Tuesday, February 11, 2014



(U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service)

(Peter J. Spiro, Beyond Citizenship, U.S. State Department)

(Los Angeles Times, Steve Camarota, Center for Immigration Studies)

(U.S. Federal Code, Immigration and Nationality Act, Huff Post, Frazer Chronicle)


The price of freedom is eternal vigilance

It never ceases to amaze me how many people seem to continually hold authority figures and those people that we elect into public office to a higher standard. I’ve never been able to figure that one out, to be honest, I have never figured that anybody that I voted for, or tried to help into a position of authority as standing on hallowed ground. Hell, they get up in the morning the same way that I do, and put their pants, or panty hose on the same as everybody else…..one leg at a time.


We have a real dilemma here with our elected officials and what they are actually doing for their pay, and PLEASE don’t lay that lame argument on me about it being really, really expensive for a political figure to live in Washington D.C. Most members of Congress and the Senate are independently wealthy, and use their political salary like chump change.


Washington D.C. is kind of like a penny arcade for kids, you first got your lobbyists running hither and tither, looking for politico’s who have a vote or two for sale. You then move to the back-rooms of both Congress and the Senate where the real power brokers get down to it, exchanging favors literally left and right. And plenty of times, if these people can’t get their way, they’ll pitch a fit, and off to their home(s) they’ll go, leaving less than a majority so that work can be done.


And then you got another group of both Senators and Congress people who are getting their butts chapped because it’s so obvious that their covering their rear-ends. These people have absolutely no interest in forging ahead with anything…..of any consequence. The constituency…..this word, to them, holds absolutely no meaning what-so-ever, it’s like a foreign word, maybe from Mars or Pluto.


Now that I’ve identified some of the problems with our system of government, let’s get down to the real nitty-gritty of what really ails this country. US that’s right we the people…..the constituency, the rank and file, the citizens. With little exception we play pass-off, we’re as bad as the worst of our elected officials. There are certain responsibilities that we all have to ensure that our country is operated in the proper fashion.


The American citizen isn’t part of the solution, hell baby, we’re part of the problem, we help muddy the waters of government here in the United States. We have been blessed to be born here, hell; there has been a steady stream of immigrants clambering to enter our borders, legally or illegally…..they pretty much don’t care which way, they just want in.



Yes-er-ee the price of freedom is eternal vigilance, what we have bestowed on our elected officials is an awesome amount of power, and for the past several decades we have neglected our responsibility. We have looked for honorable people, honest people to basically do our initial bidding. I say initial because I don’t know about you, but I understand little about what makes Iran click, or the ins and outs of the Syrian Civil War…..like you, I’ve depended on my elected officials to take care of the small stuff.



Well la-d-da, the calculated system that has been in place for decades simply doesn’t work, I use the word calculated because after many of our elected officials got a whiff of power, and what they could do in the name of doing the bidding of their constituency. Many of these people were like a kid in a toy shop…..they wanted it all…..and to this point, by God they’ve almost driven us into the ground.


There are several mandatory issues that we, as the constituency are just going to have to take the time…..and energy to do. Number one we’ll need to become informed about the issues that are molding our country; a close second, we’ll have to keep watch of what our elected officials are doing during the day to day governmental operations…..there can be no more missteps, the current set of representatives have used up their collective DO-OVERS.


There is no doubt in my mind that we’ll need to re-craft how we operate as a Democratic country…..unless you feel that the current two party system with the foolish Tea-Bag party wrecking havoc with our two party system of government. I’m not for wholesale change, or change for change sake alone…..no way, we have to have a plan.


We each need to vote, only this time we need to vote with our heads and not our hearts, or because we like how the guy looks…..give me a break! Like hawks we need to watch where the money is going, who ends up with it, and how it’s spent.


Freedom’s a wonderful thing; in fact freedom is a beautiful thing, when properly functioning…..however, freedom is like a big bulky machine with numerous parts that need constant care; you gotta oil the cogs, change the filters and be mindful of all of the components that go into making the machine work at its maximum strength and efficiency.


I can tell you this, lawyers are not part of the solution, rather they are part of the problem, unless you don’t call 58 out of 100 Senators being former lawyers, or 170 attorneys that rumble down the halls of Congress on a daily basis.


It’s time to start voting with our heads…..you know, that lump between your shoulders…..about three feet from you’re read-end.





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