Thursday, December 22, 2011



I don't occupy, I probably should, I relate to too many of the issues, but I don't think the movement will work, too many issues, not enough recognizable people and not enough protesters. Many, many people in the United States do not understand that the Occupy Movement is a war, a class war of the 99% against the 1%, but the 1% has absolutely nothing to gain by either giving in to the issues, or even acknowledging the 99%er's.

There have been hundreds of arrests of the 99%er's, and in some cases violent action has taken place by police as they attempt to take control of the situation, control is very important to police, without it, the police view their efforts as null and void. Busting a few heads, "cuffing" a few perps, or whacking protesters over the head with their batons seems to be how local police operate.


In my opinion, few local police operate well in a stressful confrontation with angry protesters of any kind in any situation. It's as if the protesters are a threat to the local cops, when actually nothing is further from the truth. In any protest situation, those folks simply want to get their message across to the "powers that be, in general," and to the news media in particular.

Police take their orders from their supervisors, who get their orders from a Mayor, a city manager, or a city board; it all depends on how a city's government is set up. This set-up explains why police, local, county and state have always aligned themselves against a protesting body.

Peaceful protests almost never work, those on the fence about an issue will remain right there, on the fence. The gumption necessary to truly be an active protester rests somewhere in a person's mind, and cops realize that the more harsh the treatment, the less people will want to get involved.

Brutality is still the best way for police to get the reaction that they want; it's still the fear factor that drives most people away from standing on street corners, or in areas where governmental work is carried on. To occupy a city center, a court house, a bank, or better yet, a police station is how protesters get their point across.

In the end, whichever group forces their way is the winner, the protesters win if they occupy, and the 1% wins if their agents of doom, cops, and other public officials can dislodge the protesters completely. There can be no draws in public discord, in reality, you either win, or you lose, there is no middle ground.


"Freedom of speech, Congress cannot make laws respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Heady and powerful words our fore-fathers wrote, there was an effort to help insure that "the people" would retain the right to question actions of elected officials, or the ideas there-of.

You don't have to be a "rocket scientist" to figure out most of what ideals run the United States of America. Actually all a person has to do is set back and watch "proper procedures," and marvel at how America can operate, if done correctly, without the greedy fingers of the wretched 99%er's.

The Constitution, the amendments to help infuse oversight rules, the Bill of Rights, the laws at the local, state and federal levels that have been passed, all help to govern the country in a fair and unbiased manner were first debated, and written by men probably in smoke filled rooms as the outcome of the debates.

The "chain of command" which was supposed to be followed by officials at every level of the country's government has long been abused by either elected officials, or appointed personnel that were entrusted to follow the rules.

People or groups like the 99%er's must not be allowed to voice their opinion opposing the 1%er's, big business, wars or decisions that chafe those in power. Long ago the power people saw what discord by the people would do to their agenda, so they strove to affect the outcome, and over the years it has worked out really well, and they got really good at dictating the outcome of issues that were near and dear to their hearts.


A rather unique process "where else," in California is being used by Los Angeles prosecutors to "help" arrested occupiers from going to trial, being possibly convicted and going to jail. That's right, just pay $355 to a private company for a lesson in free speech.....and it will set you free.

Law officials in L.A. said the class would save the city the funds necessary to bring the occupiers to justice, and.....will also teach the arrested protesters the nuances of the law. The 1st. amendment is absolutely not absolute, and the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled government can regulate when, where and how free speech can be exercised.

I knew this and I sure as hell hope each and every citizen in America understands this fact, no matter what the constitution or amendments might say. I would say that the U.S. Constitution is rather like, no.....exactly like a rule of thumb, a recipe or a blueprint to "help" guide the country and its people through its rights.

Now the "chance" to avoid a trial or jail time is available from this private company manned by lawyers and retired judges for just $355, I wonder if they except, or have payment plans available for those strapped for cash.....I mean it is Christmas time.


One really has to wonder about the path our country seems to be going down, the crooked politicians, the power of corporate America and the ridiculous rules that are made by the courts, locally as well as federal.

We are in an election year, 9 days, and every citizen in the country needs to be aware of what is going on, not just from my point of view, but from some sort of educated position. Look what has happened because we have held our heads in the A nation of sheep breeds a government of wolves.

1. People to be aware and to question

2. Elect people that get past party lines and want to work for the good of everybody

3. For now close our borders

4. Remove all illegal immigrants from our country, "including those children born in U.S."

5. Stop making war

6. Bring all our military home

7. Get rid of the C.I.A. a truly evil organization

8. Fix our health plan(s)

9. For me, a new Cadillac

There you have it, I realize that I have left some issues out, but I need to have something to complain about for later blogs. Have a wonderful Christmas and a safe new year, your editor and chief.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011



I remember an innocent conversation in a Green Bay restaurant I was having with 2 friends some 10 to 15 years ago. We were talking about unions and what they did, "mostly the bad stuff," when a fellow patron walked over and told us in no uncertain terms that we were "full of crap," or words to that effect. "If it weren't for the unions, the work-place in America would indeed be in sorry shape.

Of course the typical reaction on our parts was predictable, the "mind your own business," or the "butt out," or the "take a hike" comes to mind, and the guy was small, so we felt reasonably sure that we could take the load mouth, but he left, possibly to slash our tires, or worse get several of his goon buddies for a little get-together in the parking lot.

I have been a member of 1 union in my lifetime, the Teamsters for several months when I drove for a heating and air-conditioning company. I think the dues were like $20 a week and I wasn't with the company long enough to experience what the union might have meant, and how it could have helped the average worker.

My wife has been a union member probably for close to 30 years of her working life, the last 23 with the city of Green Bay. Early on, "20 or so years ago," we never talked about what her union did for her. In fact, "as I recall," she mostly complained about what the union either did, or didn't do. Candy would go to meetings and at one point was the Secretary of her local.

It's only been the past few years that Candy has "opened up" to me about some of the things that her union has done for the workers, or hasn't done. You first have to understand that the city of Green Bay has more than 10 unions representing some 1200 workers. This division of labor representation has diluted the focus and the message that a particular union might want to get "out."

There is no "solidarity" in Green Bay union representation, but 10 or more voices that reverberate, each voicing their own particular concerns or causes, which "muddies" the waters of negotiation to a point where few win any kind of valuable concessions from management. Over the past 10 years, my wife has not received a raise in pay....."I'll say it again," "over the past 10 years my wife has not received a raise in pay."

There have been 2 or 3% raises, but every time one of these "token" raises was bargained for, health insurance raised on average 2 or 3%, so her wage raise was actually a "wash." All the while supervisors continued with periodic raises in pay several times the amount that my wife and her work colleagues got.

There is a long history of unions, unionizing, heartache, struggle, low pay without any benefits of any kind, throughout the United States since the first reported "case" by a labor strike which resulted in a legal decision back in 1806. The strikers were found guilty of "a combination to raise their wages," and were fined.

The struggle continued throughout the 19th century, mostly with "landmark" decisions, resulting in action being taken against management with regards to pay, safety issues and hours of work. During this same period, hundreds of protesting workers and strikers were beaten, bloodied and in some cases shot to death, "men, women and children."

In many cases throughout the 19th century, armed militia, police or company goons were employed to badger, bully, intimidate or shoot strikers. Hundreds of strikers and family members were shot or beaten to death during this barbaric period in America's labor history. Dynamite, sticks, clubs, knives and sometimes firearms were used by strikers in retaliation for the brutal attacks as the number of deaths continued to increase throughout the final decade of the 19th century.

In the beginning, workers in the United States worked long difficult hours with low pay, with absolutely no retirement or health benefits of any kind. Safety in most work places was at best an afterthought issue and many a worker of the time suffered major injuries and if they couldn't work, they were simply left to fend for themselves.

The toll of human suffering continued through the early 20th century as business continued to operate in unfair and unsafe fashion. The most poorly regulated business and usually the occupations with the highest death toll as well as injury were the mining industry and manufacturing companies. The work was hard, dirty, stinky and dangerous with possible injury around every bend or corner in the work place.

American business has always operated on a "bottom line mentality," cut every corner that was possible in that pursuit. In many cases, the welfare of the worker was sacrificed to gain an edge in production, after all, "it was just the workers," and they could be replaced.

