Friday, August 24, 2012



(Politico/Frazer Chronicle)

Did you ever wonder what in the hell possesses a person to reach for public office; I mean "what in the world are these guys and gals thinking?" To open yourself up to all the criticism, all the ugly innuendos, the half truths and the constant jabbing, pot shots and the really personal attacks seems to me to signal the possibility that these people are some sort of masochists. Do you really know what the word "masochist" means, well I do, and because this is a "family blog," I can only say that there is "pain" involved with the word.


We are now in what I like to call the "whoring around" part of our political season, you know, where completely sane competent people go off their rails, throw their common sense out the window, and join an almost barbaric ritual, take 2 and 3 steps at a time, wear a perpetual smile, point to nobody in particular in a crowd, and talk in riddles, project numbers that will never, ever come to pass.


This "whoring season" used to last several months, back in the good old days when there wasn't 24-7 news casts on both radio and television. Now through the magic of these two sources, some wimpy little punks have discovered that they too can be "nation builders," where their antics can actually make, or break a candidate.


In general, there used to be rules, "of sorts," when it came to choosing a candidate to run for public office in a political party. I have listed some in no particular order, and please remember that these rules are only my opinion feel free to add your own:

1. A good candidate has to have personal wealth, it's so the media can go after their tax returns

2. A good candidate must have had at least one extra marital affair, the juicier the better

3. A good candidate has to appear in tip top physical shape, even though most are past their prime years

4. A good candidate has had to have had a job where he worked in dirt, sweat, you know, common labor.....broken bones, or injuries suffered are extra special connectors to the lower middle class

5. A good candidate needs to appear like he is a "Teflon Don", nothing sticks.


I really don't know who set the standard for our elected officials, which jerk set the "bar" so high for them, what really has happened is that these whores are being set up to fail. Hell, most can fail all on their own.....they don't need anybodies help. I ask you, "What in the world do we expect from the people we elect to run the operations that make up our government?" These people are usually no better or worse than us, like the man said, "There trying to stay high and get by."


There used to be a time period, kind of like practicing in the minor leagues before you get called up to the big leagues. It's where a politician "hones" his abilities, gains some experience, learning how to stay away from the bad breaking pitches of life. But.....that all seems to have changed, look at the fast raise of our current president, he really came out of nowhere to grab the top spot, (some would argue) in the world.


Now we have another Obama, sure he's a different color, "white," but he doesn't have any experience for the job of president of this country, or for that matter, any other country. I'm talking about Paul D. Ryan, and his lack of experience, hell he even looks like a junior politician, wet behind the ears, and not old enough to have had one of those juicy type escapades.


Oh sure, he's only running on Mitt Romney's political ticket as the vice-president, but strange things can happen, you never know about these things. At least with Obama, we have Joe Biden, and he looks old enough to be the president’s dad, not so with the Romney-Ryan ticket.


Any more, what we, the general population, get for a president is a person who has been groomed for the position. I know, I know, you’re thinking "here he goes again off on another conspiracy junket," well I'm can look it up, most of these guys are like horses, after their 21st. birthday, "when their legal, they are run around the track a few times, win a few races, bang, there the next coming of General George Washington.


I don't like Paul Davis Ryan, I don't like Willard Mitt Romney, and I'm disappointed with President Obama. I don't have to (like) the countries president, but I do have to understand his basic ideals, and his agenda. The thing that is really wrong with our system of government is that you get either a liberal set of rules, or a conservative slant on everything.


That attitude will be the undoing of our country.....because frankly, no one party has all the right answers. Liberals need conservative ideas, and conservatives need some liberal ideas. We need to work together for a common goal, that goal for the betterment of the United States.


I don't see that "crossing the line" attitude with Romney or Ryan; it's what upsets me the most about their ticket. Obama seems to want to work with the conservatives, but you can never get a straight answer from him, and in many cases, no answer at all.


In order for this country to move forward.....and really be saved from itself, there needs to be a melding of the minds, answers for the better good of the country. Maybe we could call Mr. Spock....."Mr. Spock, where are you," Scottie maybe could beam the pointy eared one down to help us out.

I really think that we need some sort of "minor league" system to teach our political people the value of working together.....maybe this vaulting over people to the top isn't a very good system of government.

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