Sunday, August 28, 2011


WHO SAID THAT? (Frazer Chronicle)
Did you ever wonder why some people say "what they do," and more important, "how could they."  Some people are impulsive, and in the "moment" say whatever flies into their head, trickles down to their voice box and come out of their mouths as a statement. Sometimes what is said is in the form of a dis-jointed paragraph, other times, kind of a "gobbledy-guke," and in some instances, single word exclamations. 
There are examples all over the place, way to many for me to list here.....but I will list a few of the more perplexing:
Pot Licker, No, "but thank you very much for the chance," the phrase actually speaks to the social standing that a person holds in the community. A "pot licker" comes from a poor background, and "licks the pots clean," because they have little or no money."
Pound sand up your ass, I guess I might try, but what about my hemorrhoids, wouldn't the sand get in the way of the medication that I take? Another phrase would be "go pound sand," or "pour sand in your ears," yet another saying with regards to "putting things in your ears," pound salt in your ears." No matter how you say it, what it means is to "get lost, we don't want you around.
Kiss my ass, "Really, I don't even know you, I've never been able to figure this one out. The phrase can be used as a joke, or to tell the person the phrase is directed at to "take a hike," or to "shut the hell up." The phrase carries many different means from friendship, to outright hostilities.
Bite me, another beauty, it signifies that the person who is being addressed is not liked, yet a very intimate act is suggested, "ya that's right, ass kissing is being suggested." To tell you the truth, I have seen but 1 ass that I would kiss, my wife's, and I have never seen a guy's ass that I would kiss, although for the right price, I would consider it.

Road hard and put away wet, now here's an interesting little ditty, I'm sure referring to horses, but you can make up your own mind.

She's got the vapors, my sister Elaine has gas.

What did you want me to do, "let it crowd  up around my heart and kill me." My sister Nancy, after she blows a really smelly fart.

He bought the farm, Always thought the phrase meant what it stated, until I did some research, now it's "he died," a truly twisted statement.

Between a rock and a hard place, "ouch" your screwed.

Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey, women can't relate to this one, but another meaning was when the brass plate  that held cannon balls failed, due to cold weather and the cannon balls would roll around the floor.

Flaming faggots..........thought I' let you chomp on this one for a few seconds, faggots are kindling, or flaming sticks, not queers.

A flash in the pan, I've seen a few of these in my lifetime, and I think I've been one a few times myself.

Getting nailed, now here is a paradox, some people might refer to getting nailed, "like Jesus on the cross," or "nailing down a job," or "nailing a test," or sexually, "getting nailed." Personally I like the sexual meaning the best.

Half Assed, yes, everybody knows what the term means, "somebody did the job half way," but who exactly has half an ass, the saying thus is ridiculous, it's like "Going to hell in a hand basket" maybe if you had half a ass you could.

Monday, August 22, 2011


I am a reader, it's my effort to seek  out the truth, to understand issues so that I can base my opinion on those issues. I try not to be swayed by any one particular point of view, rather by several opinions and I use my experience, whatever intellect that I posses on a subject and formulate my opinion.

I wonder how many have taken the time to investigate Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, the rebels and what is transpiring right now in that middle eastern country. It seems, "at least to me," that world media is kind of taking a "soft ball" view of reporting  what is going on there. I mean, whenever there is an armed conflict, death and carnage follow, unless there using rubber bullets.

I realize that Gaddafi isn't a household name when it comes to peace, prosperity and human causes, I remember when he was on America's hit list just several years ago, and what a big deal was made out of the fact that he "gave up" his evil ways during the Bush administration back in 2008. Even before that, during the early part of the Reagan administration, 1981, Gaddafi feared what the United States might do, and began to lower his hostile attitudes.

Now during the last six months or so, many world leaders have "lowered the boom" on "old Muammar," calling for his disposal as Libya's leader because he was such a "nasty boy" to his country-men. I'm not sure I can understand the seeming "sudden" change in thinking.