Many a strike was called not over pay issues, rather worker safety during the formative years of labor relations in the early years of organization of unions. Workers used to stage "wildcat" strikes to voice their grievances, there simply was no other way, and there weren't unions, leaving labor with no choice but to lay down their tools and walk off the job.

The National Labor Relations Act, known as the Wagner Act of 1935 was passed by the federal government, establishing the right of all workers to organize and to elect their representatives for collective bargaining. This act, which is still in force today, would take several years before it would be enforced.

The lead up to the Wagner Act was a most bloody period in American history, with union officials being jailed, beaten or shot to death, and the common worker attacked, killed or worse, maimed to the point that he couldn't work. Business used every available weapon hand to thwart labor, even the President of the United States.

There has never been a time in American labor when either labor or management hasn't been actively attempting to gain an edge on the other. Business has now openly involved politicians to do their bidding. Lobbyists, money, greed and power now rule the American labor-scape, as they always have.
Labor has been its own worst enemy, protecting unfit or unproductive workers, demanding unrealistic benefits which were unattainable, and wallowing in the depths of organized crime. Business went right along with the outrageous activity by giving in to the demands, all the while knowing that the demands would be the undoing of the unions.

However, it must be noted that without unions in America, the workplace would be unbearable for many a worker. Government does not need to be business friendly for the country to prosper, they simply need to use common sense, and realize that business, first and foremost is in it for themselves and not their employees. Otherwise, why have there been so many labor laws that have been passed through the years to protect the laborer.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


THE WRONG DIRECTION! (Frazer Chronicle)

After all the rhetoric, after all the posturing, after all the deaths, injuries, the collateral damage, and after all the billions and billions of dollars of U.S. taxpayers money that have been spent, the people of the United States are left with one undeniable truth, few citizens feel absolutely comfortable with the stated reasons behind the reasons for going to war in Iraq.

In Afghanistan, the U.S's longest war continues with only a glimmer of hope that things there will continue towards a victory and a better way of life for the country's citizens. The war there, since October 7, 2001, is limping into its 11th year, and all indicators point to a victory being no closer than 1 or 2 years ago.

Iraq, with a huge American "foot-print" intact is heading for troop removal in "Iraq proper” by December 31st of this year. I say "Iraq proper" for a very good reason, a reason that might reject what the President has been saying for the past several months, "that American is leaving Iraq." If you call at least 16,000 staff-members at the biggest conciliate that the United States has....."in the world," and thousands of troops just outside the Iraqi boarders, "chomping at the bit," ready for any kind of action, then ya, the Iraq war is over.

Afghanistan is different than Iraq, as many people have said, "there might be under a hundred Taliban left in the country," that would seem a good sign. I however do have one question that nobody seems to be able to answer, "if the Taliban membership is so low," then who is shooting at American soldiers" and "who are we shooting at"; I don't get it.

Obama yesterday welcomed home around 3000 troops from Iraq, saying "he was proud to welcome them home," after an "extraordinary achievement." The closure of dozens of military bases, "turned over to the Iraqi troops, "cha-ching " leads people to believe that the war is over, the loss of more than 4000 people, and the hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi civilians.

People can now walk down any street at high noon in Baghdad, or any other major city and not worry about getting their head blown off, or carried off to some ally and beaten, usually to death by an enemy that, according to President Obama and the military chiefs "on the ground" say doesn't exist and have been vanquished.

After the loss of some 4000 troops, sacrificed by a faulty Bush administration and a hungry power grab, with murder going on every day, bombings and kidnappings pretty much the norm, what part of the word "victory" is not understood. The President referred to U.S. troops closing down and leaving Iraq with their heads held high. For that statement I have just one word of warning.....DUCK.

Clearly the United States, under the Bush regime entered Iraq for one reason, oil, even high ranking officials in the Bush administration have finally said as much. The United States took over Iraq for one simple reason, to nation our own image. The Americans were never interested in upholding human rights, or breaking Saddam Hussein, that could have been done at any time. The U.S. wanted the country's oil, plain and simple.


Well, eh,, not exactly, but things are getting better every day, if you don't believe me, just ask Leon Panetta, U.S. Defense Secretary. As the U.S. readies to withdraw 33,000 troops by December 31st. 2012, Panetta points to "sure signs" of victory.

It must be something about the yearend air that prompts American military to "draw-down" troops, December 31st. 2011, December 31st. 2012, is there a connection there? Victory in Afghanistan is as questionable as is Iraq's. The Afghan war is now all a question about "foot-prints" and the possible exploration of struggling nation’s mineral riches that is untapped.

Military experts talk about staying past 2024, making the Afghan war more than twice as long as any war the United States has been in. I would be 81 by that time, and hopefully dead, I have no inclination to stay around and watch the stupidity of Americans manifest itself in a silly war of "foot-printing."

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I am mortified by what the Environmental Protection Agency is alleging with regards to how natural gas and some oil have been taken from the ground for the past 20 years or so. The process, referred to as "Fracking," has been in use for years and involves injecting liquid into a drill hole that can be as deep as 5 or 6 thousand feet.

The "Fracking" liquid actually forces either oil, or natural gas, or in some cases both out of the ground and into a tank for storage and transportation to a refining facility where a usable product is refined.....and I get paid. ....that's right, "I get paid."

You see, my wonderful in laws retained the mineral rights to around 80 acres, when their house was sold. My two brother-in-laws, "both wonderful men" and my lovely wife retained these mineral rights even after my Father-in-law passed, and my dear, dear Mother-in-law was laid to rest several years later.

"Spearheading" the family drive to become petroleum (moguls) is my crafty business-man brother-in-law, Pat, who I must add makes a nifty trailer at his ship. Trailers by Kelley is in the Traverse City, Michigan phone book, "yellow pages," if you need a him.

My brother-in-laws, Mike and Pat, and my wife leased our mineral rights to a development company for three years, and they in turn are contacting drilling companies for the purpose of drilling for oil and gas. The measure is simple, when they make a strike, the family; "my business partners" get every 8th barrel of product.

I am personally hoping for a "gusher" a big strike, maybe the biggest in the United States, or the world. Fracking be damned, I want my part of the American dream. I want a Cadillac, an S.U.V. a pick-up and Hummer parked my drive, "which will have to be enlarged."

I want money in the bank; have to hire an accountant, a lawyer and a "polish man," "you know....a guy who just polishes your car 5 days a week." I also want a maid, one of those women with great legs who can't speak English.

I want to live where it never snows again.....year round and the temperature doesn't ever see the bottom side of 60 degrees. Ah yes, warm in the winter, warm in the summer, you can't beat that. There are so many things that I want, every time I stop to think about it, I have been told that my eyes fog over and I kinda drool at the sides of my mouth.

Independent wealth is what I want, it's what I need and it's what I desire. I swear to God that I will do good things with some of the money, honest I will. Foundations, free clinics and scholarship funds for under privileged kids, I'll do it all.

I only have one rule that I have established for my impending wealth, it "wealth" has to be enough or I won't be able to do my good work. A big gusher would take care of all my philanthropic plans, I could do so many good things, and even I can't believe it.

So.....let’s make it a gusher, a "cap blower" the biggest strike in American history. Fracking is good, fracking is great, fracking is even healthy, and the Federal Government doesn't know a thing about the effects of the process.

"Wish us luck," maybe the company should be called 'Kelley Wells', a division of the "Frazer Chronicle," that sounds nice, who knows, I could even be President.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


THINGS ARE LOOKING UP. (Frazer Chronicle)
Thank God, in just 24 hours the landscape of the country's financial outlook turned 360 degrees and like the song says, "Happy days are here again." It is amazing how the "worm turns" in our country today, how attitudes can change and how hopes can sore from day to day.

What am I talking about, the signing of Albert Pujols by the Los Angeles Angels baseball club of course. If the Angels can afford to pay "Sir Albert" $254 million over the next 10 years, it means that the United States is truly coming out of its financial doldrums, "Thank you Albert."

Pujols is a 1st. baseman by trade, hits lots of home runs, scores his share of runs, and bats in his team mates in prodigious numbers. Pujols played the first 11 years of his professional baseball career for the St. Louis Cardinals and was an institution in that city.

Now he will field ground balls, catch throws from his infield mates and knock the cover off the ball in sunny California for the baseball Angeles. Is Albert worth a bit more than $25 million a year, by today's standards of remuneration for ball players.....I guess so. I do know this, I sure would like 1 or 2 percent of his gross yearly salary, and I’d be on sleazy street.

