Sunday, June 30, 2013


(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Frazer Chronicle)


I read with interest an article in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about how Governor Scott Walker now has the power to sell Wisconsin state heating plants, highways, and other properties. It got me to wondering how this practice of a state’s governor acting as a real-estate agent worked in other states. After all, as I recall, privatization of services in some instances hasn’t really worked out that well, I seem to remember some sort of parking meter deal not working out for the city of Chicago.


Parts of the Indiana and Illinois toll roads have been leased to private overseas companies with somewhat mixed results, and portions of toll way 80 in Ohio was being considered as a foreign company clambered to get on board as a an American toll way executor, but that has sense been put on hold.


The Chicago parking meter system with almost 36,000 meters seems to have run into ownership, leasing prices, that the lease of $974 million dollars for the system was less than the system cost brand new. In addition, some sour grapes seems to have been slung around because William Blair, and Morgan Stanley.


It seems that William Blair & Company suggested the move to Mayor Daley and that LAZ Parking, the company to run the parking system was a company formed by Stanley Morgan. Could there be double dipping here, I don’t know, and it’s for sure I’m not saying that there is…..but… never knows.


So now, here in little old Wisconsin, we have a Governor, Scott Walker, who is ambitious, and seems to be seeking national attention, and we discover that presto, he can now sell government buildings, and other assets that in other states has caused at the least some frayed feelings.



My initial reaction is an easy one…..why, why would a governor need to have the ability to arbitrarily almost yard sale off state assets. Exactly what is going on here, yet another power grab by good ol “Sleepy” Walker?


Let’s see a list of these power plants, and parcels of properties that might be sold off and how are they might affect the land, the environment, the people, and possibly the artistic and historical stability of an area. Who is going to make the decisions regarding these places and things, some bureaucrat, or real estate agent, or a private developer?


In a worst case scenario, land, neighborhood and a historical area might be pushed out of the way for some sort of progress regardless whether it’s a street, a sewer line, a high-rise, or an office building. And what about cronyism, will doing favors friends come into play?


Also I can’t ever get comfortable with the idea that Walker, in an interview said that “his main focus was on selling properties such as power plants and he would not sign off on deals that were not advantageous in the long term.” “If it doesn’t make sense, we won’t do it.”  HUM. I wonder what municipality and school teachers would say to that last part?


Walker talked about the accountability under the requirement that any deals would need approval by Wisconsin’s Building Committee, and legislature’s Joint Finance Committee. “I can’t just arbitrarily do it; this finance committee is still a safeguard.



Whenever an elected official seeks to grab additional authority or power, they invariably talk about checks and balances. “Don’t worry; this committee will keep everything on the up and up, and for the voting public at large. That would be great if that committee always did their job in a bipartisan way…..but we all know how that works out.


I guess in the final analysis one need to question why Governor Walker feels the need to become a real estate agent; I thought those people needed to go to some sort of a school? A bigger and more serious reason is that short term benefits don’t always equate into overall good for the state.


I’m not going to get into all sorts of real estate situation that I don’t understand, and I think that Walker shouldn’t either. Oh I understand that Scott Walker wouldn’t be pulling the trigger on any sales situation, he’d have advisors just like the rest of us…..if were smart when buying property.


But I think the biggest issue whenever there is any transaction involving state owned property is what the deal might mean in 20, 30 or 40 years out. And I’m not saying that Governor Walker doesn’t have the best interest of Wisconsin at heart…..but… never knows. I’d say that any real estate transaction where the governor is involved, any governor, the situation needs to be watched.



Saturday, June 29, 2013



(Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Todd Hill, Robbie Searcy, Huffington Post)

(J.R. Pegg, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Naomi Oreskes, Chris Matyszczk)

(Mike Lockwood, IPCC 4th Assessment Report, Judith Lean, Europa, Frazer Chronicle)


Yeah its gonna be a hot one out there, and it’ll also be a cold one, a dry one, a wet one, lots of snow, and hardly any snow at all. Yup from no snow, to a whole bunch of the damned stuff, it’s all a sign of the effects of global warming that is taking an ever stronger hold around our collective necks.


