Vice, Wise Uranium Project, H. Patricia Hynes, B.B.C.’s Today)
International Coalition to Ban Nuclear Weapons, Frazer Chronicle)
war in Iraq isn’t over, oh sure United States troops by and large have left the country…..left it to the devices
of other bad guys, but Iraq
is pretty much hopeless as well as helpless. Deaths occur each and every day,
it isn’t safe to be out in some areas during the day, and at night, well you
can pretty much forget a night out on the town… could result in your death
in so many different ways, bombs, gun-fire, stabbing, beheadings, or just a
good old fashioned beating… death.
my friends, the streets of most any city in Iraq qualifies as a mean street, to be avoided at
all costs, almost no matter the reason to be in the streets. Taking a loved one
to a clinic or hospital during the night can result in two bodies going to the morgue,
or body parts being strewn all over the streets.
never really thought about the aftermath of the war in Iraq, I have always been
the one to say, “lets pack up and leave right now,” but I guess it’s not quite
that easy, of course I was never privy to information about what types of
weapons were being used in the sand dunes and the cities of hundreds of
thousands of people without skyscrapers. I just wanted our troops out; I wanted
the bleeding of money from our treasure to stop…..completely.
I am hearing about the horrors of the weapons that were used by American
soldiers in their daily war maneuvers to kill the bad guys. Oh the U.S. wasn’t the
only ones to use some of these hideous weapons of mass distinction, the United
Kingdom, and Australia also apparently used these depleted uranium thingies.
my time in the military, I was taught that atomic, or uranium weapons, (in my
time there was only the bomb), were the death knell for the people who the
weapon was used against. In my time, which of course has long since passed,
there was the blast, the heat, and the push, pull shock wave. If you survived a
nuclear bomb, protection was pretty simple, don’t drink the water, don’t eat
the food, and stay under you poncho, believe it or not, as I recall,
that was the long and short of surviving an atomic bomb.
today, the crazies seem to have effectively created ammunition the like of I
can’t imagine, I saw military photos of the bombed out Japanese cities, the
carnage was unbelievable. Bodies burned on one side, the other looked as if
nothing had happened. I saw videos of Japanese people dying of nuclear disease,
images of where people had been standing during the blast, no bodies, just
their silhouette burned into the pavement… was awful.
don’t really think that Iraq, or for that matter were all about
retaliation, or threats from Iraq did you, there had to be a second my sinister
reason to go into basically third world countries, and play at kicking ass,
while in effect, we were testing for the world, a show, to see how the military
might of the United States actually worked.
course the United States never expected the resistance to be so strong, like
Defense Secretary said, “they’ll welcome us with flowers,” and Paul Wolfowitz
talking about the cost being a few million dollars. Now we are all suffering
for the shortsightness of our fearless leaders back at the beginning of what
has turned into a decade long military struggle.
if you stop and think about it for a minute, an elongated military struggle is
kind of just what the doctor ordered, I mean for the military, and
endless amount of enemies that keep marching right up to whatever front lines
there are, and the United States military, and her allies continue their
research into more efficient killer
many learned people are horrified about the use of Depleted Uranium, it’s a
real killer, no matter how it is delivered, in a bomb, or in ammo that can be
fired from a rifle, or some sort of rocket launcher, the end result is the same…..initial
death and destruction, long term…..death without the destruction.
no wonder there aren’t many experts that are walking around on the streets that
have an opinion on this subject…..carcinogens
and mutagens, they are really
deadly little puppies my friends. Avoid these little devils at all
costs, cause they can really mess up your life, and little kids, babies, or the
unborn…..forget it, these mutant creating things effect the babies and unborn fetus’s
at an almost 100% rate.
knows what a carcinogen is…..right…..well if not, here goes what I’ve gleaned
from my trusty Wikipedia;
Carcinogen is any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that as an agent
directly involved in causing cancer.
Mutagen, in genetics, (Latin, literally origin of change) is a physical
or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA, of an organism and thus
increases the frequency of mutations above the normal background level.
I don’t pretend to understand what I just typed, but I do know that if the
basic building blocks in nature are altered… definitely isn’t a good thing,
and if this crap can be spread around the countryside by a strong wind…..which
Iraq has, it would kind of be fool-hardy to use against an enemy….unless
you want a bunch of big headed Zombie like children staggering around the
use and resulting distribution of these nasty altering weapons should never be used in any kind of
confrontation, they should be verboten!
Sane people simply do not go around
letting off weapons or bombs that alter little kids, babies, or unborn children;
it’s a crime against humanity pure and simple.
the VICE episode on H.B.O. this past Friday, 4-19, there
was a segment showing a bazooka type weapon that fired one of these depleted uranium
devises into some Iraqi’s house, the ensuing blast was kind of like a miniature
nuclear blast. Out of one of the windows came a blast that depicted the push-pull
action of a full blown nuclear bomb.
matter where you go in Iraq, there are trace amounts of depleted uranium
present if these types of weapons were used, and the evidence is overwhelming
that they were. So the civilian population gets particled, moms, dads,
brothers, sisters, babies, and the yet to be born in your dream babies.
soldiers, whose job it is was to seek out the bad guys, and as one soldier
said, “to shoot, and ask questions later,” the same particles are launched into
the air every time that they shoot or launch one of these depleted uranium missiles,
and these same particles infect the military personnel of the United States,
and they bring back possibly tainted reproductive materials in their systems.
bad enough when an army, any army, either wittingly, or unwittingly spreads the
kind of crap that can enter the body of a person, can cause cancer…..but worse,
can cause birth defects in yet to be conceived offspring. How in hell can any military
person… his/her right mind condone such activity?
kind of like whenever I see a kid with his pants hanging down below his Mendoza line, (belly button),
and has the appearance of an unkempt dink, I kind of “weep for the future” of
our country, I however take solace in the fact that the generation after mine
did so many wonderful things in the 1980’s and 90’s.
what exactly will the following generations of Iraq, Afghanistan, and to a
lesser extent, the rest of the world be able to contribute? Military officials mostly
are common sense, real people that chose a military career, and have little or
no desire to launch whatever stupid, insanity that is administered on the world
next, in fact some speak out.
write almost daily about different issues that affect us all too varying,
degrees, but it seems some in the Pentagon, in the Whitehouse, and on Capitol
Hill have relegated themselves to pass the torch on, to keep the work of fools
for one will not allow that to happen without some sort of protest, no matter
the consequence, we are not the boss of the whole wide world, we are a strong contingent
of the voice of common sense…..or at least we used to be…’s time to return
to those days, let’s not let the actions and desires of a few bizarre thinkers
ruin the state that we call America.
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