(Bloomberg/Frazer Chronicle)
Well I finely understand firsthand what they mean
when they say, "either choose food or your medicine." I had my six
month diabetes doctor’s appointment Tuesday, October 9th and was
made aware of the cost of a different and new pill that would keep my condition
pretty much the same. The choices were to continue taking my current medicine
and also work-out six days a week for an hour each day with an elevated heart
rate, or spend hundreds of dollars a month on the new wonder drug.
I have Medicare, which has reduced my social
security benefit and additional health coverage that I pay for. Yet between my
two insurances, I'm left out in the cold with regards to the new, stronger
stuff that will probably make my quality of life a whole lot better.....I could
steal that occasional piece of chocolate cake that I so desire.
Guess I can't get a break with a new drug that
can help me enjoy a little bit of paradise and the sweets that I desire. You
know it’s funny, when you can have something anytime that you want, it’s
no big deal, you can grab it later, but when your desire is like a piece of
fruit from the forbidden tree, you can never get enough.
For me it does gonna be the six day, six hour
work-out because my alternative is the dreaded syringe, and a poke each and
every day. Yup its either insulin or the Arnold Schwarzenegger style work-out,
gee I can hardly wait, no telling where a new and rejuvenated body might lead
me.....I do have the blood pressure of an 18 year old, 112 over 72 on Tuesday.
Seriously though, getting back to the subject at
hand.....peoples health, medical attention, how accessible it is, and more
important, how is it paid for, and by whom. Look enough of this Mitt Romney
stuff about only 47% of American citizens pay taxes, or whatever the figure is,
everybody pays taxes, whether land tax, income tax, an import tax, sales tax,
or some local yocal tax.....everybody pays some sort of tax.
A universal medical insurance plan, paid for by all
tax payers on a graduated basis, a trickle-up if
you will, where the rich pay a higher medical tax, the middle class a lesser
amount, and the poor next to nothing, and in some cases, nothing. And by the
way, a major share of people that won't pay any medical tax in my plan
are.....well, color people, blacks or whatever; at least everybody is medically
I bring up the race issue with regards to
entitlements, or because of people of color seem to be the brunt whenever the
conversation centers on government programs, or give-aways. Why in this day and
age of racial awareness and enlightened thinking with regards to the races
would people point a bony finger at people of color?
My wife had an interesting point the other day
when we were discussing government spending, how the budget affects American
citizens, and the entitlement give-away programs. I have to confess, I never
thought about where funds would come from for entitlement programs if the
country shifted money away from the defense department.
Once again, Candace Joan was "right on"
when she asked the question about funding entitlements. Her question,
"where would the funds come from for all these programs," I of course
jumped right in with my typical disdain for a thoughtful process whenever
confronting my wife, and her opinions. I said, "from defense department
spending." You should have seen my jaw drop when she calmly looked me
straight in the eye and coolly responded, "How? We are already borrowing
money from foreign countries to pay for our war effort."
I was thunderstruck, left speechless, and quickly
had to admit that Candy Jo was right on.....once again. Of course it’s true, we
are a big debtor country when it comes to defense’s because we
spend so much on defense.
I lost a brother-in-law in August; I have a
friend who has many ailments, and another pal who had a mini stroke at 50. In a
time when each needed to concentrate on his health problems, problems jumped up
and took energy away from a healing process, it made each of these people uneasy
when they should have been totally focused on their issue at hand.
My wife had wonderful insurance through her job
at the City of Green Bay, and frankly we both became complacent with regards to
exactly how health covering insurance really works. The nature of the
beast, "and it is a beast," can be summed up in one word,
Some companies rely on their customer’s inability
to grasp the nooks and crannies of their chosen health plan. My wife and I
still have the same insurance.....and we pay close to $400 a month, which is
about three times what we used to pay.
And even though we pay around $300 a month more
for health coverage, I still can't get every drug on the market for my
health affliction, somehow that just doesn't seem right. In the olden days, people
either doctored themselves, or relied on the good old "country
doctor." The guy with pictures of every baby that he had delivered, the
guy who took apple pies, or an occasional hog for payment
Of course those days are gone, I don't want those
days back, we have progressed to a point where there seems to be a treatment
for everything. We are ushered into a sparkling steel and concrete building,
complete with all sorts of shiny new apparatuses designed to help in the
treatment of a doctor’s case load.
Millions of people walk into these cathedrals of
health treatments, and walk out either free of pain or have been shown a way to
combat their illness. Sadly millions of other people are met at the gate of
these places and basically told to "take a hike." No insurance, no
funds to pay "get lost."
Oh sure hospitals are required by law to treat
people for an injury, or a flare-up of an existing ailment, but directly after
these people are treated for whatever ails them, the medical system cuts them
from any further treatment.
It seems as if Republicans and Neo-Con
conservative, (there is a difference you know), could care less about those
less fortunate people. Guess they never heard the song, "We are the
people, we are one."
These are the people, like Paul Ryan, or Michelle
Obama who preach working out, watching what you eat, and to a degree live a
stable life-style. Well guess what, it's really not how people life, some
people do not have the time or the where-with-all to work out, and others
simply grab whatever is handy.
I suppose in the near future there will be food
cops, soda cops, midriff cops, and another cop to probe a person’s thinking
process. I can hardly wait.
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