Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wisconsin collective bargaining law published


Okay, two kids in a sand box with one toy between them, do they share, or does one go home, defeated by the other. Of course one goes home, hurt, defeated and pondering how he can get even. This scenario has been played out over the past month or so in Wisconsin's halls of legislature by a bunch of polarized silly officials that we put into representative positions through our democratic process.

I carry the feeling, as many Wisconsinites do, that the break neck spending has to stop, not for our kids future, but for us, here in the present. Unlike others, I do not advocate a smaller government, rather a more judicious operation, locally and at the state level. I agree that benefits and who pays for them needs to be reigned in and a whole new plan needs to be implemented.

This (plan) won't be an easy one, taking away negotiated benefits and concessions from management are guarded by employees the same way a mother defends a child. But to arbitrarily make sweeping changes becomes immediately a test of wills and is counter productive and unnecessary. People are basically moral, decent and have a pride in family, where they live and the job they have.

What the republicans have done, lead by newly elected Governor Scott "Sleepy" Walker, is like saying "unions and those public employees that work (through) their unions are greedy, advantage takers and are bankrupting our state." This is so far from the truth, it's almost laughable and in fact challenges common sense and the intelligence of the voting population of the state.

It's partisan politics at it's best, requiring little complex thought and further divides Wisconsin. The opinion of union workers by Wisconsinites is,  sadly a complex issue and has been further cultivated by the Walker regime in his short two months in office.

Simply put, what unions do is protect worker rights in the workplace, to set pay rates and establish benefit programs. All of these rights and benefit programs have been proposed along the way and negotiated through the proper channels and either granted or opposed. At no time did public union workers not follow the rules of (engagement) as stipulated

So now, in one sweeping action, Walker is attempting to change the rules in the middle of the game. Lies, deceit, innuendos,  and half truths are being used to further an agenda to completely fracture the public sector unions in Wisconsin. Do not think that this atmosphere of  a power grab and the tools used is reserved for the Republic's only, Democrats do and have done the same thing.

With the (publication) of the law, whether it can be implemented or not now rests with the courts. Again the toy in the sand box, the bully boy and the kid walking away, hurt and planning retribution at a later date. It has been stated that a nonpartisan legislative bureau published the law and a nonpartisan attorney for the legislature said the move was "merely procedural."

The outcome is already a foregone conclusion that state worker collective bargaining rights will be struck down sooner or later, it's just a matter of time. The Republican (repair the budget bill) has only begun and no public outcry can change that.  The score, if you keeping track of the game is "Sleepy" Walker 1, opponents 0.

Lawyers from both sides will argue their cases, but the law will become the rule for Wisconsin's public workforce and we will all move on to the next part of the Republican repair for the state budget and it's many ills. Keep your scorecards handy.

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