Was it a whole bunch of illicit activity, a "rash" of murders, was it the political protests in Libya against the Gaddafi government, or was it simply time for him to go, "after all, he is approaching his 69th year.

From what I can understand, the political unrest has engulfed the country and Gaddafi was exercising his political will through an armed response. Hypothetically.....for the sake of conversation, lets say that the Tea Party decided to oppose the current President of the United States, Barack Obama with protests and street demonstrations, would the National Guard be called out?

Quickly a "line in the sand" would be drawn, sides would be established and bloody violence would begin. No matter the issue, if a foreign country attempted to interfere, a measure of wrath would be brought against that country. Even many Tea Baggers would rally around the President and war would soon break out with that country.

Now we have Libya, granted, with a "dink" for a president, king, ambassador, or whatever you want to call the guy. He is not good to his country, he is a dastardly despot and the country will be a better place without him. But....."in hindsight" was getting ride of Saddam Hussein worth the bloodshed and money, I think many would make a strong argument that it wasn't.

Now here we go again, "from the air," attacking another country that has a troubled past, and is an "unstable" country in the middle east. I wonder, if Libya had cabbage fields instead of oil fields, how strong would the effort be? 

Saturday, August 20, 2011


DEDICATED TO MY "SEESTER." (Frazer Chronicle)
Lets see, she is retired, has as much time as she might need to devote to her inner most desires, has a wonderful husband that "dotes" on her, has a liberal retirement benefit package, a lovely daughter, a beautiful home, a part time job that continues to energize her, great sisters and an internationally renowned brother, yet, she still wants more, unbelievable.

I am that renowned brother, having written in excess of 150 published blogs, yet.....for my adopted "seester" it's not enough. She continues to "bug" me about shorter, more interesting material, material I might add might  one day win me a Pulitzer prize. But even though this takes away from my efforts to only publish "up to the minute" material, I will take the time to attempt to placate my "seester."

I have dedicated this edition of the Frazer Chronicle to my "adopted" baby "seester" Jane, Elizabeth Frazer, Acord, McLean. She wants rock & roll, she's got rock & roll, why I have no clue, most people want only opinion in this type of media, not the make believe world of some "stoned out," leather wearing, crotch bulging nut job.

Elvis Presley, Billy Joel and John Bon Jovi, make way for some of the truly talented rock & roll stars, guys like Johnny Walker, "not the booze," Chris Mbewe who did "Bachibelebense," or Zion Lofwa, member of the Five Revolutions, singer Troy Dale who a singer in the band Kitchen Cing, and Armageddon. Yes, these were household names, at least in their households.

The real grass roots of rock & roll, people like Allen Dalrymple, keyboardist of the band, Felt, authors of such "forgettable" songs as "Look At The Sun," and "Destination." Bruce Knox, an original member of the Allusions who became the famous Split Ends, they did "Rich Worth Nothing," or how about Manfred Schmid, a member of the Monsun who later became Lily and did "Which is This," and "Pinky Pig," 2 great old standbys.

Of course no list of former rock stars would  be complete without Joe Briar, credited with co-writing "The Hokey Pokey," a wonderful little rendition. Of course there was Mary Ann Thomas, a member of The Ad-Libs who sang the "Boy From New York," and "He Ain't No Angel."

Of course everybody knows about the Beatles, the Ronettes, the Everely Brothers, or Foreigner, and who can forget the Wild Eyed Southern Boys, or Stix. Great groups, great music and top preforming band members.

But "come on," lest we forget, groups like the Ultimate Spinach, the Bubble Puppy, The Charging Tyrannosaurus of Despair, Truman Coyote, Kesus Christ And the Nailknockers, Lothar And The Hand People, "who by the way I loved."

Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks, Paul Bear And The Mortitions, Toad The Wet Sprocket, Soft Machine, Dillinger Escape Plan, The Butthole Surfers, Tired & Emotional, and of course, Anarchy Condom, every one a wonderful group of interesting people.

