Sunday, April 14, 2013


(The Phrontistery, The History, Zoltan Grossman, Frazer Chronicle)


My wife has repeatedly ask me to blog about some of the lighthearted issues of the day, my sister and niece have both asked me to write with the comic flair, even my dog, Missy, gave me an ugly snarl whenever I talked with my wife about the content of some of my blogs. I hate to say this, but my stark, analytical approach to some current history might even have attributed to her, (Missy’s) death.


But I just can’t seem to help myself, there’s so much crap out there that people need to realize, understand and ponder, that I feel it is my duty to report the little tidbits that aren’t much in the main-stream news. You know the Chronicle saying, all the news that nobody else will print.


I’m 69 years old, since my birth date, November 16, 1943, how many U.S. military led interventions, conflicts and outright wars has there been? I know I feel like a war baby, and I’d say as much, but I don’t think it would fit….. my Dad was Catholic, a Frenchman and simply adored women…..and loved my Mother… you do the math, They were married in 1940, lost a child before me, and many people would say that they should have stopped whatever it was they were doing directly after my birth…..but they didn’t as proven by the addition of my three sisters.


Just during my time here on earth, there has been…..are you ready for this, 69, thanks to the powers that be, those heady guys within our country who decide such things, have given me a birthday give for each year of my life. Thanks fellas, it’s a gift that keeps on giving year after fricken year.


But this blog isn’t about just me, oh no-sir-e, although I feel honored and fortunate to have received 69 wars, conflicts and military interventions for each of my years, there still are 31 years left in the 20th century to list… let’s get at it.


There were an additional 42 confrontations by the United States military that involved the use of firearms, planes, bombs and troops. Included in this number were 10 confrontations involving states in America with regards to worker unrest and political concerns by Native Americans. And of course we all know what happened on September 11, 2001…..that grim military activity continues, and will for the foreseeable future.


I know that virtually every politician wants to leave a legacy; it’s talked about more today than at any time that I can remember. Me and my legacy, I just hope that my creditors won’t know where my final resting place will be, cause if they do, I know of several unscrupulous finance departments who will dig up my old bones to check for any valuables.


It’s kind of funny, not in a ha ha way, but bizarre that there aren’t people still living that have accumulated as many birthdays as the United States has invaded cities, states, countries or territories over the past century and thirteen years.


The information that I used to research this blog does not include mobilization of the National Guard, reinforcement of embassy personnel, the war on drugs in the U.S. or abroad, covert activity, small hostage rescue military units, use of proxy troops, and military or police training and advisory programs not involving direct combat.




Throughout the military history of the 20th century, the U.S. invaded several countries repeatedly, apparently taking more time to get the objective right. Nicaragua has been invaded by detachments of the United States four times, and six times in you go back to 1898, the last invasion was in 1981, but that invasion lasted the entire decade of the 80’s, C.I.A. activity, arms for guns, Iran, President Regan and Oliver North…..all very hush, hush stuff.


Panama was another favorite spot for military invasions, and why not, the country is a beautiful vacation spot. The first American military action in Panama was an example of early nation building by the U.S. Panama broke off from Colombia in 1903, and the move by the Americans annexed the Panama Canal Zone…..which opened indecently in 1914.


Panama seemed to be the Pacific area that was the hottest of areas for the United States to police during the 20th century. There was U.S. military activity in the Republic of Panama no less than eight times, and again I say why not, with an average daily of 92.4 degrees, and lows in the 60’s or 70’s, what’s the big deal if you gotta duck and dodge a few bullets…..surfs up at 4:00 P.M. and all hostility was called off to the next morning at 8:00 A.M.


The invasion schedule went like this, and of course was all about money, the Panama Canal, and how much of it… was going to be saved by American shippers. First in 1901-1914, to establish the canal, then in 1908, additional troops were required to ensure the proper elected officials were put into office.


