(Mike Krumboltz, Yahoo News/Frazer Chronicle)
I've always found it funny when people that are either voted out of, resign from, get pushed out of, or actually are fired from public office do with their time. Lobbyist are what many of these people do after "public service," its kind of like they are growing up when they are elected to, or appointed to a public service job.
I make this comparison because mostly, when former politicians, or appointed people are out of office for whatever reason.....they are older, have learned their craft pretty well, are well connected, and naturally are a big help to business, Kind of like a kid graduating from high school, then attending college to further their education, and then.....bingo, they get hired to be a lobbyist for some big deal company.
We now must add an additional "after government job" profession, a talk show host, just check out that foxy former Governor from Michigan, Granholm, or the dude from New York state, Spitzer, they have talk shows. Now we can add Mike Brown, former FEMA director.
You remember Michael Brown, ya he was the very first Undersecretary of Emergency and Response (EP&R) in President George W. Bush, and used that position to "spring-board" to the director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in 2003.
It was the same Michael Brown who, in the 2005 Katrina Hurricane disaster himself was a disaster, resigning from that office September 12th. saying that "it was in the best interest of the agency and the President."
Mass incompetence was the term mostly used when referring to how Brown's actions and reactions were in the wake of one of the countries worst disasters. If I was Michael Brown, "and believe you me, I've pulled off some real bone head deals," I would have kept my mouth shut tighter then a bull's behind at fly-time.
Being the real trooper he must be, Brown went to work for a cotton company and actually referred to the "lessons that he had learned from his experiences as the head of FEMA during hurricane Katrina, "talk about making hay from a bad deal," unbelievable.
Next Brown headed up some sort of Next of Kin Registry, or (NOKR) based out of Washington D.C. NOKR is the central depository for emergency contact information in the United States and 87 other countries.
Brown next took a position with Cold Creek Solutions which offers consulting practice for disaster recovery, Michael Brown's position, Vice President, disaster recovery service.
Brown also has a week-night talk show in Denver, Colorado, station KOA, and teams up with David Sirota on radio KKZN, the two are known as KHOW in the afternoon drive home.
In addition to his radio talk showing, being the VP of the Next of Kin Registry, and his consulting for Cold Creek, Brown finds time to write, he co-authored Deadly Indifference, The Perfect (Politician) storm, the Bush White House and Beyond.
And now, Michael Brown has taken on a new position, criticizing Barack Obama and how.....are you ready for this..... the President was TO FAST with his actions with regards to hurricane Sandy. That's right, good old "Brownie" as President Bush referred to his FEMA director for some unknown reason has forgotten about some of the emails that he wrote during the 2005 disaster, and how ill-equipped he seemed to be in his reaction and handling of Katrina.
The "can I quit now," or how about "can I come home now," are by far the best, (in my opinion), "I'm trapped now, please come and get me." All during these "frantic" emails for help, personal help, good old "Brownie" was taking home $148,000 a year, and he would continue getting paid for almost two months after he resigned his post on September of 2005.
Brown talks about how Obama "went to Las Vegas while Benghazi was happening, but left the campaign rail, returning to his D.C. digs to personally keep tabs of the disaster that Sandy has become.
Maybe, just maybe.....and I'm spit-balling here, but it seems as if "Brownie" might be barking up the wrong fire-hydrant this time. Taking advantage of a sitting president by talking about his response, a response that will cost billions, and has cost a minimum of 33 people is, well really.....come on "Brownie" get a grip.....oh, and by the way, "Brownie," I wouldn't be making any trips up the east coast of the United States at least for several months.....you just might not return.