My "seester" also wanted a little Petula "Pet" Clark, a lovely singer who's career started on the B.B.C. back in 1944, DURING THE 2nd. WORLD WAR. Jane, I can only supply the following, "her songs were.....well, kinda hard to take, her voice.....sounded kind of like she had gargled with razor blades, and when you consider that both her mother and father were nurses at Long Grove Hospital, and that "Pet" was born in a city named after a "salt," Epsom, people usually get what they ask for, "a kind of weird looking women, who's talent was questionable, and a sound like a rusty band saw." Sorry, it's the best that I could come up with.

Now.........................would anybody "like to see my seester," PLEASE!

Friday, August 19, 2011


They sit in an almost laying position and are transported to their respective work areas, or they ride in a cage down an 18x18 foot hole in the ground to their work stations. Others ride in giant earth type movers hundreds of feet into a huge open pit, their equipment 40 or 50 foot in height and the machine's fuel tanks as big as a modern bathroom.

What are these men doing, are they crazy, who the hell would want to take a 7000 foot ride into the side of a hill, who would want to take a trip down an open elevator, where the only protection between a fall of hundreds of feet to certain death is chain-link fencing? Those men in the huge earth moving equipment are only 10 or 15 feet from a  sure death fall. What in hell are they doing?

First and foremost, most are earning a decent living, have good medical coverage and a pension plan for their retirement. Second.....they have to be crazy, why else would anybody go into the blackness that is underground, or the dangers connected working in a pit as deep as 1500 feet.

Actually these men, and some women are miners in the 21st century and are intent on bringing whatever mineral that they are mining to the surface in amounts that help to pay their "mostly" top notch wages.

Coal, copper, gold, silver, salt, iron ore and other precious metals and elements that help to fuel the world's industry's as well as power it's economy, to keep us eliminated, cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Along the way there have been some horrific disasters that have shuck the industry, devastated survivors and shocked nations. There have been many reasons for these accidents and loss of life, but almost exclusively, mine companies have remained untouched, and unbelievably unattached.

Mine companies have done some great things financially for the communities that they do business in. From schools, to hospitals, to health clinics, to meeting halls, to parks, mining companies have paved their operational streets with money, money so that they can be "held harmless," harmless in whatever might happen, be it injury, environmental carnage, or death. Money heals all wounds, and the mining industry is famous for having the money to heal many wounds.

Talking only about the United States now, there have been hundreds of either local or state safety acts as well as  several national "mine acts." These "acts" were brought about only after a catastrophic disaster that usually took dozens of lives.

The first  national mine act came in 1910 when the Bureau of Mines was established, but with no authority to check mining safety, or to levy fines. The Bureau act of 1910 came after a particularly tough 10 year period when more then 5000 miners lost their lives in a hundreds of disasters. I am not talking about "small death counts," unless you call 362 deaths "chump change."

As I mentioned, "between 1900 and 1909, more then 5000 miners lost their lives." The 1st decade of the 20th century kicked off with the loss of 200 miners in a coal mine disaster at the Winter Quarters mine in Scofield Utah, followed by 384 total in 8 accidents, 233 in 1903, 266 in 1904, 331 during 1905 which were the result of 17 disasters.

In 1907 1012 deaths were reported which involved 19 disasters and included the grand daddy of all mine disasters, 362 deaths in the coal mine in Monogah, West Virginia. 239 lost their lives the same year at the Darr coal mine in Jacobs Creek, Pennsylvania. The Cherry coal mine  disaster which took 239 lives in Cherry, Illinois finally forced the United States Congress to establish the Bureau of Mines, basically because of public outcry and pressure. 

Through the years the federal government would enact further safety rules, but the Bureau of Mines would evolve into more of a research institute then a governing and protection body over the mining industry. To this day, the mining industry in the United States remains more of a self governed body, rather then one governed by government.

Fines can be can be disputed, mining companies lag in their payments, and the guidelines for fines is often a joke when one compares them to the profits that are made. Mining supervisors, company owners and other officials are often left out of the equation when an accident occurs.