I talked with my brother-in-law last week, he lives in the upper part of Lower Michigan, and he was complaining about the lack of rain. Now as the crow flies, Pat, (my brother-in-law) lives probably about 60 north and 150 miles east, and he’s gotten around 13” of rain. Me here in the N.F.L.’s ice-box franchise has gotten just a tad less than 18” over the same period of time.


So what’s my point…’s really a simple point, as anybody who knows me can understand, rain-fall, or snow acumination has little to do in the short term of weather patterns. But decades old trends do indicate what is going on with the weather.


I used to live where my brother-in-law does, Traverse City, and I remember snow banks on the side of roads that were 6’, 7’ and even 8’ in height. People would put flags or orange balls on their radio antennae so that oncoming cars would be aware of them. And nobody did a Hollywood stop, where a driver slows down, looks both ways, and continues on his merry way. No-sir-e, every stop was…..a stop, and you’d inch into the intersection to see who was coming.


In my youth, and in fact throughout my twenties, thirties and forties, I played baseball, or was involved in some capacity with the game. I recorded the weather conditions in my scorebooks on a game to game situation, and the weather today is warmer than 25 or 30 years ago.



Just like everything else that we humans deal with, there are telltale signs that for whatever reason we simple don’t pay attention to. I’ve listed some of these signs that are here, smacking us right in our collective heads…..and we do not heed them:

Warm temperatures, cold temperatures, mild temperatures, snow, lack of snow, no snow, rain, no rain, lack of rain, tornadoes, no tornadoes, hurricanes, lack of hurricanes, hail, no hail, storms, lack of storms, and floods and lack of floods.


What the above illustrates is the fact that each type of condition in our weather can have an impact on our lives. If a region has a prolonged condition of say, warm temperatures, your area will…..over time becomes uninhabitable. It’s what climate science is all about, and the science, like every other type of science, results can, (on the surface) seem different short term, but long term…..well, you get the message.


People really do read way too much into what they hear about the question of global warming, it can come from many, many different sources, sadly by many people who simply like to be the stick that stirs the drink. I’d name some of these jokers, but I don’t have, nor am I willing to take the time to write these people down.



Rest assured that grant money is not a reason that a scientist would sit around some desolate outpost in the arctic measuring the depth of ice, and how quickly it might be melting. The hairs on the back of my neck kind of tingle whenever I hear somebody talking about these climatologists not wanting to lose their grant money… me it makes no sense, it’s not jazzy enough a reason.



It’s not that Americans don’t believe in global warming, it’s that they don’t want to believe it because the condition will alter their lives so much. Just think about it for a minute, possibly no more Tru-TV, possibly having to live without the corner tavern, or worse, the corner McDonald’s…..the thought is, well…..un-American.


Potentially if global warming is true, our way of life… one of the world’s biggest polluters would be over. Some kind of give in to the idea of clement being potentially bad, and potentially here, but they don’t want to address the problem right now. Others want to address the problem head on; they separate their cans, plastic, and glass containers…..and make compost gardens…..but go no further.


Some people actually fears global warming; seem to throw up their hands and wonder what they can do, what it means, and how the hell can I get outta here! The consequences of climate change is so great to some here in the United States that they willingly deny empirically evidence and make all forms of illogical statements rejecting and renouncing that there is evidence that they earth is warming.


Of course there’s my take on the climate warming issue, wait to be afraid and concerned about global warming until my gas well has come in, and I’ve gotten my millions out of the ground. I realize that this attitude is flippant, but I really do need that black Escalade to drive around, and anyways a year or two longer won’t hurt that much!


A weaker argument than my gas well scenario would be the burden to American industry and the devastating loss of jobs. There is a simple and direct answer to that opinion…..if what the warmist people say will happen when global warming takes over, the deserts, lack of water, raising oceans, and the uninhabitable areas, what would be the difference.


Nobody would have jobs, because nobody would have any money, and in fact, life-styles would have reverted to something out of almost midlevel times. SSSSSSSSSoooooooooooooooooooooo, the argument to not believe in global warming because people would lose jobs would be…..bogus.