Pujols has been an all star, an M.V.P. a gold glove fielder and has won numerous other individual awards as well as helping the St. Louis club to two World Series championships in 2 chances. Needless to say he is a great individual player as well as a team player, but $25 million a year.

As far as I'm concerned, every professional athlete is worth whatever his team’s owner or organization is willing to pay. I never asked for a raise in pay during my working life, I always felt my work would to my talking. I must not have been a very good worker because I didn't get many raises.
Anyways my point is simple, it's not Albert Pujol's fault that the Los Angeles are paying him such an outrages salary to run around, chasing a little what ball and once he gets hold of it, he throws the dam thing away. Or he hits the ball thrown his way and then, dawned in pajama pants and shirt, runs like hell to a white square in the dirt.

As I've said many times, "baseball is a simple game; you hit the ball and run like hell." Of course when this phrase was first used, few ball players understood the entertainment factor involved with "their" game. Today, however things are quite different and everybody realizes the entertainment dollar that exists and works whatever way is necessary to "corral" as many dollars as possible.

Sir Albert is no doubt worth every dollar that he is being paid, the baseball fans will flock to the stadium to watch him and his team mates make a run at a world championship ring. Boys, fathers and men will emulate Pujols exploits on the field through their games of catch, or on the softball or baseball fields throughout the country.

Left in the dust are those folks that simply can't afford to lay out $200, $300, or $400 dollars that will now be necessary to attend an Angels' ball game with their families. Baseball is a unique game; it's slow, so slow that a father and son can actually carry on a conversation between pitches. The pace of the game is what makes baseball such a special process, an almost rite of passage for father, son, friends together, or a man.

I do hope that very important aspect of the game is not buried by the dollar signs that sometimes cloud what games like baseball are really all about. Baseball really is a part of what America is all about..... Spending time.


Friday, December 2, 2011


"IT IS A BEAUTIFUL DAY." (Frazer Chronicle)

I watched with much interest a Military History channel presentation the other night that was a 3 part documentary on the Nazi SS and, although I was never involved with any part of that history of our world, I non-the-less felt revulsion, anger, a sense of how unbelievable the entire period of world history during the 1930's and 1940's was. It was like a perfect storm during the period, a catalyst, "Adolph Hitler" and all the parts surrounding him that were necessary to form what became World War II.

The gathering storm clouds of the 2rd. World War begin at the end of World War I, in the early summer of 1919, when the treaty of Versailles was pushed on Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria by the allied forces of Britain, France, Belgium, Italy, Russia and the United States. The estimated loss of life during the entirety of hostilities was 750,000 by Britain, France, more than a million, Belgium, 50,000, Italy, 600,000, Russia, more than 1.7 million and the United States, 116,000.

Germany lost more than 2,000,000, Austria-Hungary, 1.2 million, Turkey 325,000 and Bulgaria 100,000. Distrust, hatred and revenge were on the minds of almost every European. For the United States, the war effort had lasted less than 2 years, however, for the European countries; the war had surged for well over 5 years and had galvanized feelings towards the belligerents.

The Versailles Treaty was signed on June 28th. 1919 between the parties, in the Hall of Mirrors in the Palace of Versailles, and proved a crushing economic blow to the defeated nations, especially Germany. Land was taken, 8 different territories, military size were reduced to 100,000 men, there was to be no air force, nor armament. The consequences of such an unfair and poorly orchestrated treaty should have been obvious to all concerned, but politics, a revenge factor and the possible poor health of U.S. President Woodrow Wilson clouded those in attendance.

There was more than just the Treaty of Versailles that was factored into the official end of World War I. Austria signed the Treaty of Saint Germain, Hungary, the Treaty of Trainon, Bulgaria, the Treaty of Neuilly, and Turkey, or the Turkish Empire, the Treaty of Sevres. Each treaty dealt with war reparations, the exchange of financial considerations and differing sizes of military resources.
At the end of the day, when everything was signed, sealed and delivered, the French delegate, Georges Clemenceau, walked out of the hall and was heard to remark that "it is a beautiful day." The biggest lesson of World War I had not yet been learned by the warring nations, and would take another world wide conflict to graphically illustrate a rather cumbersome reality of war, "you break it, you buy it."

Defeated countries are in no position to repair the devastation that war brings, to repair their infrastructure, to rebuild their industry, to re-employ their populous, to care for the people, and least of all, to pay reparation. Wars of the 20th century were unlike any others in the history of mankind, they were messy, the horrific carnage was unlike any other period, and relative new rules would be needed.

We now find ourselves in the 21st. century, making the same simple minded mistakes of the past. The amount of money that has been spent and the number of dead that has resulted is really unacceptable, or should be. Republican, Democrat, Green Party, Libertarian or whatever, you all believe in war, war that is fueled by a greed for financial gain through accusation.

The history lesson serves nothing more then to show how entrenched we are as a people, all people, white, black, yellow, red or henna color. We want to be at the top of the food chain and are basically willing to do whatever it takes to get there and to remain there.

The United States is now leaving Iraq by the end of this month, December 31st. 2011, more than 8 years after the first bomb was dropped, and the first civilian was killed. Iraq was, and is a country that is, compared to the United States, a backward third world banana empire that was ran by a pint sized dictator who was a clown.

We are leaving after more than 5000 deaths, trillions of dollars spent, a shot to our reputation that may never be repaired, but with a "footprint" in an oil rich country, the biggest embassy on the face of the planet and countless thousands of private contractors. Iraq.....what shape is Iraq in.....worse than when we arrived on that long ago March night in 2003. At least the people of Iraq knew what their dictator was, what he offered and what he took.

At least we are leaving without the burden of some illicit, ill conceived treaty that requires reparation, although we will be paying long after most that read this are dead. War is hell, and practiced only by those that remain behind the front across the ocean. Yes, "it is a beautiful day."


Wednesday, November 30, 2011


FOR THE LOVE OF.....! (Frazer Chronicle)

Okay today were gonna talk about "Daddy and Mommy" parts, so young children should at this time should leave their "trays and cup holders in an upright position," as they leave the room. Everybody under 16 years of age is included, "I'm waiting.....I'm waiting," okay, I hope the room is clear; this subject will be graphic, with finger pointing and name dropping.

ADULTERY.....ugh, there I said it, the "A" word, a word which I might add I know a little about. There are disgusting words to graphically explain the activity behind the word, ADULTERY, "@#&^%. Here are a few of the "dirty words" that are used to describe the act of love making, the use is not intend to offend any of my readers, rather for the full value of the act itself.

"Bam bam, screw bee do doo, wham bam thank you Ma'am, drop your draws and grab your ankles, let’s do it, lets huck, lets holly huck, you know you want it, great, your tops off, now let’s get to the real goodies, trust me, lets screw, let’s get r done, of course I'll respect you in the morning.....I gotta go, and finally, lets f---.

Playing around on your wife, your man, your girl friend, your significant other or in any way casting an atmosphere of distrust in a relationship is usually a killer for the relationship. Lies, cheating or getting a little booty on the side does not make you a better man, or women, it simply submarines whatever relationship that you might have with your designated mate.

Without exception, adulterous liaisons lead nowhere, sure they make you feel good, give you a better prospective of yourself, can be fun, and the newness never seems to wear off. The sex is great, and your liaison-mate might seem to never tire of trying new erotic positions.....even the Pretzel hold, but in the end, even though the sex is past great, there will come a time when you will miss your "soul mate" unless she /he is a real dog. If that is the case, pack your bags and hit the road with your "new" soul mate, you will be making a way better decision.

Did you know that 23 states have laws on the books that make adultery a crime, punishable by up to life in prison; some states have a fine system which starts at $10 a violation, man that would make some people with a balance of thousands of dollars. The thing that gets me is that men, men in powerful positions, men in the public eye simply don't get it. First they showed incredible stupidity for venturing "outside their neighborhood" for this type of activity. Didn't you ever hear of "cell-cams" even I know about them.

If any of these jokers are running for high profile, elected positions, their personal life is differently going to be put under the microscope for everybody to see. Personally I could care less about Herman Cain or old Newtered Gingrich's bedroom exploits, whatever they can get "on the side" is fine with me, but don't expect to get a pass when you run for public office, it's not going to happen.