Mine companies around the world are intricately linked together by a single bond, promise, whenever a disaster occurs, the company says one thing, "we promise" to make working conditions better, see how much we paid the victims. Ask the 33 Chilean miners who remained in a copper mine for more then 2 months  how conditions are, .....oh wait.....most are now unemployed, guess they can't answer that question with any veracity.


Thursday, August 18, 2011


Again we go with one of my "pet peeves," injustice, I really can't stand it when I hear or see an overt act by any authority figure, encroaching on the rights of citizens. I totally understand wanting to kick the crap out of a big mouth, or some wimpy punk who talks about some "pie in the sky rights," even though he is obviously guilty and deserves a good old fashioned "beat down."

What authority figures am I talking, county and state police officials, that's who. These people live in some sort of "ga ga land," a land where reality doesn't exist, where rules are made for somebody else. A land where might is right, where even the simplest of infractions often are dealt with in the most violent of reaction, where any sort of "back-talk" is often met with a 50,000 volt taser, and any physical reaction can be met with a bullet in the head.

Cops in case after case across the country actually can take the law into their own hands, many times handling street altercations as a judge, jury and executioner. I have met few cops during my lifetime that I would sit and have a beer with, they seemed to me, to be on edge, were kinda cold blooded, or a little bit "unhinged." To say that police officers are a "different breed of cat," is an understatement, many are pushy, thirst for power and seem to be control freaks.

Of course there are good cops out there, some actually see themselves as a member of society, have been granted assume power, realizing that that power is really a burden, and they must always be aware of that power, guarding against making the wrong decisions, and listening. Using compassion, understanding and restraint when dealing with the public in most every situation.

That said, this blog.....sadly is not about these people, rather about those people that think that they are above the law, answerable only to their watch commander, and their fellow officers. According to poles, brutal acts, stonewalling of evidence, and the silent "brotherhood" surrounding every "cop shop" in the country, is up and all attempt to cover each other's asses.

A cop kicks and beating  the crap out of a handcuffed man in Providence, Road Island, in Rocklin, California, police respond to a domestic violence complaint, and officers are accused of excessive force, "a beat-down." Another man, with mental problems, is thrown to the ground, kicked, beaten, hauled off to jail, were police station video shows police roughly carrying the man to his cell, he later dies from massive trauma to his chest, and several broken ribs.

A Springfield, Illinois man has brought a lawsuit against 8 city police when, it is claimed by the 37 year old man,  that his ankle was broken when one of the cops stepped on his leg. Two of the officers are suspended without pay for 5 days, while 2 others were subjected to mandatory retraining.

In Fullerton, California, police arrested a  man on suspicion of attacking a police officer in 2010, only later to discover that they had arrested the  wrong man. What took place at the arrest, initially reported by the arresting officers was completely different then  a video taken by the man. An Orange County jury in July of this year found the man innocent of assault, battery and resisting arrest.

The real culprit in the Fullerton case is the cell phone used to record police activity during the incident. Apparently police agencies across American haven't caught up to the 21st century and the cameras that exist, that can capture both good activity as well as bad.

Prosecutes and law enforcement need to get their act "up to speed," and realize that this is the 21st century, that Americana's have rights, and that law enforcement is working for the good of the general public, not the other way around.

Do I respect the law, well, I can say this, "I'm more afraid" then do I respect it. Many laws that are on the books make perfect sense to me, while others make absolutely no sense. Do I respect police officers.....well, let me as you a question, "do you respect a big man with a weapon strapped to his hip," come on, let me hear it, that's what I thought, like me, your afraid. 

There is an attitude out there, shared by law enforcement, and that attitude needs to change. No more "knocking the snot out of goofy first," in the vast majority of instances you need to listen 


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


A WIDE DIVIDE! (Frazer Chronicle)
The divide widens between Republicans and Democrats with each passing day, almost at an unbelievable pace. Got an email from Wisconsin Democrats today and another from One Wisconsin Now. Both are "lean" and need support, "their very word," hell, "I'm lean and would love some support." House payment, property taxes, utility bills and the ever important cable bill. Anything you can spare would be greatly appreciated, although I'm not tax deductible, I'm a nice guy.