Again during the formative years of Panama, 1912, troops were again necessary during a heated election period when America’s favorites were in jeopardy of losing their seats. 1918-1920, battle hardened Marines landed to carry out police duty during unrest during and after elections.


In 1925 American Marines suppress a general work stoppage by striking laborers, and then after more than 33 years, military forces were again dispatched to the Panama zone in 1958 when flag protests erupt into armed confrontation. Then in 1964 troops are again occupying parts of the republic to quell violence.


And finally in 1989, troops, bombings, Nationalist government ousted by 27,000 soldiers, leaders are arrested, and more than 2500 are killed in most violent activity during entire history of U.S. occupation and military intervention. Somebody may have learned lesson, because for the past 24 years U.S. has stayed out of the beautiful vacationland of that area.


Panama has become a favorite mecca for retirement in the world, with an average GDP per capita of $11,700, is it any wonder. The Panama City airport, Tocumen International, is the largest and busiest in Central America, offering daily flights to major international destinations, all proving that American military diligence does pay off, even if it takes a hundred years.



If there is a pattern of military action by the United States…..and there is, self interest would be the paramount jumping off point. Of the 111 military events during the 20th century, 42 were centered around the Central America area the first in the 1890’s, and the last in Panama in 1989. The majority of this activity occurred during the first three decades of the 20th century.



After stabilizing the central portions of the America’s that United States officials, military leaders and industrialists felt was necessary, and after many of these people died off, a new target was established, and of course new natural recourses were involved…..petroleum was the new jewel that would be plucked from the tree of the world’s natural resource orchard.


Between 1946, when the United States first intervened in Iran, telling Soviet troops to leave the northern part of the country because of a perceived nuclear threat, and 2013, in Afghanistan, where the United States has been at war against terrorists coming up on 12 years, the United States has attempted to install governments that will align themselves with America’s interests.


Contrary to historical thinking, the war in the Middle East did not start with the airplane bombings on September 11, 2001, no-sir-e, things were set in motion long before that horrible morning attack, it’s almost as if the powers-that-be knew all along which places to target, and I suppose some people would call the sight of these people, far sighted, I personally would rather point out the fact that more than a million lives have been lost, and the United States is close to bankruptcy.



Does anybody understand how long oppression of people has been going on…..well I can tell you, since man was spit here on this orb that we call home. I remember President George W. Bush saying in one of his speeches that “the United States was not interested in nation building.” Huh…..wait a minute, then why did we invade Afghanistan, and more to the point, why are we still there.


Everybody knows why we invaded Afghanistan, even I’m pretty sure that Osama bin Laden orchestrated the September 11th nobody pointed a finger and said that the United States shouldn’t have brought military reaction to the September 11th attack.


But not so many people were convinced that Iraq should have been attacked, even if you believe the flimsy reasons for the action. It was pretty evident to any thinking person that didn’t have their head squarely planted up their butts, or in some other dark corner.


It seems to me that the Bush administration, or was it the Cheney administration… know, I couldn’t really figure out which of those bozos was in charge, one day Bush would be following Cheney so close you couldn’t tell where Bush stopped and Cheney started, and the next day it would be vice-versa…..funny how government works.


Clearly Bush was nation building with Iraq as well as Afghanistan, Iraq became too costly, and there was an almost complete change in administrations. However the new administration, Obama took up many of the same ideas that were already in place.


I am sick and tired of our elected officials being treated as royalty, and you can’t tell me that it goes to their heads. Elected officials like the feel of power, a little nation building here, a little imperialism there, and a dash of monarchy to complete the effort…..ah yes, there we have it.


No even though the 20th century was the bloodiest and costliest, the 21st century has a rousing start to meet and beat the war mongering century that we just put to bed. Thank God, I’m my age, and won’t have to watch another episode of man’s inhumanity towards man, and don’t try fooling me with the rhetoric that’s coming out of Washington…..cause I ain’t having any of it.



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