And guess what, there is a segment of the United States electorate that does care about moral behavior. Then the simply stupid takes over, they deny, deny, deny, the "I never heard of that person," "have never seen that person," and technically, "some sexual acts are not really sexual acts at all," so technically I didn't have sex with that person.

It never ceases to amaze me that decent men/women, sound and true can be swayed by the carnal knowledge, the wispy scent of a women, or the musk of a man. God truly did create us all the same, at least in one aspect. This fascination with illicit sex, "at least to the moral code that we all must live by," usually takes those involved down a slippery slope with no "return ticket" to the summit.

For me, I could care less what an elected official does behind closed doors, but there is still an involuntary thought in the back of my mind that whispers "liar, liar, pants on fire." It's a thought that I simply can't suppress, and more often than not, affects my voting practices. Down through the annals of history, powerful men have indulged themselves on sex. To a lesser extent, women are as guilty as men, women just haven't had as many opportunities as men, "hang in there girls," your time is fast approaching.

People in many states, "23 to be exact" can be prosecuted for their indiscretions.....regarding sex. Many of these laws are antiquated, enacted decades ago and even hundreds of years in the past. They are challenged as unconstitutional, but many of these states, their legislature and the residence resist removing such laws mostly because of somewhat outdated morality crime feelings. It's kind of like the "last port in the storm" a "safe place," away from the sinful ways that at times seem to dominate America.

Some people are actually addicted to sex, can't stay away from it, and seek out willing partners to have their way with. I thought I was addicted to sex, but my wife put an end to any misgivings that I had with regards to our sex life. Until I met my future wife, fell in love with her, got married had 3 healthy kids; I never knew that a kiss constituted a sexual act. I however do know that kissing cannot create kids; they come "somehow" from a stork.

As the country approaches another election year, I am wondering exactly how far we have come as a race of people, how do we track our progression, how do we measure our successes. Are we a moral people, are we worthy of carrying the mantle of human decency. Most of us have skeletons in our closet, most of us have indiscretions that we try and forget.

I guess, at least for me, I need to remember that when I view, watch, or read about a political candidate, and possibly "temper" how I feel about that person. We are a nation that for whatever reason, figures that an elected official needs to be on a different plain, better than the average guy, above reproach. I guess that is the real fly in the ointment, we forget who these people really are.....human, like us.

Sunday, November 27, 2011



Okay my little "red necks" out there; "put on your thinking caps," there will be a test on this subject at the end. The question is, "how many wars have been declared or just plain fought during the past 200 years, and their length?"

I'll give you several hints, "a declaration of war is a formal declaration issued by a national government indicating that a state of war exists between one nation and another. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution says, "Congress shall have the power to declare war." The United States has declared war against foreign nations six different times.

America has "formally" declared war on foreign countries on 6 separate occasions, 1812, the U.K. Mexico in 1846, Spain 1908, and Japan on December 8th. 1941 and Germany twice, 1917 and 1941. Included in the 1941 declaration of war on Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania were also included.

Military engagements or conflicts have been authorized and funded by the United States Congress on numerous occasions and by the Presidents alone 14 different times. The longest war fought by the United States is neither Afghanistan nor Iraq, but the war from 1840 to 1886 right here in the good old U.S. of A. That's right, the United States V. the Native Americans, the Indians, for 46 years, and many to this day say that the war is "not over."

Wars have been waged through the years by the United States for various reasons, right.....come on, we all know the answer to that question, the one constant in every war is MONEY, not freedom, not religion, and certainly not human rights. There aren't really any good guys in a war, just participants and victims.

The United States has been around since 1776, coming up on 236 years. Do you know how many years the country has been without a war to fight, or people to save, human rights to uphold, or territory to return to rightful, zip nada. Seems not possible right, well my little red necks, it not only is possible.....but it's true.

There has not been a decade without war being waged by the United States.....ever. There have been 80 major wars, "not declared" but fought, there have been literally thousands of conflicts and confrontations were blood was drawn and people died. Millions have died, millions wounded, millions permanently incapacitated and millions left without a meaningful life.

In the illustrious words of Jack Nicholson in the movie, A Few Good Men, he said, "you want us up there, and you need us up there." It's been the American way since the beginning of our countries history; it's the blood, the guts and our great good fight. It has now come to the point that most of us don't even know what the fights about, we just know we "need to fight," we "need a cause," it completes us.

The cost in country resources has been tremendous, unless you count $11 trillion dollars as chump change. And now we are edging up to the $3 trillion dollar price tag on the war on terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. Gee, pretty quick the money that has been spent on war by the U.S. will amount to our national debt....."Shut the front door."

I must admit that war does create some jobs, during the past several years, about 8.3 jobs per million dollars spent, but sadly there are “hidden” costs to these job creations. Dam, can't we ever catch a break? What does happen is that in today's work atmosphere, automation is used whenever possible to keep labor costs at a minimum.

Defense and democracy in America is a pricy business and the recent failure of the "Super Committee" whose job it was to slash the countries budget now opens the gate for automatic cuts to the budget to take place. However, don't get all upset and feverish over any defense cuts.....they won't happen, they hardly ever do.

Wars of choice, which the United States now wages has a "cushion" through the power of that little guy that is called "corporation," or "corp." for short. Corp. is actually the one who dictates the budget and the slice of the pie that corps’ brothers and sisters get. It's not complicated, it's not involved, and it's right there in front of everybody. It's called "Defense Spending," it's how we save our way of life, protect our own, and make sure that "Corp" and all the little "Corp's" continue to live and grow.

Ah screw the test, class is dismissed.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I have hesitated to write anything about the Penn State rape case, deciding to allow the story to unfold naturally, choosing to read and listen to the usual "talking heads" that come out of the "word-work" when a story such as the Jerry Sandusky scandal breaks. It's been two weeks and at least 9 years since things were first "brought to light," then buried by the football Gods of Happy Valley, and then resurrected by some dirty old state prosecutor years after the fact.
The act, "let's be perfectly clear here," was to bend young boys over and introduce Sandusky's male member into their anus. There further were all kinds of touching, kissing and licking the man's male parts by these young boys until ejaculation was achieved and the personal gratification for the man was at an end.
This is not a family friendly blog, never has been and never will be. What this blog attempts to do is speak the truth as best it can. There is no easy way to talk or write about the Jerry Sandusky "alleged" activity with the young boys that took place for as long as 40 years. I have no "ax to grind" with assistant coach, "retired" Jerry Sandusky, or head coach Joe Paterno, "a living legend."
However as more people come forward and as more monetary law suits are filed, it gets harder and harder to believe the accused and to turn a blind eye towards Penn State, its athletic department or the administration that governs the school. It is growing into a case where fate, fame, lust and greed have taken over, and decent common sense left the building years ago.
Students and alumni alike seem to have joined arms in a kind of "lock step" march that overlooks facts, and endeavors to protect the good name of the university, the football program, and those people responsible for governance of same.
I was a General Manager of a baseball club one time, taking over a troubled, struggling organization that was rampant with all sorts of financial abuse. Everybody knew of the problems, of the abuse, and either was implicit in the activity, or knew about it. What I needed to do was "clear the decks," fire every member of the former regime. The only one that didn't know anything about the problem was the field maintenance guy.
My point is simple, as with the southern Wisconsin baseball team, everybody at Penn State's football program knew about Jerry Sandusky and his despicable acts of sexual depravity. The "buck" stops with Joe Paterno, his image is forever tarnished, and the atmosphere of his football program more important than however many little boys or young men that were bent over and penetrated by the monster that Jerry Sandusky became, is completely wrong.
All major sports programs, "always football," look the other way when it protects the "program." The money involved, the prestige in place, and the protection of the players comes way before any innocent by-stander. I have seen it, participated in it, and lived it, all for the good of the program, or those individuals involved. At the time I didn't even give the activity a second thought, it was what was done, it's how the program operated and survived from year to year and decade to decade.
Joe Paterno won lots of football games at Penn State, helped many kids to make a living in the National Football League as players or coaches. Now most are tainted by the acts of those that were in charge, by those men that were left to govern, to lay out a path for success.
Each and every man failed, each and every man deserves to be fired, and their names taken from the rules of honor. Not one person should escape the grim story that is emerging of physical and sociological harm to the young boys. Joe Paterno, you're caught, there is a special place for you in hell, now that's the real hot seat.