You can look up all the information you want, there’s a load of it…..information, but at the end of the day, if even 20% of what the warmers say is true, we are in a load of trouble, and the future generations of the world will be hard pressed to continue, and you should know how I feel about legacies and future generations….. (I could care less about future generations, my folks left me with problems, and I can leave some problems too.) That said…..I guess leaving my grand-kids, and their kids without potable water, and a continuous summer would be a bit to.


So I guess it behooves us all to work a bit harder at this weather and inclement stuff…..for our grand kids and their kids.



Friday, June 28, 2013


(Buzzle, Jason Reeher)

(Lisa Diane, Steven A. Camarota)

(Karen Zeigler, USA TODAY, Charles Hirschman)

(North American Congress on Latin America, Marian Smith)

(Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Frazer Chronicle)


It’s true, in retrospect, I’m sure that our red brothers thought in 1492, who the hell are these lily white people, with their strange routines, with these huge wooden boats with the white cloth sheets hanging off log looking like things that seem to grow at of the middle of these huge boats. Are they peaceful, do they mean us harm, and where in hell did they come from…..and why are they here on my swimming beaches?


Sadly the fears of our red brothers were well founded, and in fact where beyond their wildest nightmares. Nobody could have, in their right minds imagined the carnage, mayhem, and the hatred that would be spawned between the Native American, and his white brother.


The white men, or white eyes, were the first true immigrants when they stepped off their boats more than 500 years ago. The white man didn’t speak the red mans tongue. Didn’t know the customs, didn’t know of the taboos, and had absolutely no idea the nature of the Indians relationship with the earth, and the animals that roamed freely and in fact co-existed with the red man.


There was an indoctrination that the white man had to go through, but sadly the immigrant white man had little time for what they felt was an unnecessary set of tests, and…..exactly who did these red men think they were anyways? I think that some of the information that was required study was how well an immigrant wrote and spoke the native tongue was based on the failure of the white man to learn more of the red man’s habits and language.        


There was a time here in the United States when a part of the immigration test, the last part, was whether a potential immigrant could express himself in English and be able to write his name in English. Immigrants were encouraged to speak English whenever, and wherever they could. I can remember during my youth waiting to pay for gas, or grocers and having to wait while the potential immigrant tried to carry on a conversation with a checkout clerk…..and taking up my time.


Looking back now, I have to admit that I did really marvel at those people, they were so bent on becoming American citizens that the effort was awe inspiring, but sadly I missed the boat on that thinking and could only get a case of the red ass cause the foreigner in front of me was taking a slice out of my day…..what an idiot I was for not understanding the valiant effort  that it took for the guy to learn my language.


Is there even a citizens test that foreign people have to take before they can become American citizens…..a good question, I’m not sure, but if there is a test, it would not be a tests like 40 or 50 years ago, of that I am sure.


There is a new bill on immigration that passed the Senate yesterday that will allow the nation’s 11 to 13 million illegals to apply for U.S. citizenship. Like any other governmental activity, this Senate bill comes with a few strings, purse strings, in this case, $38 billion dollars that will be spent to secure the southwest border and revamp the legal immigration system to bring in more foreigners to perform high- tech and lower skilled jobs.


Let’s get this junk out of the way really, really quick, the danger in our political system that is called partisanship. These jokers… both parties seem to forget one simple truth, once elected, their own personal likes, dislikes and opinions need to be put aside, and the work that they were elected to do takes precedence.


It says in the USA TODAY that House Republicans will hold a closed door meeting on July 10 to discuss the way forward. Are you out of your friggen minds, nothing, I repeat…..NOTHING EVER GETS DONE BEHIND CLOSED DOORS. Plus the fact, the public doesn’t know what transpired behind those closed doors…..and that is never a good thing.


House Speaker, John Boehner said that he opposed the bill and would not allow a vote that doesn’t have the support of the 234 Republican members. Other Republican members talked about “a failure to pass some sort of immigration overhaul” could doom the Republican Party in the national election efforts.


There also is an effort to land 20,000 border agents in a border surge that would double the size of the present effort, to include additional helicopters, boats, drones, and all sorts of advanced surveillance technology that would lock down southern borders.


