Saturday, October 27, 2012



(Ron Fournier, National Journal/Jennifer Agiesta, Sonya Ross, Associated Press)

(Mark Felsenthal, Reuters/Frazer Chronicle)

So my friends, here we are, heading for the finish line with a Republican, Mitt Romney and a Democrat, incumbent, Barack Obama gouging huge chunks out of the others message, spinning, telling half truths and sometimes outright lies. Don’t worry, the half truths and lies department are pretty much right down the middle.


What we have here is two flawed candidates running for the highest office in the country; some say “the world,” but I’ll leave the answer to that statement to historians in the future. What we have before us is a race to the White House that is once again generating almost wholesale pros and cons of the men running, the parties that they represent and the people that they are supposed to work for…


I watched Bill Maher last night on his weekly “Real Time” television show on H.B.O. it’s “at least for me,” amusing, entertaining, and also gives me some insight into how the Democrats are thinking on an intellectual plain…..Anyways, at times. Maher always has a mixture of both Republicans and Democrats on his panel, although it’s usually “slanted” towards the Democratic mentality.


Last night Maher brought up the problem with race and the political campaign for the White House and he, “Maher” has concerns about how race may determine the occupant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue come January of 2013.



Anybody who denies the fact that America isn’t a racist country either lives way, way out in the wilds of California, the Virginias’ or the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. The color of a person’s skin or how many “ya'lls” are in a sentence doesn’t really understand how racism works… any country.


My introduction to Wisconsin racism was during my first Packer football season way back in 1986, when, sitting in a tavern watching the “Pack” playing the Chicago Bears, somebody yelled out, “God, look at that nigger run.” I almost fell off my bar stool, never in, (at that time) my 43 years had I heard that term used in a public venue.


Here in Green Bay, Wisconsin I can truthfully say “race relations haven’t gotten any better,” people still us the “N” word, privately as well as in public. The mayor is white, 90% of the police force is white as well as publicly elected officials. With few exceptions, key positions are held by white people, few Blacks, Hispanics, or Asians have managed to “worm” their way into the hierarchy of either the business community or public office.


And Green Bay is nothing more than a microcosm of every city throughout the country; let’s face the facts of life with regards to how we, as white people, react towards black people, “do you want to live next door to a black family?” I live across the street from 2 Hispanic families, and every week-end, without exception, they are out fixing cars and trucks…..every week-end. I’ve gotten used to it, but it’s still kind of strange to me, why, because I’m not used to neighbors like that.


Neither Obama nor Romney talk about racial situations here in the country, they kind of ignore the obvious. I voted for Obama in 2008, and I will again in 2012, I wouldn’t vote for Romney even if somebody paid me…..well, let’s wait on that one because it would depend on the dollar amount, ha, just kidding.


It troubles me that color will play a part in the 2012 election, for a fleeting moment, back in 2008 I thought we had the racial problem here in our country “on the run,” but sadly I think the problem is bigger today then it was in 2008.


It’s my fault, yours and President Obama’s. Ya, that’s right, Obama has this detached attitude about himself, kind of like he understands, but somehow really doesn’t. He’s kind of aloof, you know, remote, like he is on a different plane than the rest of us.


Make no mistake, he understands the problems that everyday Americans have, but either his advisors, or he himself has decided to remain detached, separated almost, from everyday people like us. I think he still wants to help, to remain aware, but has a problem reaching out, touching as it were, the voters that put him in office.



Until we quit this stupid white thing against all people of color we are destined to remain a jumbled mess, and a people who get next to nothing done in a positive manner. I don’t go along with that “we are all brothers and sisters of the world crap”, each ethic group has its very own habits, beliefs and favorite foods. Many people have a different religion, and I think that they have the right to worship however they want… long as it’s not in a threatening way.


Who’s gonna win in November… tell me, I don’t know, however I do know that if we aren’t as educated as possible about the issues and the man, we are, as a people destined to lose. After all the bull-crap, after all the half truths, the innuendos and the bald faced lies have been uttered, and it’s time for us to exercise are right to vote… vigilant, keep an eye on the polls, the predictions, and even the election booths, be involved.


Because this election just might be the most important in your life, for me, I already had my “most important election,” it was back in 1963 when I voted for John F. Kennedy. “He had a dream,” a dream that bore no fruit, but still it was a beautiful dream…..”Look it up sometime.” (Vote early and often.)  

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