Monday, November 21, 2011


SUPERCOMMITTEE CREATED TO FAIL! (Washington Post-Frazer Chronicle)

I watched the Green Bay Packers beat Tampa Bay Buccaneers yesterday on "football Sunday," and I cheered the Detroit Lions to a comeback 49-35 victory in the motor city over the Carolina Panthers. Both winning teams were crafted for victory, it was their ultimate goal, both winning organizations got the best talent available to make the ultimate goal attainable.

Although some would disagree, the Packers and Lions victories were not paramount to city, state, country, or world activity, everything would still exist. It was after all just a football game, which will soon be forgotten. In fact only newspaper reports will keep the "battle of the bays," and the "fight of the cats" in the sports headlines.

Now we are learning about a debt super committee that is "bracing for failure," and in fact had little or no chance of completing their assigned task. The "mandated" task was to shave at least $1.2 trillion from the federal debt. Rather than making a concerted effort to compromise, members of the special deficit-reduction committee spent their final hours casting blame and pointing fingers and worrying about reaction from the financial markets already jittery over the European debt crisis.

The committee, 11 men and 1 woman ought to tell you something about any possible "meeting of the minds." As C.N.N. MONEY writer, Charles Riley wrote in an August 11th. article, "it will be tough work and will likely require political sacrifice on issues like taxes and entitlements," he was right, but as with every other issue today, decisions were made along party lines.

The committee members include Republican Representative Co-chair Jeb Hensarling from Texas, who served on President Obama's debt committee, but voted against it, Democratic Senator Patty Murray, Washington state, co-chair of the committee. She also chairs the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and it's her job to recruit candidates who can beat her Republican colleagues.

The other ten members of the committee are Republicans Senator Jon Kyl, Arizona, Pat Toomey, Pennsylvania, Rob Portman, Ohio, Representative Dave Camp and Fred Upton both of Michigan. All of these people have strong ties with Grover Norquist and his anti-tax movement, and with the possible exception of Rob Portman remain staunch in their Republican no new tax, and cut entitlements to the poor, education and health programs.

Democrats include Senator John Kerry, Massachusetts, Representative Chris Van Holland, Maryland, Senator Max Baucus, Montana, Representative Xavier Becerra, California, and James Clyburn, South Carolina. All of these people also have one thing in common; they follow Democratic ideology, and usually will not bend in their thinking.

Without a doubt these 12 people were distended to fail, and in fact have left Washington for the long Thanksgiving week, so the reaction won't even hit the presses until the first part of December. This holiday week is being observed by these people despite a national debt that now exceeds $15 trillion dollars.

The two sides could not bridge the taxes-vs.-entitlement gap, as the passion for keeping tax rates as low as possible by Republicans meant that the Democratic guarding entitlement programs would come to a head that could not be settled with any sort of capitulation by either side.

Possibly either the Green Bay Packers or the Detroit Lions business organizations should take up the countries debt problems and settle the matter on the grid-iron on a Sunday afternoon. It would be entertaining, tickets could be sold, concessions offered and maybe Senator Patty Murray would lead the proceedings in her tu-tu and a cheering section.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


UPDATE ON AN UPTICK! (Mother Jones-Frazer Chronicle)

America is another step closer to open gun battles on American streets, thanks to the National Rifle Association and a duped United States public. Concealed carry is the law of the land, well almost, only Illinois is refusing this "wild west" mentality law. Talk about capitulating to one of the biggest lobbying groups in "lobbyism," it's what happened right here, in the United States and right under our collective noses.

It's kinda like each state in the union has opened a "Guns Are Us" store where a guy can walk in , fill out a piece of paper, signifying a desire for a concealed permit, and after a short background check, the guy walks out "packing" a hand gun capable of ending another person's life. Somewhere in this equation, "the message gets lost" in translation.

I mean how important can a dollar bill really be, how cherished can a family keepsake be, worth shooting somebody, worth killing a person to death. Death is so permanent so abruptly final, one minute your walking, talking and maybe sharing inter-most thoughts, the next, your laying on the ground, blood streaming from a finger sized hole somewhere on your body.

I have written about concealed weapons in the past, in fact, just before Wisconsin caved into the N.R.A. crowd. Now it's legal to carry a fire-arm into some taverns, grocery stores, on college campuses, within less than 50 feet of a high school and into certain areas of the state capital buildings, why?

How many out there have shot a person, "not just winged um," rather put a bullet hole in their head, watched the sight and listened to the sounds and watched the amassing amount of blood that comes from a head-shot wound, I'll be not many. Shooting somebody is not pretty, a little wacko and certainly a traumatic action.

Shooting somebody, when the shooter has little or no training can not only be a devastating to all of those people involved, but can put into action a retaliatory reaction from family members or friends of the decedent.

In just the past 3 years, 22 states have weakened or eliminated gun laws restricting the possession of concealed weapons. At the present time, it is illegal to carry concealed weapons across state line. However the United States Congress is considering states to recognize each other's carry permits to be recognized, like a person's drivers license that might be issued in Wisconsin being honored in say.....California.

Look, the weapons makers, the N.R.A. lobbyist and the "ammo" producers have won the battles, however they still have not won the war. To allow a person into a tavern with a colt hanging from his hip is ludicrous and like many "crazy" "feel-good laws," this one also will come to be rescinded. Until then, keep your beak down and your powder dry.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


AND AWAY WE GO.....AGAIN! (Washington Post-Frazer Chronicle)

Okay we are getting out of Iraq by year’s end, that is just great, next we have to find a way to get the hell out of Afghanistan, bring all those young ones home, stop the break-neck military spending, start to focus on our own, right here in the good old U.S. of A. Could it be true, can we finally start to re-build our own roads, bridges and sagging school buildings.

Now comes news from Washington that we will begin a "closer" relationship with Australia, establishing a permanent military presence, part of a high-profile foreign policy shift towards Asia that is intended as a counterbalance to address China's growing power.

Hold the horses', stop the presses, "am I getting this right," because a nation has succeeded in the economic world, and is possibly putting yen, or yang or whatever it is that China calls it's money, into government coffers, it has to be a source of worry for the United States. Wow I guess the world had better stay poor, not prosper and feeds its peoples once a day and keep them completely in the dark.

I guess President Obama hasn't seen the bleeding that is going on right here in America, the poor, the hungry, the scores of Americans without health insurance and the millions of foreclosures. What in the hell is going on here, exactly how can we keep spending our national "treasure" on these fool-hardy wars.

It is past the time that the president’s job description is completely re-written and much of the power that has been taken from the people is returned. These "jerk-offs" work for us, it's not the other way around. If I want government protection, I'll write a letter, or text a message to the war department, until then, "keep your ding dong hands off the money."

Does China represent a threat to the United States, of course they do, like George W. Bush would say, "they hate us," everybody hates the United States, "so the hell what." We simply can't afford to keep fighting everybody, there comes a time when the U.S. needs to recognize other countries, and that they too have abilities, wants, desires and needs, just like us. We need to GIVE a little ground to keep the peace.

I for one do not want to see another "hot spot" handled with guns, bullets, vast amounts of cash and dead bodies. We must get over ourselves and live in peace. Make love.....not war, it feels sooooo much better.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011



You can line um up, might be 3 deep, it's for sure that there shoulder to shoulder in their attempts to keep the man down. That "man" is the chronically unemployed, or the guy who lost his job during the "melt-down" that overtook the countries financial stability and job market.There is a multitude of causes why the economy went bad, and more then enough people and institutions to blame.

It is fascinating to me, that conservatives now point a finger at George W. Bush and his constant push for all Americans to own their own home. I have a friend in real-estate and a pal who owns a mortgage company, the 2000's were very good to these people. I ask them once if they figured the housing market would ever "level off," and in fact decline, there answer was an emphatic NO. "Oops," guess they were wrong.

Most every economist talk about the "complex issues" that are tied to the recession that the United States is now experiencing, and to varying degrees, much of the rest of the world feels the same tight American issues. To this thinking I say, "balderdash and a big fat huba huba," there isn't a complex set of issues with the depression-like situation that America is in.

It's simple and straight forward, wages have been stagnate, or in regression for close to 30 years, bankers were out of control and manufacturing jobs not only went south, they went to the west, east and north. Our federal government allowed the "Captains of Industry" to take their jobs off shore, so that they could make un-Godly income from lower wages, and make a profit from the sales of their now imported product back to the United States.