I’m not sure that the current immigration bill is the best way to go, but I do agree that something needs to be done, almost even if it’s wrong. But to expect our current political atmosphere and attitudes to drop the partisanship and work for the good of the nation…..well, like the man said…..”are you out of your friken mind”?


There are parts of the current Immigration bill that could work, even if overall, the bill is discarded, and I’ve added a few of my own:

1. Complete 700 miles of border fence.

2. Revamp border portal procedures.

3. Within 3 months all business owners have to use E-Verify database program to check immigration status.

4. Any business using illegals shall be busted, serve a 2 year prison term, and an arm of the Federal Government shall take over business for term of prison term.

5. All immigration workers, those people of brown color, and a clear language barrier, must prove their citizenship or must leave the United States within thirty days.


The other crap that is proposed within the current Immigration bill is…..well, just that…..crap. The United States simply can’t keep supporting foreign workers… matter their expertise



Did you know that close to 60% of all illegal immigrants can be attributed to the US-Mexican border, and that other illegal immigrants are from China, India and the Philippines and a few Latin-American countries.  Most sources place the number of illegal migrant illegals staying in America at between 11-12 million, while others place the numbers at between 9-17 million.


Unskilled laborers are likely to be hired ahead of white people for the ago old obvious reason…, thus widening the gap of the rich getting richer, while the poor get poorer. The hiring of illegals further deepens the divide of low paid American workers, and the unemployed.



Crime also plays a role in the proliferation of illegal immigrants as the Secure Communities Project initiated by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency indentified more than 250,000 illegal immigrants who were convicted for criminal activity.


And then there’s the cost of detention and deportation of illegals…..$90 to keep an illegal immigrant…..for a day. Hell, if there care for at $90 bucks a day…..I want some of that action. Total for the year on this aspect of illegals…..$41 billion dollars.


These numbers completely blew my mind, making me look at illegal immigration in a whole new way…..illegal immigration is, like everything else that the United States undertakes…..a major industry, and it ain’t space bucks that their using, it’s my tax money.


Come to think of it…..let’s get these people out of the country, bag and baggage…..really, really quick!



Thursday, June 27, 2013


(USA TODAY, New York Times)

(The Journal Record, The Blaze, Thompson Reuters)

(Roll Call Staff, Frazer Chronicle)


So… we go again, a governmental problem where a department that helps to make up the government that we all know, and who we depend on to enhance our daily lives, by carrying out their prescribed job description. It’s not a new way of government; there have been departments within our government since its inception way back in 1776.


Over the course of time, some of these departments have been scrapped, others remodeled, and some merged to make government more efficient and economical. These changes and reorganizations have usually been done internally, and in rare instances, the changes or eliminations have been decided by the voters of the country


We seem to have come full circle with regards to our Internal Revenue Service, its mission and who actually is running the asylum that the agency seems to have spiraled on a downward path into. According to taxpayer advocate, Nina Olson, says that “$1,000 checks would help show that the system is “just and fair”.


Well Nina, I’m all for that, hell, give me my money so that I can pay some of my pesky bills that are dogging me. I was wronged in an egregious way back on April 15, 2013, I had to pay in to the IRS, and I wasn’t given an audience to voice my protest.


That qualifies, right Nina, I’m on a fixed income, and money around the Frazer household can get pretty dicey between the first of the month and the third Wednesday. A steady diet of Ramen noodles from the first Saturday until the third Wednesday of a month really has the old Frazer Ponderosa with almost guns drawn, and a “take no prisoners attitude.”


Reading further in the USA TODAY article, I find that Olson isn’t approaching new ground in her watch of the IRS, she proposed an apology payment back in 2007 as a way to restore taxpayer confidence! She, in addition, proposed capping the payment program at $1,000,000 a year. A million bucks, are you out of your cotton pickin mind?  Honey if you’re really gonna make a difference, cap the program,,,,,but don’t stop at a million, not when a BILLION, OR A TRILLION rolls off your tongue in such a comforting way. Yeah I like a BBBIIILLLIIIOOONNN, OR A TTTRRRIIILLLIIIOOONNN much better.


Nina, see if you can’t push your people a little and get the settlements going, (me first of course), and try trillions instead of millions as a capper. Say Nina, something just occurred to me, exactly where are these funds that will help pay me coming from?