The just of the 2 emails that I received today are basically the same, are liberal and want the return of power to the Democratic side of political thinking. Although I have never voted straight along a party line in my voting life, I suppose I have favored the Democratic view of things.

I think that people should be taxed, I think those taxes should be used for programs that benefit everybody, and take care of those United States citizens that can't seem to take care of themselves, "for whatever reason." I also believe that everybody in America should have health care, the same level of care, provided by government tax dollars. Health care is not a constitutional mandated right, but it is a necessary right.

I also believe that we can vote for whomever we desire to represent us, rather a political party, or some write-in, it is a constitutional right. I however part company with those people that, once a political election has been held, and it's not to their liking, they use every tool at their disposal to get that person out of office.

Once a candidate is elected, as a national, state, county, or city official, for better or worse, we need to support that person. To recall, to spread vicious lies, to fight every step of the way does no good for the country, state or city. It's part of an ever widening divide, a divide that ultimately grinds government to a halt.

I for one will not participate in anymore recalls, or subscribe to trivial organizations that spread ill feelings, or fight government policy. I am not saying that the president, Wisconsin's governor, or my cities mayor is doing what I want, but I guess "to support my country," I will abide by their decisions.

Oh sure, if I don't agree, I'll voice my opinion, but at the end of the day, when the smoke clears, I'll except what happens. The divide in every aspect of government in the United States has gotten so bad, that even a dog catcher's position is contentious.

Enough already!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Here we go again, another illegal immigration cry for rights in the United States, even though these same people are.....well.....illegal. Look, I get it, these illegals are in a tough spot, a really tough spot, their home countries can't support them, low wages, no jobs, little or no health care, crude living conditions, in many instances drug wars or other law unrest dominates their lives. But like the guy in the movie "The Cone Heads said," "go home, the United States can't support the world."

In Los Angeles, California, some immigrants say they "were hauled to jail for selling ice cream without a permit," and for reporting being the victims domestic violence, and have one message for a federal governmental task force, assigned to review an information-sharing effort that gives immigration authorities access to the fingerprints of arrestees.

End the program!

Let me get this straight, illegal immigrants want a federal program, probably designed  exclusively to  track illegal immigration in the United States, stopped. Let me see.....stop the presses, boys, hike up your jock straps and ladies, take another notch in your bra's. Of course we, "as a nation," will do just that, about as quickly as these foreign illegals countries pay down our national debt.

Oh wait a minute, silly me.....I forgot, everybody has rights here in the "good old U.S. of A."  How about we "back up for just a ding dong minute," Maybe we all should take a refresher course in U.S. immigration laws, and the rules that have been in place for many years. A Visa is necessary to stay in the country, it needs to be renewed from time to time and a person needs a legitimate reason to even be in America.

Like a dog, cat, bird or monkey, a human needs shots to visit the country, for obvious reasons. Criminals can't enter America, you know, like sex offenders, drug dealers, drug users, thieves and con artists, we already have enough of those types of people.

The federal government does make exceptions for some of the above mentioned low lives, but they gotta be doctors, or scientists. As a developed country....."which we are," we reserve the right to "pick and chose" the criminal element we allow to infect us.

The real culprits here is agriculture, sweat shops, manufacturers and anybody else who relies on cheap, "dumb" labor. I say "dumb" not because immigrants are necessarily dumb, but many can't "speak-a-d-language," hence, they can't stand up for themselves, or protect their limited rights as illegal employees here in the benevolent country called "America."

Immigration in the United States has driven every single era that has helped to develop this great country. From the mills along the eastern seaboard, to the Pacific railroads, to the coal mines, to the steel mills, foreign workers have supplied the muscle that laid rail track, built bridges, skyscrapers, and forged the steel for it all.

