Hannity, Ann Coulter, Ross Hassig, William Kretzschmar)
Kotsev, Max Fisher, Washington Post, Russian Times)
Post, CP POLITICS, Martin Hutchinson)
Osseiran, Frazer Chronicle)
night I was rummaging through the television channels, looking for something to
watch because the Detroit Tigers were in a rain delay…..and weren’t playing
very well anyways. Several times a week I check Fox News during the evening
hours just to see how the other side
is doing…..and Tuesday night was no different than any other night I check in.
the same spiel, only this time the spiel included Ms. Ann Coulter, the blond
bombshell with the oh so slender body. I mean this girl is a poster
child for anorexia, she needs several days of my meat and potato diet with gravy, carrots,
onions, with a huge side of chocolate cake, and I’m talking frosting an inch
one of the chief neo-conservative talkers, Sean Hannity was doing his usual
Obama bashing when none other than my favorite female-neo pops in with her assessment
of President Obama, the Middle East, and what should’ve been going on that hasn’t.
was simple pleasure to sit and watch and listen to these two neo-conservative
rant and rave about the condition of the Middle East and how it would be if a
Republican was in the White House and the Congress and Senate were of the same persuasion.
closing salvo was directly to her
point and belief, don’t elect a Democrat
to the White House! Wow, Ann really knows how to cut through all the
crap and make her point. Another forum for Annie
girl to expound her rhetoric can be found in her latest book, Mugged. In it she talks about there
being little or no racism in the U.S. contrary to what is really going on with
race and the United States.
night Sean Hannity talked about Obama not
having the authority to do any military action in Syria without the
expressed consent of Congress, the United Nations, as well as international
law. Gee, I seem to remember a time when another American president wanted to…..and
did, US American military to invade…..(oh the hell with it, let’s let Hannity
carry on, he’s on a roll!)
talked about how irresponsible a military strike of any kind would be the wrong
thing to do, pretty much because the current president couldn’t handle the repercussions.
This statement is right up there with Obama wants to see the United States
fair, I have never understood that statement, Rush Limbaugh has said the
same thing…..and of course I don’t understand him.
a way Barack Obama is worse than George W. Bush ever was, Obama is smart…..Bush
was incredibly dumb. It’s obvious that Obama is a cut above the rest, highly intelligent, quick to catch on…..and
steely strong when he has to be.
President Bush was pretty much none of the above, he always reminded me of a
kid in a candy store, a kind
of (if dad had it, I want it, and if my brother had it, I want twice as much).
George W. Bush was just happy to be the president, to be the strongest guy not
only on the block, but the world. He couldn’t really believe that he was the
president, and when his was reelected, well, hello, it was like pouring
gasoline on a fire.
is all about leadership, power and control, however without getting bloody
through an indirect form of government, and a sort of imperial dominance in
which the hegemon rules geopolitically subordinate states by the implied means
of power, the threat of force, and the ply of benefits, rather than direct
military force.
United States pushes the envelope of world stability each and every day through
all sorts of foreign policies that the average American citizen never even
hears about. Billions of dollars change hands on an almost daily basis in an
effort to grease the skids
as it were.
Do people even know which countries are part
of the Middle Eastern part of our
world, and make no mistake, it really is our world! I’m all for separatism, I said yesterday
something along those lines, I enjoy being separate…..different, yet I
completely understand and champion the thought of the world as one family, but pretty much in
time of need.
Middle East is made up of Egypt, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen,
Syria, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Oman, Kuwait,
Qatar, Bahrain and Cyprus, and the total population is 394,409,000.
you realize that the Middle East’s population, 394,409,000 is just 80 some
million more than the United States, with our population of 312,913,872. Yet
the amount of oil that can be found…..and exploited is more than 20 times the
amount of the U.S. and Canada combined.
places to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there, for me…..doesn’t even come
close, I have absolutely no desire to visit any of these countries. With little
exception I have no desire to visit the Middle Eastern nations. It’s hot, dry,
sandy and I’m pretty sure doesn’t have national independent cable television.
nation states got dumped on, literally when the world was formed and conceived,
and then dried down so that animals and other small critters could develop,
eat, poop, die, be covered up to develop into the fuel that we use today in our
cars, trucks, busses, boats and planes…..it’s really that simple.
might be somewhat wrong about the overall process of how we get fossil fuel,
but you get the idea, the fuel resources have taken millions upon millions of
years to develop, and they really aren’t anybody’s, through God’s plan, they
were put here for all of us.
has been a constant tug-of-war going on for control of the natural resources of
the Middle Eastern countries for hundreds of years in one form or another. I’m
not going to research how long ago, and the incidents involved, trust me, it’s
been a long time.
there’s an intervention of some sort, or some idiot detonates one of the
thousands of nuclear devises that exist around the world, as a people, we’d
better start paying attention to what our leaders are doing.
military strike in Syria…..are you out of your fricken mind, believe me the
world does not need another incident. I use the word incident because it seems a bit nicer that the word war…. now doesn’t that sound
just like a politician?
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