It never ceases to fail, whenever I think that I might be getting a financial windfall something comes along to crush my good fortune. Do you think that everybody has the same problem that I have whenever I perceive to have a case of good luck, some pesky little fly comes along and plops right down in the middle of my feel good moment, and everything turns to…..well, you know…..I can’t say it here, this is a family blog, but the substance is usually dark in color, can smell, and is a muddy texture, and the first letter is S and the last letter is – T .



Nina, I love your idea; it shows lots of initiative, and actually perseverance, after all, you have a seven year track record. So, Nina old girl, I commend you for your effort, but exactly where are these payment funds going to come from? Hell I thought you had that already figured out, and if your thinking that these APOLOGY PAYMENTS are going to come from the government, turn over honey, cause you need several spanks on your behind…..not to mention a new hair-do.



Nina, the IRS is not a money making entity, the agency does collect trillions of dollars from taxpayers, but that money goes to different departments so that they can be funded and operate in the people’s interest. If you were operating under the misguided understanding Nina that the IRS had stacks and wads of bills laying around… in Iraq, you are gravely mistaken.


There is no amount of money that is going to make me trust the IRS, whatever there was between me and the IRS, it was never trust, probably it was the grudging understanding that either during the year, or at the end of the year, I’d either have to pay a higher rate in, or would have to pay a lump sum at the end of the year, April 15.


So for Nina Olson and her people and organization to even whisper that there should be any kind of apology payments coming to the taxpayers or their groups, or the individual beliefs of people is just WRONG, the IRS does not have funds to make these payments.


What should be happening here, Nina, is a concerted effort by people like yourself…..Nina and you’re group, and other groups and concerned citizens that share your views to get together and meet, and to create an acceptable agenda and confront these jerks…..and through sheer numbers get these people out of their safe haven jobs,,,,, and onto the streets looking for a job, cause you chased them out of their office!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


(Scott Bombay, The Tennessean, NAACP, New York Times)

(Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, United States Department of Justice)

(Our Documents, Carl Hulse, Robert Barnes, Frazer Chronicle)


I always like her approach to her subject, I really loved how her concoctions looked and tasted and enjoyed her southern drawl, and even though I never really gave it much thought, I always thought that Paula Deen might have been bigot. What gave her away… my opinion, a healthy bunch of you-alls.


Did finding out that Paula Deen was a racist, (at least at one time during her life) matter to me, not really, everybody has their own opinion, and in America you are allowed to speak your mind, and state your feelings. Of course other people also have rights, and in the case of Paula Deen, her bosses, the Food Network decided to opt out of Paula Deen’s food show. Now I’ll have to look elsewhere for those delicious deserts she created.


Paula Deen I’m sure will be seen as a side-note to what happened yesterday, June 25, 2013, when the United States Supreme Court found that a portion of a 1965’s Voting Rights Act was too old, and did not apply to today’s world.


Under the old law, the United States Justice Department had the right to approve voting changes in states and districts that had shown a pattern of discriminatory behavior, determined by a formula set in 1965 and updated in the 1970’s. Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act gave the Justice Department this power of (pre-clearance) with the ability to overturn any election passed by a state on the pre-clearance list, including how Congressional districts were drawn.


With Section 5 not currently enforceable, states can consider undoing districts…..moving reliably Democratic black and Hispanic voters into a more Republican-leaning seats and in some states making it less likely that those seats would elect Democrats.



Simply stated, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 puts down the good old boys syndrome that existed…..and exists in some states today. Anybody who say’s its not true is either a member of some sort of Southern group of supremacists, or is living up in the Smoky Mountains without access to newspapers, radio, or television, and hasn’t talked to anybody for decades.


The Voting Rights Act of 1965 targeted southern states in its simplest form because some southern states acted in an inappropriate manner in how they regulated elections locally, regionally and on the national level. Gerrymandering throughout the United States with regards to voter districting, in the North to secure additional votes…..and in the South to disenfranchise people of color.


The Voting Rights Act of 1965 dealt a blow to those racially driven people and groups who held onto the old South, and their way of doing things! I’ve traveled extensively through the South, and I can tell you first hand that prejudices still exist…..there still is a difference between a Southern black and a Northern black.