Through the loss of jobs in America, millions of jobs, the economy of the country begin to suffer and finally fail. Many of the lost jobs were well paying, great benefit type work, and people lived according to their income. When your making upwards of $70,000 a year as a floor worker in a G.M. plant in Detroit and your wife makes another $40 grand, all sorts of spending goes on, jet skies, fishing boats, vacations, new cars every other year, addition on the house, a cottage up state, with little or no thought to the future. The good times are rolling and will last at least through my work life.

But, the bubble burst, and the country went back to the "boom or bust" mentality that has dominated the country for well over a hundred years. This time, though, there was something different, U.S. business was using tax laws, corporation loop-holes and the realization that good cheap labor was just a jet ride away in under-developed countries, labor that was so cheap, the "Captains" couldn't believe it.

Another problem in the United States was the fact that banks were on a run-away path to glory, profits and not only independent wealth, but wealth on such a grand scale, that the common man, "like me," can't even dream of the numbers.

A law was passed almost 80 years ago, establishing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, "F.D.I.C." in the United States and introduced banking reforms, some of which were designed to control speculation. It is commonly known as the Glass-Steagall Act, and there were 2 attempts to control money matters in the country.

The first, Glass-Steagall Act in 1932 was an effort to stop "deflation," expand the Federal Reserves ability to offer discounts on more types of assets, government bonds as well as commercial paper and the like.

The second Glass-Steagall Act in 1933 was tougher then the '32 act, and was a response to the collapse of a large portion of Americans' commercial banking system in early 1933. The act introduced the separation of the bank types according to their business, (commercial and investment banking).

Without doubt, the biggest single reason that banks got their butts in a sling during the middle and latter part of the 1st. decade of 21st. century was because they were allowed to return to the practices of the last part of the 19th. century and the first 29 years of the 20th. century. Banks intermingled their business, investment and commercial, creating conflicts of interest at almost every turn, and then tere were the Hedge Funders and their wild speculations.

While all of this was going on, the working man and the hibutually poor took hit after hit on the chin, until finally, today, we have the Occupy outfit and their movement, which I must say is as miss-guided a cause as possibly has ever taken place in the United States.

A war has been going on against the working poor for a long time, but there aren't any casualty lists, newspapers don't list certain battles waged with catch phrase names, or heroic pictures depicting flag raisings. The Occupy Wall Street movement has concentrated on wealth at the top of our society, branding itself as a movement of the 99%, redirecting public attention to the issue of extreme inequality.

However by and large these protesters are young people, or people with minimual amounts of means, "they are touched by the problem, but can walk away at any time," back to their safe place. People that don't have jobs, that are being paid minimum wages and have a family to raise know what I'm talking about. These people don't have enough money to smoke cigarettes, or drink a beer.

These people try as hard as is humanly possible and still can't get's just the same crap day after day, week and week and month after month. Most of these people are poorly educated, can have emotional or mental issues and never, never get better. Their lives are one continual grind, they are never rewarded for their efforts or their attendance, or how well they learn their jobs.

The upper middle class expects raises for their efforts and often get the renuneration tht they are looking for. But for the past couple of decades, raises have been eaten up by raising food, fuel-heating and medical-insurance costs.

Employers have become calous with regards to their employee's needs, wants and desires. Several years ago, I worked for a paper distributing company, and it was widely know that the guy never gave raises, always said "he didn't have the money." I have never asked for a raise in my life and now that I am retired, "I guess that record will remain intact." Any ways with all his hardship and tight funds, the jerk goes out a buys a $200,000 motor home.

The S.O.B. is more then 60 foot in length and has every gadget that can be put into one of those things. The jerk actually takes me on a tour and wants to know my opinion, without a moments hesitation I remarked that "I now knew why nobody got raises."

Look, I've said it before and I guess I'll say it again, "business' job is to eliminate labor, not create it." As Michelle Bachman said, "if you don't work, you don't eat," wow, with an attitude like that, the man with the big motor home might be able to buy a matching one for his wife.

Until the really working poor and the just plain poor get together, nothing is going to change, sadly. I'm just dam glad I've retired.....the situation gets my dander up, and I'm far removed from it.

Monday, November 14, 2011


PIP SQUEAK COUNTRIES! (Frazer Chronicle)

Small sometimes, in the history of the world hasn't seemed to matter much.....when it comes to break-through technology, or war making. Throughout world history, small bands of people or countries have challenged superior numbers, or technology and walked away with riches, the scalps of the vanquished, or have completely obliterated entire civilizations.

In the 1930's and 40's, Germany took on the entire world with little help from their allies,  using instead a knack for cutting edge technology, which could be argued, brought the "free world" to the brink of defeat. Without the help of Adolf Hitler, it is not inconceivable to think that a teeny tiny country with a population of between 77,000,000 and 89,000,000 could have pulled off the biggest upset in the history of the world. Who knows, today, with a German victory in 1945, we all could be speaking German.

But through some of the most bizarre military tactics in history, the Hitler lead Nazi regime was doomed and defeated in the spring of 1945. The United States and her "coalition of the willing" has been at war in Afghanistan for 10 years, "since October 2001," and 8 years in Iraq, "March 2003." Both countries are small, with a combined population of less then 60,000,000, but unlike Germany, neither has the kind of technical capabilities that Hitler had at his disposal.

So one might ask, exactly why is the so called "war on terror" taking so long, "10 years and 8 years" with more then 6000 deaths and billions of dollars spent and no real sign of victory at hand.....well let me answer that thorny question, "the powers that be, probably in the world, do not want either wars to end." "What" you, money, money is the answer, $803,086,326,940 in Iraq and $474,647,080,752 in Afghanistan.

Yep, two backward countries seem to be holding parts of the "free" world hostage by their waring actions. The United States in turn use waterboarding, sleep, diet, body positioning, phyical beatings and water depervation as ways to collect intelligence. No "hi-tech" research needed, just people with little or no morals or scruples, pages right out of the Nazi interrogation book.

As President George W. Bush coined the phrase when explaining wars during his administration, "the long wars" will be necessary to defeat terrorisum. Of course he left out the part about prisoner treatment, how much the wars would cost, or what the run-away war spending would actually cost the American people.

Waterboarding is a brutal way to extract information and the information mostly is useless, given the fact that the waterboardee tells the waterboarder exactly what he wants to hear. And now we have these idiot Republican candidates calling for a military strike on Iran. Exactly what part of polls that show well over 60% of the American public that wants hostalities to end and not to start another war don't these people understand?

These pip squeak countries are bleeding the United States dry, they, with there sticks and stones are kicking the crap out of our military. Want proof, check on the length of the wars, and one of those web-pages with the cost clock moving at almost superconic speed and then read which companies are profiting from the "war effort."

Saturday, November 5, 2011


"YER OUTTA THERE." (Washington Post-Frazer Chronicle)

From the Forward Operating Base, Sharana, Afghanistan comes news that Major General Peter Fuller has been relived of his duties as the top U.S. trainer in charge of Afghanistan security forces. Fuller was fired today, Saturday, November 5 for criticizing President Harmid Karzai. General John R. Allen, commander of overall operations in the country,  relieved Fuller for remarks he made in an interview with the fact finding agency, Politico.

I guess the old military motto "Ours is not to question why, ours is just to do and die," is alive and well in the modern military of 2011, it kinda gives me a warm furry feeling all over my body. You know what they say about opinions, "there like ---holes, every body's got one." Guess Fuller was less inclined to "suffer the pain of a gastric upset," and let the  air out.

His pontification was not an epic eruption, rather a kind of burp, a quite interview with a state-side news organization which looks for truth wherever it can. General Fuller simply took issue with some of Karzai's statements, calling them "erratic and isolated from reality." Fuller further stated that "he, "Karzai" should poke me in the eye with a needle, you've got to be kidding me.....I'm sorry, we just gave you $11.6 billion and now your telling me 'I really don't care?"

Fuller further explained that "Afghan officials are divorced from reality and unappreciative of the American sacrifice in Afghanistan." "You guys are isolated from reality, the reality is, the world economy is having some significant hiccups."

Was General Fuller talking out of school, absolutely not, he simply was repeating what anybody who knows anything about the Afghan situation knows, that Karzai and his family and friends are profiteering from the war, that the conditions of the country are "mucked up." The statements that Fuller made were the truth, and the removal from his duties shows a silly "wall of silence" that exists in the military services.

