( Root/Frazer Chronicle)
Strange bed-fellows would be Barack Obama and Paul Ryan, neither thinks on the same level as the other, and that's not to say that either is smarter then the other, here for the sake of argument, I use the term.
There is a movie coming out about President Obama, it's based on a book by Dinesh D'Souza, "The Roots of Obama's Rage." I haven't seen it, but as soon as it's available here in Packer-land, I will. D'Souza uses extensive interviews that he conducted, and apparently has come to the conclusion that Obama is aiming at denigrating America's image and power on the world stage.
Others have picked up the staff and are trumpeting the opinions of D'Souza that fit into their criteria, people like Sane Hanity, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs and Laura Ingram. Except for Laura Ingram, those other guys are political hacks, Laura is a fox, "have you seen her," what a beauty.
I don't know how President Obama thinks, I am beginning to understand a little, but interviews often times need to be taken with a grain of salt, I know, I've done a few. But lets get right to it with regards to D'Souza, he was born in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India to Goan Catholics from the state of Goa in Western India.
A Goan Catholic is an ethno-religion community of Roman Catholics and their descendants from the state of Goa. They are Konkani people, speak the Konkani language, have been conquered off and on throughout their history, rebounding each time to where today, the people are mostly well off, highly educated, and many work in the banking industry. Today nearly half of the Konkanis can be found outside India, particularly the Arab states and Anglo sphere, either as naturalised citizens or expatriates.
I think it's important to reveal some of the quirks of a person with apparently lots of political power, with friends in high places who have access to, and can influence large numbers of people through their association with the media.
Dinesh D'Souza was educated at Dartmouth, has authored 15 books and has written 12 articles, worked as an editor for Policy Review, served as an advisor to Ronald Reagan, was a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and is currently the President of the King's College in New York city. To say that this man is highly educated would, an understatement.
That said, I must admit to you all now that there might be a "chink in D'Souza's suit of armor," it's my job to find these "chinks," to better inform whoever I reach. D'Souza is a noted conservative, defines conservatism in the America sense as "conserving the principles of the American Revolution.
One must remember that D'Souza adopted the United States as his homeland, and as such.....might have differing ideas then a true born American citizen. This is not a pre-existing opinion on my part, rather an observation on my part. D'Souza blames the cultural left for the attacks on September 11, 2001, and goes a step further, naming names, leftist allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the non-profit sector and the universities as the primary cause of the volcano of anger towards America that has erupting the Islamic world.
Of course D"Souza has an opinion about Christianity in America, and shouts his thinking with whoever is in listening distance. He maintains that "living creatures are the products of inteligent design, that there is an afterlife, given the available evidence, and that athesists have misrepresented the cased for Christianity on many fronts.
D'Souza thinks that Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse was due to the "sexual immodesty of liberal America, and that Abu Ghraib reflected the "values of a debauched liberalism run amok." Dinesh also claimed that the Charles Graner and Lynndia England vidotape would have been manditory viewing if the two sholdiers would have been professors at elite liberal arts colleges.
Now I ask you, with an agenda like that, exactly how serious could people take this guy, however, as my wife say's "the squeeky wheel gets the grease." And this guy, with the Konkanis accent is an A numer one squeeker.
D'Sauza has a movie out there, 2016 will surely make the rounds, and being a documentary, it's gonna make the film makers money. And as I said, "I'm going to go," spend $8 bucks for a ticket, get a tub of $5 dollar popcorn and watch.....but I bet I'll come away from the thing without much of a different feeling about Obama then I already have.
I have never been a big fan of Paul Ryan, he is like most of the other politicans that I watch every day of my life. He has a plan, a plan to get us out of the dull-drums of unemployment, entitlements, a fix for the economy, and a way to make government smaller, sleeker and able to do a better job at governing the people.
The only difference between Dinesh D'Souza and Paul Ryan is that Ryan speaks fluent Englash and Dinesh "attempts" to speak English, however, sadly at times his slight accent gets in the way, and he's probably pissed that he can never run for President because he was born in a foreign country.
Both Romney and his running mate have taken advantage of some of the programs that they now both want gone from the United States. Romney paid 13.9% on his wealth, too advantage of all sorts of decutions. Ryan used Social Security collected from his father's death benefit.
Ryan and Romney believe in a "trickle down" sort of economy, a smaller government, and either disregarding or abolishing all sorts of enviornmental checks and balances. If there were only this trickle down and abolishment theories, it is reason not to elect the Romney ticket in November.
But there is more.....much more, everybody knows about Mitt Romney and his climb from riches to riches. Bain Capital should be enough to let everybody know how he feels about outsourcing, or moving companies completely overseas and returning only to make vast fourtains when they sell their product to a kind of unsespecting American public.
Mitt Romney initiated the same sort of health care on his home state of Massachusetts when he was governor as Obama has on the United States. Let's see, first he was for it.....and now he's against it, come on "Willard," it's really a yea or na situation, Obama-care is eather good or bad, there's no half way when it comes to the question of my health care.
Paul Ryan.....ah yes, I could write about this guy all day and still not have said enough, Paul Davis Ryan was born and raised in Janesville, Wisconsin, the son of an attourey. Ryan's grandfather was appointed U.S. Attorney for the Western Districtof Wisconsin Calvin College, probably casting the die for greater and higher things in the rest of the Ryan family.
Ryan's family established a construction company back in.....1854, and has evolved into one of the nations largest "the companies own words" site-work contractors, and preforms residential, commercial, industrial and power site work and in addition does landfill construction, capping and full-service golf course building/remodeling for both public and private customers.
Paul Davis Ryan might not have been born with a silver spoon, but it was just a few inches from the baby carrage. He seemed to be groomed for political life and public service, his education, his early work for politicans, all were training grounds for where he finds himself today, on the threshold of the number 2 man in terms of world power, oh yes, make no mistake, the President of the United States has immense power.
Should we trust this guy, this young fellow from Wisconsin who seems to be just a chick away from being a king amoug men.....if anything were to happen to Mitt Romney.....if Romney wins the White, just think of the rush.....I can't immagine it, I'm way to old, and besides, one of my Tru-TV programs is about ready to start, Hard Core Pawn, I love that show.
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