York Times, Benjamin Weiser, Joe Holly)
Thibodeau, U.S. Department of Justice, Inspector General)
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)
Diedrich, Raquel Rutledge, Lori Gliba, Evan Puschak, Chris W. Cox, Frazer
overused axiom, “crime stoppers”
U.S. taxpayers pay, and pay, and pay…..and what do we get for a dough ray me,
ballooning crime: don’t walk in this neighborhood after dark and lock your
doors, many inner city areas in the United States look like demilitarized zones.
are 80 different federal law enforcement agencies, from the F.B.I. to the Food
and Drug Administration, (FDA) to the U.S. Forest Service Law Enforcement and
Investigation. Each of these agencies has the authority to launch
investigations, arrest people, and if necessary…..they can shoot you. And these
figures don’t even address city, county, township, village, or state law
enforcement agencies.
law enforced out, it would seem like
every fifth or sixth person, male or female, is connected in some way, shape,
or manner to law enforcement at some level. And then there’s private security
that almost every business employs or so it seems. These people may not have
the authority to shoot you, but they can kick your butt all over the place
until you’re hoping for a bullet to put you out of your misery.
a watchdog report, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel’s John
Diedrich and Raquel Rutledge reported about botched investigations that were
carried on by the ATF in Milwaukee.
The caper cost taxpayers thousands of dollars and netted very few
results. The most serious result of the investigation was the fact that
hundreds of dollars worth of guns are missing.
won’t go into the obvious that usually is associated with shoddy law
enforcement work, like bullying and harassment or unpaid bills. Everybody who’s
anybody knows about these bad actors…..and they justify themselves under the
guise of protecting citizens.
bad part of the equation is the fact that the miscues that happened in
Milwaukee last year are wide-spread, and of course, we don’t know about it.
Throughout the country federal agencies (remember there are 80) botch all manner of investigative
work…..remember that Whitey Bolger fiasco thing up in Boston and the F.B.I.
people died in that screw-up.
happens all over our nation, Detroit, Wichita, Kansas, Albuquerque, New Mexico,
Los Angeles, California, and Pensacola, Florida. And many of these court cases aren’t
tough to defend, how do you spell entrapment.
There’s even been a brand new defense lodged by defense attorneys, its call outrageous, that’s right, these
guilty guys and their mouth pieces simply cite outrageous conduct by law
enforcement, even though these guys are guilty as hell.
are, as a nation, desensitized to the pile of cash that we fork over every year
so that law enforcement can continue an almost study in futility. There was a case… point, here in
Green Bay back in the middle 1990’s where some workers at a local paper mill
were supposed to have killed a fellow working by tying a cement block to him
and then throwing him into a pulp vat.
were five or six guys that the cops and D.A. said were in on the crime,
and they all went to trial, were convicted, and with the exception of one guy, they’re
all still serving time. They have all maintained their innocence to the
crime…..yet not one of those fellows still in jail has ratted out any of the others…..isn’t that strange? Today the
prosecutor…..the former prosecutor is now a judge…..surprise, surprise,
informants, snitches or rats by police agencies has been around forever, and I
assume that the practice is a necessary evil of law enforcement and plays a
vital role in the apprehension and incarceration of the criminal element
throughout the country. However it would seem to me that the practice needs to
be done in a responsible manner… murders, child molesters, rapists and habitual
criminals aren’t used because of the manner in which they lead their lives, as
well as their transgressions against society.
and mentally challenged people, no matter their usefulness should also be off
limits for the obvious reason, believability in court. People aren’t stupid,
they know when a person is being taken advantage of because of their
disabilities, or station in life.
for bribes or law enforcement supplying inducements for testimony is usually
pretty easy to identify, and would seem a one way ticket for dismissal of
whatever charges are pending against a perpetrator who suddenly turns into a
we’ve got ourselves an attitude on the law enforcement landscape, a segment of
law enforcement figure that they are auditioning for a part in Miami Vice. Somebody needs to tell law
enforcement agencies that the series has been in re-runs for the past 26 years,
and both Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas have moved on to other of life’s
the chung, chung of Law and Order isn’t real, and parts of
the series has been cancelled, so prosecuting attorneys and judges can also
quite their primping for possible roles that might open up next season.
a large degree the entire spectrum of law enforcement, policing work, and the jurisprudence
that is carried on by attorneys and judges can both worry more about carrying
out investigations and then court proceedings, and not worrying about how they
look, or how people might react to their decisions…..after all, they are all in the positions that they occupy
for one purpose, to administer the laws of the land.
thousands of people that earn their livelihood from law enforcement have a
responsibility to do the best job that they can each and every day…..nobody can
slip through the cracks in
our jurisprudence system, the consequences can be catastrophic. Whenever people’s
freedom, and in some cases, their lives can be held in the balance of law…..everybody
needs to give the process their level best shot.
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