Truth from American war zones should be a mandatory rule, short of divulging either military secrets, or where soldiers might be put in harms way. When it comes to the regular tension that has been present over the past several months between the United States and the Afghan government over supplies, equipment and money, I don't know about you, but I want to know all that the law allows.

I personally could care less about the future of General Fuller, his family, or his friends, I only want correct information, especially when it comes to the billions of dollars that are being spent. To my way of thinking, "these cowboys aren't protecting my freedom today, in Afghanistan." The United States is in an untenable situation in the middle east, and it seems as if everybody in the world knows except United States citizens, that the U.S. goal is not peace, but to protect natural resources for our use.

Thank God I don't have a position to lose, I've been called a general ----up, but never simply a general. Speaking the truth in today's "complicated" world can come back to bite you in the butt, so the rest of you generals out there better cover up, or drop and roll, it's a jungle out there.

Friday, November 4, 2011


(Frazer Chronicle)

I'm confused, when I was in high school, after a football game, my high school would sponsor a "victory" dance, complete with teacher and parental chaperone's. It was like "chicks on parade." especially if you played an intricate part in a win, you were greeted like .....well.....a "Greek God," it was just great. I can't tell you the number of times that I got.....well, use your own imagination you can probably guess what "I got."

Dancing at school dances was, granted, a little strange by today's standards, the Twist, the Watusi or the Bristol Stomp are out, looking back, the younger generation today has very little over us, my generation could "cut a rug" with any of them, we "rocked." I do remember, I believe it was my junior year, dipping was Verboten, absolutely no dipping allowed, no close dancing either, "what a drag."

Now I hear that dance fans have even went further, doing a double dip, wow, I want to try that step(s), it sounds "keen." However I'm not sure that librarian Pearl Phistz, or gym teacher Mary Jane Draper, chaperone's at almost every dance would have allowed the double dip. I think both women were professional chaperon's during my time in high school and set a pretty strict set of rules to govern behaviour at our dances.

Well you can imagine my shock when I learned that double dipping had nothing what-so-ever to do with a new dance step, rather was a veiled attack on tax-payer funds. A retire-rehire scam to collect payment for first, retiring, establishing a payment rate of retirement pay, and then being rehired to their "old" position at the same rate of pay as when they left, and the best's legal, "ain't that neat."

I know it's true because it happened right here in good old Packerland, "Green Bay, Wisconsin," where two college professors retired from their positions, one being paid $115,000 a year and the other $104,000 .  Several weeks later, both were rehired at their same salaries, but with brand new pension payments respectively at $65,000 and $40,000 a year. "Great work if you can get it."

These two jokers, teachers at the University of Wisconsin Green Bay deny any wrong-doing, "huh," the morals of the activity stink. I don't have the time, energy, or am I going to take my limited vocabulary to try and express my feelings about these two dinks. This practice happens all over the state of Wisconsin and in many venues.


Greece is in a terrible financial mess, their economy is in the proverbial toilet, thanks in large part to generous government benefits that could never be sustained. Some stunning facts related to the Grecian governmental practices, and it's pretty easy to see why the entire countries economy is flatter then a floozy, or lower then Whale crap on the bottom of the ocean.

Nearly 50% of the Greek population works for the government, the average age of retirement is the early 50's, "with 100% of their regular pay, lavish bonuses to upper tier workers, "sometimes as lavish as an entire years pay." Well over 50% of the Greek population pays -0- taxes as their tax laws are in the same place that the countries economy is, "the crapper."

The good times are clearly over for these people, it's time to "pony up the dough ray me," to begin to pay more then a fair share, "because you haven't for so long." Time to "pay the fiddler," as Antony Quin said in Zorba the Greek, to "cough it up," to "make things right."

The United States is on the edge of the Greeks, what with the wild payment plans, and the unsustainable practice that have been the norm, like I mentioned at the beginning of today's edition. It's time to pay the fiddler, it's time to prioritize where taxpayer money goes, how our government works and what we "allow" to go on, after all, there's more of us then them.

The double dip, sadly is not a new dance step to get a bit closer to your partner, rather a way to get into the pockets of the American taxpayer, and to "get yours before it's all gone."

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


"YAHOO!" (Frazer Chronicle)

"Buckle up buttercup it's time to meet your maker." "Picture it," it's Friday night, your work week is over and it's time to "partay." You ease into your favorite stool at your friendly neighborhood tavern, ready to knock back a few Budweiser's. You survey the landscape, "scoping for chicks" and decide that pickens might  be just right, ah, a double threat guy, good lookin and personality, how can you go wrong, "how can the women go wrong."

It's now 9:00 P.M. you've been sitting with friends, but keeping an eye on one particular blond, contemplating the things the two of you might do to one another. You see a guy walk over to her table and start the usual small talk that "might" lead to a more interment conversation. You watch for several minutes and decide to make your play.

You slowly sidle up to her table and ask for a dance, you are confident, young and feel that you are doing her a "favor." The guy who had just struck up a conversation with the blond backs up, assuming a defensive posture and tells you to "piss off."

Well, "you say to yourself," "not only is that unfriendly, it's downright rude," and deserves a reaction. One word leads to another, and before long there is a pushing match and a possible reaction to the pushing, hand guns are drawn and the next thing you know, shots ring out and the young blond girl is laying on the floor in a pool of blood with a finger sized hole in her fore-head and a fist sized hole in the back of her head.

Far fetched you say, sadly it's not, it happens every single night of the week somewhere in the United States with the exception of Illinois. With the passage of the "concealed carry" law being enacted in Wisconsin, Illinois is the only state holding out from the madness that seems to be taking over our country.

I was listening to an N.P.R. "National Public Radio"  program yesterday and I couldn't believe some of the reasons that were being cited as reasons to carry concealed hand guns. "Stopping a possible bank robbery because the robbers would see that some bank patrons were packing," defusing the possible reaction from an accident  by flashing your "piece," personal protection in the streets, to protect your loved ones when you are on a strange town.

Did you ever shoot somebody, were you ever responsible for somebodies death, have you ever seen what a bullet can do to the human body. I've seen what a bullet can do to the body, and let me tell you, "it ain't pretty." The right sized caliber bullet not only penetrates the body, it mushes up the bone, muscle and cartilage and can render the use of that area of the body useless.

Shooting somebody is definitely "not a walk in the park," it's serious stuff that most of us are not ready for. Okay so gun laws are basically the rule of the land, and we are dependent to rely on the guys with the guns to act responsibly.  But if you pull a gun on me, you'd better not miss and you'd better finish the job, cause if you don't, I'll be coming after you and I won't miss, and I will finish the job. This is the attitude that guns can mean, "you shoot me, I'll kill you," madness.

Two of the most powerful lobbyist groups in the United States, the N.R.A. and the gun manufacturers have gotten us the right to keep and bear arms, and nether will be held responsible for any reverberations that might come from their efforts. Never once has a gun manufacturer been held responsible for weapon defect, or incident, never.

Who is the biggest exporter of weapons in the world.....the United States, it's an important business to these people. Weapons education is required in every state that has passed gun laws, I just hope that they do a good job, and gun owners practice good judgement. If not, it'll be "buckle up," yahoo, "I'm packen."


Sunday, October 30, 2011


"YER OUT, NO YER SAFE." (Frazer Chronicle)

In baseball, when an umpire calls you remain out, flip off your batting helmet and walk towards the dug-out, sit and glower, or collect your ball glove and take your defensive position. It happens millions of times all over America during the summer months. From softball to baseball, from little league to the majors, batters hit the ball and run like hell towards 1st. base. Baseball is a simple game as Hector Dias told me one time, "you hit the ball and run like hell," you know, Hector was right.

Watching the just completed World Series between Texas and the St. Louis team, an Innocent listener would wonder at Hector's statement. Listening to Joe Buck, Tim McCarver, John Smoltz and Ron Darling. and how they talked about the "stress level" of each pitch, whether a particular decision by managers was a good one or not, how the tension of hitters, pitchers and fielders was almost unbearable. "Give me a break."

Both Texas and St. Louis had grown men, playing a child's game, running around on a grass and dirt playing surface in pajamas. One guy hit the ball thrown by a pitcher, and everybody with a fielder's glove on chased the little white ball and tried to make the runner out. The team with more runs and more outs won the game and the World SERIOUS was over.