Clearly a majority of the Supreme Court hasn’t visited the south lately, if they had, the results of their vote, and the subject matter of the majority decision which was written by Justice Roberts would have reflected their visit, and their experiences.


The states that made the list that required pre-clearance for any political redistricting were Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia. The state that I’m a bit surprised by is Alaska, but I guess all that one has to do is remember the former governor, Sarah Palin… closed!


The arduous fight that took place left the landscape littered with dead lawyers, and fattened bank accounts. This battle took several years, and many political salvos, and legal infighting before the issue was finally dragged through the halls of the Supreme Court by the bloodied and bleeding attorneys.


The decision was a huge step forward…..backwards for civil rights here in the United States, the ability for the black or brown man to vote freely, and in a way where the vote will count has, at the present time been revoked.



Whatever happened to sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me go, doesn’t that saying still apply? A key part of Justice Roberts written verdict was the fact that parts of Voting Rights Act of 1965 does not apply in today’s world. I’m really glad to have that issue cleared up for me; don’t want progress in our national brotherhood movement to be overlooked.


But let’s take a short break here, and use the same to discuss the social changes that have taken place over the past 48 years in the United States. Black and white people seem to be getting better, discrimination is waning…..right, blacks can now move freely in every corner of our great nation in search of a home and job.


Profiling of a black person in a car late at night in a white neighborhood isn’t done anymore, racially mixed marriages are now universally accepted, there is almost an equal split in college, and professional head coaches, many, many Fortune 500 companies are run by black people.


Equal rights on the bus, at the lunch counter, in the bathroom and the swimming pools of the country… people are on a first come, first serve basis…..right. The observations and questions herein actually raise more questions, and differing opinions.


Whenever acts were imposed to monitor the promise that the United States Constitution grants people’s rights, and then to systematically restructure the acts leads nowhere but down. The weather changes, the season’s change, but to change attitudes and atmosphere under which people operate takes a hell-of-a long time before an unfettered attitude is achieved.



Tuesday, June 25, 2013


(Mahboob A. Khawaja, Camillo “Mac” Biac)

(J.A.S. Grenville, Frazer Chronicle)


Let me see, I guess the first thing to do when planning a war is to create a list of things that will be needed, kind of like a grocery list. Huh I never thought of planning a war is like going to my favorite store and picking out items that would be needed for different recipes to fill out a menu for the week.


Maybe that’s what Don Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and the rest of the Bush bad boys did on the run-up to the Iraqi and Afghanistan war’s, they just never figured that the resistance would be so fierce, I mean one of the Bush bad boys did say that Americans would be “treated as benevolent Human Rights’ Protectors, and Americans’ would be showered with flowers…..AND THAT THE WAR WOULD ONLY COST $50 BILLION AND BE OVER IN A YEAR OR LESS!


Needless to say, no matter who plans a war, either the good guys or the bad, do not, I repeat, do not use whatever plan is was that the Bush bad boys created and followed, unless you want wars that seem to never end.


“War is not accessible through understanding, rationally, intellectually, by watching a film or by reading a book. To know war, you have to experience it, live it, feel it in your gut the anxiety, fear, frustration, boredom, hopelessness, despair, anger, rage, etcetera. In truth, warriors exist in a world totally incomprehensible to those who have never had the misfortune of experiencing the horrors of the battlefield.” Professor Camillo “Mac” Bica.


Wars are planned and executed by sadistic and cruel minds, characters which cultivate fear and hatred, and certainly not rational people exercising human intellect, foresight, dignity and accountability in global affairs. Moreover war mongers are best described as human beings equipped with monstrous egos, who are pursuing their favorite perversions.


Now after all the hub-bub about the invasion of Afghanistan almost 12 years ago, moral and revenge not-withstanding, intellectual bankruptcy would be the major culprit. If you will recall, President George W. Bush posted a 48 hour ultimatum to the then Taliban-led government of Afghanistan to hand-over Osama bin Laden, the accused master mind of the September 11 attacks on the United States.


