Bay Press Gazette, Candice Choi)
Food and Drug Administration, Daniel Duffy)
Ribbi Gavriel, Arlen Mathes-Scharf, Frazer Chronicle)
funny, (not in a ha, ha kind of way) how
some industries dance around governmental regulations that have been
established to protect consumers from those unscrupulous manufacturers. I’m
talking about food manufacturers here that have continued to push the envelope
on their ingredients that prolong the shelf life of their products that can add
color, or suppleness.
a whole host of additives that can produce all sorts of aesthetics, can enhance
the taste, or…..I don’t have a clue…..what it adds. In a typical bottle of
salad dressing, xanthan gum, polysorbate 60, propylene glycol, alginate,
annatto, sorbic acid and calcium discodium EDTA to protect quality.
I’d look these ingredients up, but chances are I wouldn’t understand what they
did after the effort, so why try. There is a question that is asked by professionals
that at times they can’t answer, “Can I be reasonably sure that what’s not on
the label is not in the food.
that’s a freaky thought, if the quote, unquote experts can’t rely on the
food manufacturers to put all
of the ingredients on the label what exactly are we, as consumers, supposed to
do? I’m a diabetic and I read labels on the cans, bottles and packages for all
sorts of food intake, sugars, sodium, and carbohydrates. I’ve often wondered
how honest and accurate the labeling was…..and now I’m finding out that there
not always honest and accurate.
regulations that the Food and Drug
Administration, (FDA) imposes is usually done at the behest of the U.S.
Congress. There are people that figure that the FDA has two responsibilities, one to the consumer, and offer as
much information as is possible to help the consumer make choices. There would
seem to be a second responsibility that the FDA has, and that would be to the help to protect trade secrets.
secrets, I’ve always had a problem with that term, soda pop has ingredient
trade secrets, it would seem that beer might have a trade secret or two, and I
suppose booze might also. Not listing ingredients because of how something is
made, and the ingredients involved, and the amounts would seem to me to be a
true concern.
whenever something is secret, closed, or clandestine, the hair on the back of
my neck begins to stand on edge, and I get a feeling of mistrust. In this day
and age, are you serious, you’re trying to tell me that there isn’t the
technology to analyze, and figure out exactly
what is in a can, package, or bottle…..come on, I watch cop shows, they can
tell what some dead guy eat before he was shot to death…..20 years ago.
I mean everything that is
added to green beans, or a can of corn, a bottle of beer, or a cake mix needs
to be listed… exceptions. Trade secrets, give me a break, there aren’t any
trade secrets, or some magical elixir that’ll help prolong a guy’s head hair…..I
know, I’ve lost most of mine…..and it’s just an accident of the aging process.
food makers comply with all of the food labeling laws, there won’t be any
problems, and there usually won’t be any recalls. Recalls can be scary, but are
necessary, mistakes and accidents do happen, and they need to be dealt with in
a forthright and judicious manner. All the cards need to be put on the table so
that everybody knows the problems.
it or not some products aren’t required to list their ingredients on their labels;
it’s a voluntary issue, and baby you can guess how many of these companies
choose to omit their products stuff that was inside their products container.
a product container doesn’t list the serving size, the number of servings in a
container, the number of calories per serving, amount of fat, saturated fat,
cholesterol, sodium, total carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, sugars,
protein and dietary fiber per serving, and vitamins, minerals, or nutrients is
considered misbranded.
a person’s life, he is routinely exposed to foods that’ll give him food
poising, up to and including 1000 different times. With little exception we
recover from the effects, diarrhea, fever, the chills, and just feeling like
crap. Usually the food sickness that we have isn’t even diagnosed, and within
24 to 36 hours we’re once again on our merry way.
can be a person’s worst enemy, approximately 2% of adults and 5% of infants and
young children suffer from food allergies, roughly 30,000 individuals require
emergency room treatment in a year, and about 150 die because of allergic
reactions to food…..and there is no cure for allergies.
with some laws, regulations or restrictions, states vary in how they deal with
different issues, it’s called sovereignty, and every state in the United States
has it and guards it almost to the death. While people may be dying from some mislabeled
food product, the fed and states battle it out over technologies…..something
that I’ve never understood.
little exception the food and beverage industry needs to, and must be mandated
to, list every ingredient that is used in food products. But now there is a
move by the food and beverage industry to again omit some additives that can sound funny, or dangerous, and again their citing
recipe infringement in a renewed fight to omit.
the old bug-a-boo, we don’t want to eat stuff that’s not safe, but we want it
to last, look good and taste good…..all at the same time. I’m not sure that’s
possible, unless we completely disregard what food makers put into their
products…..and I don’t want that…..but am not sure which to sacrifice to insure
a healthy and safe consumable product.
decisions, it’s hard to be a consumer, know who to trust, and what is the
fairest prices to pay for eatery products. In the old days, whatever my mother
put on the table was safe…..I think, actually I’m sure, most of what she served
was home grown, or was processed in state, or regionally. Thank God I’m 70, and
I don’t have that long to go to the end, so if I eat something that will have
long term effects, I won’t have to worry.
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