as the New York Yankees or the Green Bay Packers in their respective games and leagues.

With so much tied in by the global economy, business and trade, people can't afford to have war, and sadly not have war. Oh sure, countries around the world have all sorts of problems, live different life styles, worship different Gods and have different Gross Domestic Products, but making war simply costs too much today.


What to a war loving people, our leaders invent a war, they trumpet a cause, and they build an enemy. It really isn't very hard to do, if you have the technology, the man-power and, most importantly, the money. You've got to have money.

If you have money, everything, like a game of dominos falls into place, and presto, you have yourself and nice little war to fight, guns to build, and all sorts of other weapons to manufacture that makes the Star Wars movies look like child's play.

President George W. Bush struggled to rally Americans around "his" Iraq war policies, but was more successful at influencing public opinion about America's enemies in the world, more generally. Bush used North Korea, Iran and Iraq as an "axis of evil," threatening world peace. In a Gallop poll it was found that back in 2008, people really did view the "axis of evil" a threat to U.S. peace as well as World peace.

Today, Republicans are greater in numbers than any other political party view Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan as America's greatest enemy. Even without proof of any nuclear weapons, Iran is still viewed by "most" military experts as the greatest threat the United States faces.

Now when I talk about "inventing a war," using patriotism, I do not mean to imply that American soldiers are involved.....noooooooooo, it's the Pentagon, politicians on Capitol Hill, with the effort going as high as the President of the United States. The military industrial complex rakes in billions in government contracts, and it stands to reason that they, "the military complex" has way more to lose, (financially) than anybody else.


It isn't complicated, complex, or hard to understand, although the Pentagon, politicians and most on Capitol Hill would tell you the issue facing the United States is "extremely complicated, complex, and hard to understand.

If anyone simply takes the time to look at the facts on the United States "stance" regarding the Middle-East, many understand the U.S. has opponents, rivals, and people that really, really dislike the country and what we stand for. But enemies, hardly, they aren't organized enough, haven't the technology, and in many cases, do not have the will to destroy the "infidels."

Finally, without an enemy to hate and be weary of, those in the United States who are serving their country won't have anyone to shoot at, to make prisoners of, and to torture whatever information they deem important and necessary out of.

The United States today, do not really have a rival, any country, or group that is equal with regards to the United States fire-power. It's almost like playing a baseball game, and all the opponents aren't allowed to use baseball gloves, there wouldn't be any competition.

For whatever reason as a nation, we seem to need war.....maybe war is our sustenance, our most tasty chocolate cake, and God knows most people like cake.

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