Tuesday, August 20, 2013



(Zoltan Grossman, Spencer R. Weart, Edward S. Herman)

(Janet Afray, David S. Foglesong, Brendan Koerner, Steven R. Ward)

(Malcolm Bryne, TP-AJAX, Edward G. Browne, Aljazeera, Frazer Chronicle)


It really isn’t funny, this long history of interference by the United States Government, the mistakes, missteps and the abysmal decisions that have been made by our government in the name of world peace, democracy, and human rights. It is funny that peace initially needs to start with some sort of violence.


The United States has been involved hundreds of clandestine and outright openly military operations that were bent on removing administrations, or the entire political practices of countries. This activity has been conducted domestically as well as globally and very few are immune from the conniving attitudes and an air of superiority that is carried.


The United States military has a history of liking its assignments and standing ready, willing and able to carry out whatever orders might be issued by their superiors, or Commander in Chief.  America has a long and bloody history of making peace through war.


This attitude of being the peacemaker, and the teachings of democratic practices began long before the 20th century. However due to the lack of space, and time, we will take the history of American intervention throughout the world from 1900.


China was invaded by U.S. troops during the Boxer Rebellion and left the country late in 1900, and also took part in the Philippines insurrection activity in action which took the Philippines from Spain, resulting in more than 600,000 Filipinos’ deaths.


Some of the invasions have resulted in occupations that continue to this day…..like Puerto Rico, which was seized from Spain in 1898. You can also include Guam is this category of occupied countries, seized from Spain in 1898, the United States Air Force maintains an airport on the island.



The United States since 1900 has carried out a staggering 134 domestic and international military interventions, and unbelievably that number, (as bad as it is) does not include the clandestine that have been carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency. And to make the spook agency by far the egregious actor of all of the U.S.’s intelligence communities, they have a mandate to only operate their vile activities on foreign soil…..but, well you know, governmental mandates were made to be broken, and the C.I.A. takes advantage of that unwritten rule all the time.


For whatever reason the United States administrations, Congress, and military forces, and after World War 2, intelligence agencies seem to have a need for some sort of military maneuvering to complete themselves.  A stupefied and gullible citizenry…..us, seems to be satisfied to go along.


I watched a war movie the other night, right now the name escapes me, but throughout the flick the movie producers sprinkled little metaphorical messages. It wasn’t by mistake, and it was obvious that there was a (message to the massage) that I didn’t miss.  Olympus Has Fallen was the movie, damn good one, I’ve watched twice.




I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, (we are being sold a bill of goods,) go ahead, keep your head in the sand, you know what’ll happen…..you’ll get your butt shot off, it happens every time. I get the same reaction from those people who are ill advised, or those who ride along blissfully on the ride of their lives, knowing that they only have sixty to seventy five years to live…..so big deal, (I’ll be gone by the time something happens.)



Can you say (redaction,) of course they did, it’s been known for years and years, but the intelligence agency finally (came out of the closet) and admitted what everybody knew. Without exception…..on both sides, everybody is mostly dead, its how spook agencies operate. After the fact, decades after the fact…..admit everything, nobody can be held accountable…..and punished.


The August, 1953 coup was carried out by the C.I.A. as an act of U.S. foreign policy…..of course it was, does anybody really think that an agency with the dark operational activity like the C.I.A. is capable of initiating anything without proper authority?


Looking right over the United States shoulder was merry old England who had been angered by Iranian Prime Minister Mossadegh’s take-over of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, (predecessor of modern day British Petroleum BP) England was a great teacher for the fledging U.S. military sponsored coup activity, after all, England had been at taking over countries for hundreds of years.


Ultimately the man who came to rule Iran was the shah, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, actually a puppet for both Britain as well as American interests in petroleum. The agreement was a good one, and lasted until the 1979 Islamic Revolution. Of course most know of the hostilities that have become a cornerstone of the country’s foreign policy towards the United States.


The count of deaths resulting from U.S. intervention domestically and globally cannot be calculated, no accurate record was ever made. The amount of money spent, the broken dreams, families, and business is an astronomical figure.



In a chech-mate type of situation, the United States has become the bully-boy of the block, but in the process has extended itself to the limits militarily. What has emerged is the chech-mate bluff type of military activity by the U.S. and if our advocacies really ever catch on…..to coin a phrase, (we’d be screwed.)  


Unfortunately the United States military accepts as a by-product of military intervention, massive civilian casualties, unlike many other world military forces. With little exception U.S. media outlets, the printed, airwaves, and television coverage underreports the actual facts of the brutality of American war making.


The U.S. military has been intervening in other countries stuff for a long time, so much so that we are now the pre-eminent authority on the art of this type of war-making. It’s almost like we graduated from War-Making 101, and received a teaching certificate, but other countries are catching on.


Of course people ask why would the United States (conduct themselves…..militarily in such a manner, what could be gained?) Have you checked the prices on an Abrams Tanks lately, or how about one of those Black-Hawk Helicopters, or maybe a special Humvee?  Come on, military contracts are more lucrative today than ever before.


And the potential petroleum products that some of these countries posses are you joking, some U.S. companies are just waiting in the wings, ready, like kids in a candy store shopping bags in hand, intent on scooping up their share.


And the analogy that is used by many people…..we deserve it, we are the ordained country, the one that God has blessed, it is our manifest destiny, are rite of passage. Wow…..I really need a witness!



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