When  the United States begins to pay living wages to it's workforce, the need for cheap labor will be over. Instead of 2 Cadillacs, 4 houses and maids and butlers to wait on these "fat cats," when these unaware ass---- begin to understand what really is wrong with the country, (them), only then will things change with foreign immigration.

It's a sad but true story, until the need for cheap labor is eradicated in the United States, the country's boarders will continue to be a "hotbed" for all sorts of illegal activity. Beware "fat cats," your day just might be closer then you think.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


The heartbeat of American, the Chev motto from a few years ago, it must be true, I drive Chevrolet products, and every time I drive by a gas station, I swear to God my truck automatically slows down and tries to make a hard right or left turn into into that filling station, it's like the dam thing has a mind of it's own.

I have wondered for many long years why people in government talk about corporations having the same rights as an honest to goodness living, breathing persons. Do these ententes breath, bleed when their injured, can one corporation marry another, can they then corporations, called, corps. Can corporations get sick, suffer from illness, can they have hangovers, and can they be grounded for poor behaviour.

I guess if you really, really look with an analytical eye at any particular corporation operating either in America, or in most all developed countries, corporations do resemble people. If you figure that the owners and creators of a corporation are viewed like parents, and look at shareholders like  Aunts and Uncles.

Of course if you really believe that corporations are humans, then it follows that there are big ones, middle sized ones, or small ones. It then makes sense that the bigger corporations will have the loudest voice, then comes the mid-sized corporation, and so forth down the line.

The history of this hot debate in some corners on Capital hill today goes all the way back to America and 1815. In a Supreme Court ruling  that year, it was ruled that corporations had the same rights as people to make contracts, and to have these contracts honored. Some 55 years later, in 1868, after the Civil War, the 14th amendment to the Constitution gave every person equal rights under the law. The government meant to use the 14th amendment as a way to overturn state laws limiting the rights of freed slaves, but it soon opened the door for corporations to be given the same rights as people.

Since the 1868 ruling, there have been many bitter fights regarding whether a corporation is legally a person under the 14th amendment. Different Supreme Courts chipped away at the protective rights to corporations, while others have added mortar to bolster Corporate rights, basically creating a "wash".

Today the 14th amendment to the Constitution is used by corporations as a way to exercise a guarantee of free speech and to not be encumbered by limits of political campaign spending. With some form of restriction, it is next to impossible to limit the power of corporations.

We now address the real reason for today's message, George Romney's son, Mitt and his trip, "hopefully....for him," to the White House in  January 2013. In retorting to a heckler who wanted to know "why corporations shouldn't share more of the economic burden of reducing the deficit."

Romney's answer spoke volumes to his supporters and to corporations, "Corporations are people, my friend.....of course they are. Everything corporations earn ultimately goes to the people. Where do you think it goes.? Whose pockets? People's pockets. Human beings, my friend."

Hell, Romney is right, corporations are people, or rather lawyers, which can't be confused with real people, natural people, or as the "Mittster" puts it, "human beings." However, I'd like to clear one thing up right now, corporations weren't born in the natural way, there was no intent of creating a baby "corp," when the act of a union was made between a daddy corporation and a momma corporation.

Oh sure that was a whole bunch of huffing and puffing, breathless encounters, some mutual petting, and some strutting of stuff. But all of the above was caused from laying concrete, welding steel, digging ditches, securing tax abatement's and signing contracts with distributors for products made.

Eating at the public trough, nursing at the tit of tax breaks nurtured the baby corp, and soon it became full grown, and was ready to assume it's rightful place at the left hand of his "big daddy and momma" corporation. Yes, the baby corp is fully grown, thanks to a amendment that makes little sense, but sure as hell is embraced by the new young corporation. Thanks for the insight Mitt.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Polite ways to say that a country is having hard times, where people lose everything that they have acquired and usually have spent every penny that they have. Hard times for everybody, except a lucky few, brought on by.....well, this is where the picture gets real foggy, when the finger pointing and the explaining usually get lost in translation, depending on who is doing the talking.

