for Consumer Freedom, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Barrett, John Fauber, Alliance for Natural Health, Frazer Chronicle)
I feel like a little kid who gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, I
love cookies, I love sweets…..and I know I’m not supposed to have them…..but
there sooooo good. I understand that the food industry could care less about my
personal health, it’s my business, and that’s the way it should be. Most
Americans feel that they have enough savvy to figure out what they can and can’t
eat, however many of us do indulge ourselves when we know we shouldn’t, but do
we need a governmental department to tell us we most already know?
Food and Drug Administration, (FDA) is
an agency of the United States
Department of Health and Human Services. It was formed in 1906 during
President Theodore Roosevelt’s administration, and was initially know at the Food, Drug and Insecticide Agency.
Today the agency is based at the White Oak Campus, Silver Springs, Maryland,
with Margaret Hamburg, employs more than 9000, has 223 field offices, and has
an annual operating budget of $4.36 Billion dollars.
FDA is responsible for protecting
and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food
safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and over –the-counter
pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, medical
devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices and veterinary products.
guys are the original FOOD COPS, and
they have over a hundred years on the job, and in the beginning of their
history were more concerned with personal, yet public hygiene. Seems as if there was nothing worse that walking
down-wind of a worker, (any kind of worker) who hadn’t bathed for weeks and
sometimes months.
the FDA regulates more than $1
trillion worth of consumer goods, about 25% of consumer expenditures in the
United States. $466 billion in food sales, $275 billion in drugs, $60 billion
in cosmetics, and $18 billion in vitamin supplements. Much of the FDA’s operating budget is for goods
imported into the United States: the FDA
is responsible for monitoring a third of all imports.
course there has been criticism of the FDA,
it simply comes with the territory, there has been grumblings that the agency
had two close a relationship with the companies that they regulated. There also
has been complaints lodged that the agency is too tough on American industry.
back to the primary thrust of today’s subject matter…..for we eat that tastes
good but can kill you either over an extended period, are within a year or two.
Trans fats used to be my friend, and why wouldn’t they be…..check out this list
were trans fats can be found:
Cookies, crackers, cakes,
muffins, pie crust, pizza dough, breads, stick margarine, vegetable shortening,
pre-mix cake mixes, pancake mix, chocolate drink mix, fried foods, donuts, French fries, chicken nuggets, hard taco shells, SNACK FOODS, CHIPS, CANDY, microwave popcorn and frozen dinners.
without exception every above listed food is…..well, a food group, all of my favorite things are listed above with
the possible exception of Oreo double stacked cookie. Not only are these tasty morsels
my friends, they also have a
great relationship with milk…..I’m salivating right now, just thinking about
so trans fats turn to sludge in a person’s arteries, I’ll give the food cops
that much, but first and foremost, trans fats enhance the flavor and texture of
processed foods. I’m now grounded with a caloric consumption of around
1500, meaning that I can have 1.5 grams of trans fats. That’s it, every above
listed snackie food, cakes, cupcakes, cookies and yes, even Oreo’s and milk are
completely out of bounds for me.
a guy can’t argue with the logic of what FDA
Commissioner Margaret Hamburg had to say about eliminating trans fats from a person’s
diet…..I quote, “the move could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths
each year.” Yea that might be easy for Ms. Hamburg to say, cause she’s probably
one of skinny chicks who never indulged herself with a 12 ounce glass of milk
and a package of double stacked Oreo’s.
of us comes from a long line of hard workers, at least according to my father
(he used to walk to school in snow up to his armpits). I do know that my dad
did work hard, mostly harder than any man I’ve ever seen. He was a short Frenchman,
who was barrel chested, who probably weighed 150 pounds soaking wet, but was
one strong son-of-a-gun.
are just two or three generations from agricultural farm types of people, and
four or five generations from people whose main job was to forage for meat,
berries and grew their own vegetables. These food additives are new to us,
relatively. In my family’s time, 80 years ago there wasn’t trans fats and other
stuff that the industry slips into their product to keep a longer shelf life.
cops are becoming a necessity, the foods industry is a fast paced bunch who
bear watching…..closely. There bottom line mentality, profit dictates that they
be watched, monitored and admonished for their transgressions.
actually a poster boy of what not to
eat, and how not to live a life, and I’ve got the zipper in the middle of my
chest to prove it. Sure I moan and complain about the high cost of medication,
of a hospital stay, and how I’ve had to change my lifestyle…..but without a
doubt…..potato chips, Oreo double stackers and a slew of meat products during
my formative years, (18 to 60 years) sealed my health condition doom.
did the same to my father, his eating habits never changed until he got his
pacemaker, chocolate cake, cherry pie, bread, and meat by the cart-load. His
fate was sealed…..and he died of a heart attack. I’m lucky, the medical team
that I have caught me in time, and luckily for me, the medical advancements and
the improving technology will hopefully allow me to watch my granddaughters
graduate high school and go out on their first dates.
Hi Paul. I love the way you blast the food industry without actually blaming them for your own choices. Nice piece. Dean