The Taliban-lead Afghan Government asked for proof of the accusations, America had none except theories and frustrated word. American troops swung hurriedly into action, and with support by the United Kingdom, and other hired nations landed in Afghanistan to occupy the land as well as the people of the country.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was instantly transformed to take up a new role but ill-defined war against Afghanistan. Almost like the swipe of a pen across a war document, President Bush insured thousands upon thousands of civilians would die, and more than 6,000 U.S. Military would perish.


Although President Obama pulled American troops out of Iraq, it is still a piss-hole for violence every single day of the year. And Afghanistan, people across the board of the war mongering spectrum would agree on at least one issue…..the war on terror, Oops…. (People aren’t supposed to use the word terror), the planning that went into both the Iraqi and Afghani wars was lax on troop strength, supply lines, body and vehicle armament and in the long run, approval from the U.S. taxpayer.



I am happy to state that the world still posses several hot spots where the art of war can continue to be used as a practice field where we can hone are war-making capabilities, and grade out at a much higher rate.


There was the Schlieffen Plan, devised by Count Alfred von Schlieffena German General in the early 20th century. There is a stoic picture of the Count in full regalia military attire complete with his medals dangling from his jacket top.


The Schlieffen Plan was the general staff’s early 20th century overall strategic plan for victory in a possible future war in which the German Empire might find itself fighting on two fronts: France to the west and Russia to the east. World War 1 later became such a war, with both a Western and an Eastern Front.


For General Alfred von Schlieffen, the plan that he had devised, which was to avoid a war on two fronts by concentrating troops in the West and quickly defeating the French, and then, if necessary, rushing troops by rail to the East to face Russia before they had time to mobilize fully did not take place during the Counts military career…..he retired, but all of his planning, with a few modifications by Helmuth von Moltke did achieve a modicum of success…..but of course Germany lost the war.


I must mention the fact that the Schlieffen Plan was more than 30 years in the making, and took into account many military encounters from General Von Schlieffern’s career. The Schlieffen war plan overestimated the speed of the German troops, and underestimated the speed of the Russians.


The Iraq war could possibly be the most under-planned war in the history of war mongering by the United States military. Between President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, Iraqi bankers, Ahmed Chalabi, and Paul Wolfowitz, and a sprinkling of British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, the miss-management of the Iraqi mess.



The same people that initiated the Iraqi war did the same with Afghanistan, only with much less planning, even though the direct ties between the United States, September 11, 2001 were much stronger. The war in Afghanistan, Enduring Freedom commenced on October 7, 2001 and of course continues to this day, coming up on 12 years.


Nobody in the wildest of wet dreams could have envisioned a war in Afghanistan with a raggedy assed opponent like the loosely organized and poorly equipped terrorists…..who today aren’t even addressed as terrorists.


And now we have the military as well as political question of how gracefully to bow out of the country and still keep our dignity…..a truly impossible task. It would be like the wimpiest kid on the block, I mean the wimpiest of kids, one that could sell a picture of himself to a marketing company who in turn would print the kids face on a poster proclaiming him as a poster child for the wimpiest kid on the block.


This wimpy kid beating the biggest baddest bully and red-neck on the block and in fact kicked the bully out of the neighborhood. That is what the United States is up against, people in high places, on the block understand the dilemma, but has no idea what to do.



Well thankfully I have an easy solution; these Islamist types hate being called towel heads, when actually their choice for a “lid” is actually a sheet, that’s right a small folded sheet material that suffices as a hat. My solution… these people “little sheet heads,” just like that the problem is solved and we can bring our troops home.


Negotiations would be much easier; after all, many in the Islamist world call Americans Infidels, a completely unflattering term which can mean anything from an unbeliever, to one that has no religion, or a person who rejects or doubts a particular doctrine, principle or system!


So…..the little sheet heads, and the unbelieving, heathen-infidels can sit down at the bargaining table and get on with the process of peace  between two ideologies, cause after all, it’s really what’s at the core of this disagreement…..(oh yeah, and a foot-print and the oil of the Middle East). Hum… the foot-print and oil issues might be way too big for there ever to be a solution for peace.


Sorry, I can’t think of everything, guess the little sheet heads and the infidels are on their own in this peace effort!