We now come to a much more serious game that is playing out thousands of miles away, played on sand and rocks, in an inhospitable land, "at least to my way of thinking." The game has lasted for more then 9 years, "are we going into extra innings," and it was a game that the United States could never win. The rules of the game were not dictated by the U.S. rather a bunch of camel jockeys who have made war off and on for the past thousand years or so.

The game, "war" was always fought on foreign soil, the U.S. didn't have any home games scheduled, had no home ball park, and had precious little time to practice. The rules were screwed up, "winning the hearts and minds" rebuild, fix infrastructure, fix water, roads and utilities, pay, pay, pay, offer security, health care and train the people to protect themselves.

The United States were not occupiers, whether.....liberators, U.S. officials threw out that bull crap to anyone who was listening, and the most important people simply weren't listening, Iraqi citizens. Almost from the beginning, many Iraqi's thought that the Americans wanted the countries oil reserves and as the conflict continued, the number swelled to include 75-80% of Iraqi's.

We now are coming to the end, mandated by the Bush administration, the withdrawal date is December 31, it's the date that all troops are to be out of Iraq. Everybody knew that some advisory staff would remain, that the American conciliate in Baghdad would be staffed with several thousand, but that was okay, we'd be out of a war zone that (we) had actually created.

Now are friendly neighborhood Department of War, the Pentagon is planning a Gulf buildup after the Iraq exit. Well dip me in "well water" does that really surprise you? With an "eye" on the threat of belligerent Iran, the Obama administration is seeking to expand military ties with the six nations in the "Gulf Cooperation Council," Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman and the United Arab Emirates.

Where do these jokes come up with these names, I mean, "Gulf Cooperation Council," get real and get with the times. A better name, "Attack of the Tanks against the Camels," or "Uncivil War," or "We'll Kick Your Ass council."

We are again looking to occupy a country, "Iran" where we can't win, no way, no how. We need to keep our elongated nose "out of the Middle East, the Middle East is where the predicted "final battles" will take place. I know what I'm talking about, it's written in the Bible, and I saw a television show about the last world battles on N.P.R. "so it has to be true."

To continue in the Middle East with a military force would be a huge mistake, let's get our "boots, buns and guns" out of the Middle East. These people will be just fine, they've been lobbing rocks, sticks, bottles and bombs at one another for years, I for one wish they'd "get a better aim."


Friday, October 28, 2011


A GOOD DAY FOR A RIOT! (Frazer Chronicle)

As my Dad used to say, "stick your beak out the door to check the weather," the occupy Wall Street has done the same thing. Checking the weather, the climate, the lay of the land, attitudes and atmosphere, these are all important issues when contemplating a gathering for a protest that, if left unchecked, can turn into what most participants do not want, a riot.

America finds itself in the midst of a protest/riot that seems to be escalating into a full blown riot because of some very basic issues. The reasons for the protests aren't  confusing or difficult to understand, they are basic to our system of government. Protesters are exercising their rights to free and equal rights for every person, to participate in a system of government, practiced by electing representatives of the people by the  majority of the people.

The facts of this protest are easy to understand as well as the wants and desires, the protest is way past a "voice in the wilderness." However with protest comes some unwanted repercussions that distract from the original goals of the movement, unless you figure that the core of the movement wanted to stand in the streets of America staring down the gun barrel of law enforcement.

Protests have happened in the past in America and around the world as well, usually for a just cause, usually supported by a majority of the people and in most instances, have met with failure.  Protests are lead by dreamers, by "do gooders," by visionaries and by those that fight for equality, usually to life people out of poverty, or an unequal voice in government.

In every election cycle for president in the United States, there are protests, although not supported by a majority, these protests usually turn into a riotous confrontation with local, state and even federal law enforcement. In every instance, "gathering permits" were applied for and denied, causing frustration and a predictable reaction.

The 1968 Democratic convention is a perfect example of how things can escalate into a bloody confrontation. In the aftermath of the riot in Chicago, police reported 589 arrests, 119 police and 100 protesters injured. A government funded study to determine the cause of the violence placed most of the blame on the law enforcement officials of Chicago. The Mayor of Chicago, Richard Daley disagreed with the report, issuing the police of Chicago a pay raise.

A protest/riot in April of 1968, caused by the assassination of Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. had a very different result then the August riots. Of course the overwhelming majority of the protesters were black, so the response was predictable, 39 people were shot to death, 34 of those were black. In Chicago alone, there were 11 deaths, 48 were wounded, 90 policemen were injured and a whooping 2,150 people were arrested.

This brings us to present day protesting and New York city, Cincinnati, Ohio, Detroit, Green Bay, Wisconsin and Oakland, California. Although people are being arrested, tear gas, rubber bullets and Flash-bang grenades are being used, and although thousands have been detained or arrested, nobody has died.

We now have a war vet being hit in the head with a tear gas canister and there is a brew ha-ha over exactly what the protesters are protesting about. Inequality.....inequality.....inequality, that's it, pure and simple. Taxation, Wall Street "tom-foolery" and greed, "sorry Paul Ryan," but class warfare. I support these protesters, "from afar," and would donate money.

There is however one thing I would hope these protesters not get to many blacks involved, because some of those big bellied cops just love to take "pot shots" at the brothers.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


SHUT UP! (Mother Jones-Frazer Chronicle)

I am so sick of these people, they don't have the common sense that God gave a gnat, it's kind of like there talking and thinking out of their ass. Democrats, Republicans and the total differences between the two is unbelievable. The United States has been in an alleged war for longer then at any other time in the country's  history, (10) years, it's time to simply go home, anyone that can't see that fact is idiot, any parent that wouldn't protest "mightily" to keep their son or daughter out of "today's" military is frankly, a lousy parent.

The war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, or the dozen other undeclared military activity that is being carried on by the United States today, is, number one, dangerous, whenever people shoot at one another, a percentage of the time, somebody gets hurt, or dead. Staying out of these "zones," at least to me, would seem to be a smart thing to do. And don't give me this crap about "when your time is up," "that's bull," you can get killed by walking across the street, smartest thing to do, "only cross the street at the cross walk."

The United States has lost thousands of men and women directly to war wounds, and countless others to war related injuries, sickness and accidents that are not counted as war related deaths. There are thousands of soldiers that suffer "post traumatic stress" which only now is becoming fully understood by the medical profession.

There are thousands of "damaged" veterans, now living without the possibility of ever walking again, ever seeing again, ever hearing, ever being able to take care of themselves. Many will need constant care for the rest of their lives, and sadly there are some veterans that will never even know where they are, their life basically over through their war wound carnage, how will this get funded?

We have done war in Afghanistan to kill the Taliban, and to relieve Osama bin Laden of his life and we've done both, why are we still there? I understand the political "fall-out" that will occur when we leave this miserably configureated hump of sand, gravel and un-inhabitable land. I personally can't understand what in the world the attraction is, to say the least, Afghanistan has few holiday vacation spots.

Afghanistan has never been a "winnable" war for the United States, the Bush administration went into the country with duel goals, obliterate the Taliban and to kill bin Laden, both objectives have been accomplished, so......why are we still there in such force, to say nothing of the billions that are being spent, spent when people in the United States are under insured, or don't have any insurance at all?

And Iraq, "gee, don't get me going," well, okay, maybe just a little." Iraq is by far the biggest military bungle in the history of  most any century in the history of, well, maybe the world. A pip squeak country, with a punk for a leader, wound up hiding in a hole and finally hung by his own people. In the natural progression of things, we could have stayed out of Iraq and Saddam would have still been hung by his country-men.

Now finally President Obama "says" that "we are pulling out of Iraq," and some people rag about the decision, give me a break. Are these people crazy or simply a product of inbreading, I don't get the logic. Of course it's the usual suspects, Michele Bachmann and Willard "Mit" Romney leading the charge, padding their political portfolio's, or so they think.

For Obama to get the United States out of Iraq and hopefully Afghanistan is not only the right thing to do, it's the prudent thing to do. The United States is a great nation to live and work in, to try and get a piece of the American dream, albeit a "small" piece, but non-the-less, a piece. Very few countries offer that.

So you people clamoring for the country to continue making war, for whatever reason, "SHUT UP" and go away, "we don't care, cause you don't matter.