Saturday, April 6, 2013



(Portage Daily Register, Edmond Sun, Huff-Post, Frazer Chronicle)


When people said sequester, it was alright… least for me, like most people out there, my first thought was that a jury in some big time trial was being locked away until a verdict was reach, the scum-bag was put away for the dirty deeds that he had done, and jurisprudence had worked out again.


Imagine my shock when I read that when a government sequesters, all sorts of benefits can and will be taken away. Holy snickies, now the word had all sorts of connotations, what would be taken away, road construction, (which wouldn’t be all that bad from a convenience standpoint), law enforcement on the federal level…..basically services that we all depend on during the course of our daily lives.


You began hearing about the control towers at airports being terminated, a hundred forty nine to be exact. I couldn’t figure out how in hell that was going to be achieved, from the view of safe air travel, you no taking off, and landing. What in hell was the Federal Government doing up there on Capitol Hill, playing Twiddle-Winks with man-hole covers.


Way to go Capitol Hill, taking away a basic service that every flyer, private and commercial needs to achieve a safe flight. Oh ya, and what if there is a war brought to our shores by some terrorist group, how can our military air-force take off and land without these guidance towers, why to go Capitol Hill, another bang-up job.



Now we have another word to ponder, its sequestration, what in hell does that mean, I’d better go to my handy dandy word look-up on my word processer………….(I’m back), wow, what a word, seems as if, like so many other words in the English language, sequestration has several meanings, from being in a state of sequester, to sequestering property, to removing ions from a solution, like the man said, “this word has everything.”


The parts of the word that I don’t like deal with the seizure of property…..who the hell died and made our government the Pope…..that I’d like to know. Sequestration can mean taking my property that allegedly belongs to somebody else. A writ that authorizes the seizure of my stuff, or a collection of rules imposed by authority.


No there ain’t much connected with this word, sequestration that I particularly care for, seems to me as if the use of this word simple is another tool for the fed to use against the electorate, namely you and me. I will say this, sequestration is an equal opportunity word, and shows absolutely not a smidgen of racial overtones… screws everybody equally.


Now before you all go off, and consider alternatives to replacing our government, or where you live, let’s examine one simple aspect of the sequestration that our government is going to impose on us. A 10.7 pay-cut. That’s right; let me say it again, 10.7 pay-cut. For easy figuring, (which I’m always for), if you earn a dollar an hour, right off the top, almost eleven cents will be taken…..and that’s before the rest of the normal taxes are taken out. After all the taxes have been extracted, you, my man are left with a grand total of .67 cents…..Betty, hold the horse, that will be a bitter pill to take, but take it you will…..and with little or no back-talk, thank you very much.





I don’t believe you would ask that question…..the middle class of course…..dummy, who else do you think can pull up its collective boot straps, the rich and shameless, surely you jest. No whenever addition financial burdens are passed out, political figures take a quick look and do the right thing, they lam-blast the middle class.


I’m going to say something that I’ve never said before… can look it up, anyways…..the rich can’t carry the country, it’s the middle class that pulls the country out of the dull-drums every time, and you can look that one up too. When there’s a war, who fills out the uniforms, who learns how to shoot straight, who learns how to operate the big war machines, and who makes the ultimate sacrifice…..that’s right, without exception, the middle class.


So would it be any different now, in this sequestration period, when the fed is looking for financial bail-out, could it be any different…’s the mighty middle class, or the M.M.C. “I just made that up,” But it’s true, there are more of us, we actually hold the power, so little guys unite, we are the hope of the country, no Obama, not Paul Ryan, really not your congressmen, and for damned sure not your mealy-mouthed senator, it’s us.


But we can take it, we are used to getting our face rubbed in the mud by the playground bully, we simply bounce back, it’s what we do. We understand the inner workings of government, better than we are given credit for. We know that 90% of elected officials are nothing more than whores standing on street corners waiting for their next trick, or in the case of politicians, votes!



Most Americans know that we spend too much, I say we because the government is we, and the government does not create money. Oh sure they can print more, but in actuality, when money is printed by the fed in a glut fashion, it devalues the money that we either have saved, or work for. Let’s get one thing straight, nobody in America gets a free ride, that’s right, Welfare recipients, unemployment, and most of the other help programs are pretty much just loans from the populous, us, to those folks who collect the benefits.


With little exception, people want to work, people want to be challenged, they want to create, and they want to feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of their day. Sitting on your butt, watching the tube does not give a person a sense of accomplishment and those people who don’t care, well, them we will just have to support, kind of like writing off a bad debt.


Money, every day of the week, is wasted by our elected officials, we need to be more vigilant, we can’t trust, politian’s track record does not merit trust on our parts, the MMC. When a billion is spent on some stupid military weapon to guard against attacks from Canada’s borders, we need to have the voice to stop that weapon.


Slicing $1.2 trillion out of our operating budget, because after all, our tax money goes to make up our operating budget, sounds like a whole bunch. But first we, in the MMC need to understand that only $85 billion will be cut this year, not even a 10% of a trillion. Our operating budget is probably going to be around $3.5 trillion, so $85 billion really isn’t very much.


The sequestration is scheduled to happen over a ten year period, that’s probably if Democrats hold the Whitehouse, and maintain a robust number in either the house or senate. Of course one can never figure what the chances are that Congress or an administration won’t weasel out of the schedules.


The cuts that are proposed won’t mean much over the long haul, in the short view of things, I guess you’d have to say that business will be much more cautious, and that will hurt the slow recovery that we are in. I have never really understood why business swings with an economy, oh I understand about the spending patterns of an economy, but I’m not sure that it makes any sense.


Economists talk endlessly about the bull or bust in an economy, they trot out all kinds of facts and figures that back up their theories, but aren’t these some of the same guys who talk about a industry being a living, breathing person, and sometimes get fooled by an economy, aren’t this guys really in the same boat as us, guessing!



We now come full circle, I was a war-time baby, date of birth 1943, and was eligible for retirement in 2005, my birth cycle is now reaping the fruits of our efforts through social security, and the longer we live, we will be dipping into the baby boomers of the middle 1950’s to around 1960.


You guys don’t have a short term with regards to budget cuts, social security benefits, and Medicare and Medicaid coverage… and my buddies will have already taken a McGriff bite out of your benefits, and the worst part…..I don’t even care.


Like me, somehow you’ll deal with the problem, the real problem will be my grand kids, when they reach retirement age, I will have long been forgotten, but that McGriff bite that I took back in the early part of the 20th century could be their death null.


I’m sorry…..but I’m not, my grand babies will just have to fend for themselves, pretty much like I have, and all the rest of the MMC’s. I can give you a hint right now, it doesn’t have to be the way I’ve blogged herein, but it will take me, my fellow MMC’s, and the up and coming new ranks of the MMC’s to turn the trick.


Vigilance and involvement, knowledge, and understand, awareness of current programs, projects and national goals. It’s all there, all we have to do… do, stay active, search for the truth and facts, enter into conversation with peoples of all kinds of political backgrounds and beliefs, and never…..ever get ridged in your reasoning process, always remember that sometimes a good idea or process wasn’t your idea, but came from somebody else who used several opinions to garner his opinion, and remember to:



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