There have been scores of these financial troubling times during the course of American history, brought on by a myriad of problems. Republicans have been in power, Democrats have been in power, Republican-Democratic, Whig's, National Union and the famous No Party, "there was no political party during George Washington's time as the nations 1st. president.

Before the turn of the 20th century, American had suffered through 25 recorded recessions, or about 50 years of employment and monetary unrest in the first 125 years of the country's history, really not a very good record with regards to a stable society, and a telling reason why the country's industry needed cheap labor.

During the 20th. century the United States, "using the first 124 years of practice," upped the number of unproductive years, and instability for workers to about 55 years. There were 20 recessions and of course the Great Depression that gripped the nation in a vice like situation for 12 years. Unemployment ran as high as a recorded 29%, but when those no longer looking for work is added in, close to 40% of the working public was unemployed at the height of the early 1930's and the depression.

There have been 2 recessions recorded in the first 11 years of the 21st century, laying the groundwork for another unsuccessful century of broken dreams and shallow promises from the people that are elected to do the people's bidding in Washington. It wouldn't be so bad if a recession lasted, oh say.....6 months to a year, but sometimes the "down" times can last from 18 months to 2 years.

By far the biggest remade for financial tough times is war, war brings out the best and the worst in American seems. I'm not kidding, let me share some unbelievable statistics with "you all." There was a panic, "old term for recession," from 1802-1804 and then from 1807-1810, a recession in 1812, and then the war of 1812.

There was a recession in 1860-1861, then the Civil War, then a recession from 1865-1867, directly after the war, which by the way, devastated the entire country. Again in 1869-1870 there was a slow-down before a really big depression in 1873, which lasted until well into 1879. These recessions after the Civil War, "according to economists" were the direct result of the war between the states.

The Panic of 1896, which lasted until 1897 was a precursor to the Spanish-American war in 1898 which ultimately lead "hard chargin" Teddy Roosevelt to the White house. Before the United States entry into the 1st World War in the spring of 1818, America's economy had been in the "tank" for most of  8 years during the 1st 2 decades of the 20th century.

Of course most of us know what happened in October of 1929, how bad things were for the country, and what actually brought the country out of the tough financial times. December 7th 1941 will always be depicted as one of America's darkest hours, but eventually would lead to some  of the country's highest achievements.

The last of the 1940's and the early 1950's saw unemployment raise to 7.9% and saw the country enter a war in far off Korea over land boundaries and the scare of Communism spreading. The United States supplied 90% of the fighting force, and 75% of the war machinery.

Although U.S. military "advisors" had been in Viet Nam since the late 1940's, and the threat of the "red spread" (Communism) was used to to bolster troop strength in 1961, and triple the count by 1964. There was a recession in 1958 and again in 1960-1961. The battles waged on until finally, in 1975, the United States withdrew from the country with their collective tails between their legs.

Both the 2nd World War and the current war on terror are a bit different because the United States was actually attacked. But non the less, recessions and depressions have occurred before almost every military conflict. One might say that "with all the recessionary history of the country, that is not a surprising statistic," and I would agree.

However I would add that maybe, just maybe.....if the greatest power in the history of the earth, could keep it's financial house in order, we could avoid all the death and upheaval that war brings to people.

Call it whatever you want, panic, depression, recession, hard times, or dumb luck, you'd think that a people that can land a man on the moon could fix whatever is wrong with our financial way of life.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I WAS "RUMIFIED" (Frazer Chronicles)
Donald Rumsfeld won't go away, the old "war-horse" keeps popping up in the news like "dandelions" in your lawn, you know, "kinda cute, but non-the-less, a pain in the butt." You gotta give the guy his due, when the rest of the world and most of the United States cry about how stupid the Iraqi war was, how ill prepared the military was, and how the reasons for going to war changed, almost as fast as the weather does in Wisconsin,  Rumsfeld continues to sings the praises and the just causes of the war that still rages.

