(Washington Post/Huffington
Post/Frazer Chronicle)
A great song, "huh," I mean anybody can
do the twist, and of course everybody can shout.....unless there is a medical
problem, and then just "sit and shout, or stand and say nothing."
During this election cycle or sorts of different issues are being discussed,
except the ones that affect most of us. Those issues seem to be placed on the
back burner as it were.
Yesterday Romney came out with "the
President has a weak foreign policy," wow that
makes next to no sense at all, but hey, politicians during the late stages of
their campaigns "spit ball," and whatever sticks to the wall they run
with, remember George W. Bush and his "flip flop" comment.....and it
Thank God we aren't dealing with good old
"G.W." anymore, hell, he'd have us in 5 or 10 countries, liberating
the oppressed, and making the world a safer place even though thousands of
people would have to die in the process.
Again we have the Republicans doing their worst
impression of saving the middle class by kicking the crap out of the lower
class....."you know, predominately black, or those low class white
crackers who love government assistance." The Republican strong, "the
conservatives," seem to always want to kick these people to the curb, and
just walk past them on their way to.....well, I'm really not a conservative, so
I don't know where in hell they are going.
Mitt Romney and his handlers sure as hell picked
a beauty to do their bidding, and he's had several years to "hone"
his abilities. Paul Ryan wants your vote, and he also wants to rid the country
programs for the poor. Ryan has never seen a food stamp card that he didn't
want to burn, no matter the circumstances.
Of course some of what Ryan wants to do won't get
past Romney and "his boys" to the light of day, however, some will.
Ryan wants to overhaul some aspects of Medicare, not touch the defense budget,
cuts billions from educational training, and employment and social services.
Ryan wants to cut about $5.3 tttrrriiillliiiooonnn, "sorry, I just can't
seem to wrap myself around that number, trillion," but Romney is talking
about $7 tttrrriiillliiiooonnn, "damn I did it again," trillion.
Poor people do exist, they simply
"are," you see them, and you might cross the street to avoid them,
but that doesn't alter the fact that there still there. Many of these people
are either ill of body, or mind, and in some cases, they are ill in both
We now have 2 Republicans saying somewhat the
same things, "cut, cut, cut," but do not touch Medicare, or
the defense budget. Guess who gets their "butts" handed to them if we
believe this entire dribble....."ding, ding," everybody for the
middle of the middle class on down.....that's who.
My Dad was a carpenter, I have dabbled in
carpentry, and my son has, like the man said, "you are what you eat,"
it's true, or at least it has been in my life. My point is simple, if you are
living in poverty, you probably came from poverty. To cut people out of a higher
education, to keep people hungry, to give them less the best care, keeps that
"daisy chain going."
Idiots like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, and to a
degree Barack Obama, help to keep the status qua, our government.....on all
levels helps to fuel the flames of low levels self esteem, poorly educated,
hungry, under medically cared for group of people that continues to grow.
The homeless, the hungry and the
dis-in-franchised will one day take over the country; sadly there probably
won't be anything left. The rich will have taken all that there is of
value.....and locked themselves into their gated communities.
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