What Rumsfeld and the Bush administration gave the American public was a gift that keeps on costing the taxpayers of the country. First it was the millions upon millions of dollars that was handed out like candy from garbage bags, laundry bags and cardboard boxes to anybody who would help the U.S. military. The accounting practices for this money would make my 2nd grade math teacher, good old Dutch Kanitz cringe.

Then there was the "sleeked down" military that Rumsfeld advocated, you know....."doing more with less, (troops) that is. Not being a big fan of military stuff, I couldn't figure out what that phrase meant, "doing more with less." Sure the U.S. military is way more technically advanced then any of our enemy's, but we haven't reached the "push bottom" wars yet, (thank God.)

The former president G.W. Bush did a "really, really good thing" when he coined the phrase "the long war." Talking about the Iraq war, Bush referred to it "as a struggle with bad guys that is going to take a really long time." He should have added something like, "buckle up your money bags American taxpayers, my really long war will cost, really big amounts of money," and "I'm not talking space bucks friends."

Now we come to 2 bumpkins who are looking to cash in on the stupidity that has been the Iraq war, 2 American citizens want to sue Rumsfeld, the U.S. military and probably every swinging ---- that has had anything to do with the Bush war.

They allege that the U.S. military, under the direction of many treated the 2 men unfairly when the tried to blow the whistle on the security company that they were working for, for engaging in illegal bribery and other corruptive activities. Well hell boys.....bring your lawn chair and get in line, bribery is a big part of how America fights wars. Sit right down behind me, I think I'll sue the bastards.

According to the 2 men, they were taken into custody, thrown into Camp Cropper, near Baghdad, and interrogated harshly, both physical and emotionally, and abused other ways. What does this last " other ways mean," I don't know.....but I think I'd like to.....know.

So watch the news for the progress of these 2 men's plight, because if they are successful, I just might file a lawsuit myself, hell, I'm on a fixed income and could use some extra cash.

Friday, August 5, 2011


Picture it, "a table full of hot dogs, hamburgers, (dripping blood), big thick buns, potato chips, dip, coolers full of ice cold beer, (no lite beer), topped off with fruit pies and cakes." Sounds like paradise to me, a truly great summer-time feast of the Gods.

The only banquet that I can think of  that might be better then a summer picnic of the Gods would be a mid-winter "eat-out" of deep fried chicken, potato wedges and imported Cob corn and some mischief cake full of chocolate.

Bags of chips, dips, peanuts, cigars,  throw in a few candy bars and my channel changer and I'm ready for the challenges of the winter. My television watching and the snacks get me through the long, dark winter hours with ease. In fact, I don't even get the winter blues like I used to, "I'm happy."

I emerge from my winter hibernation little worse from the ware, albeit, a few pounds heavier, but content, armed with all sorts of new knowledge from my winter's T.V. schedule of Tru-T.V. Cold Case Files, Law and Order,  National Geographic and H.B.O. late night.

I realize that my life style isn't the most "healthiest" but hell, I can work of the excess poundage during my spring-time ritual of lawn care, oil changing in my lawn mower and the trimming of the under-brush on my estate.

During a typical day, the sharp pains I sometimes feel in my chest are nothing more then gas, brought on by the 3 eggs, bacon, toast and 2 donuts that I had for breakfast. The wheezing sounds that accompany my efforts to breath are nothing more then being out of shape, and they will depart once I get myself into better shape.

By 10:00 A.M. I'm tired, ready for a mid-morning nap, so I stumble to the house and my bed and  blanky. By noon, I'm hungry, make myself a big sandwich of  chopped baloney, grab some chips and a soda, and ready myself for an active afternoon. However, by 3:00 P.M. I'm ready for another nap, and anyways, my wife will be home from work and it'll be time for good old supper and some Tru- T.V.

Mashed potato's, gravy and fried pork chops for supper round out my day. I wash it down with a couple of Budweiser's, saving room for a big hunk of cherry pie. Ah yes, retired life is great, nothing to do but live off the fat of the land.

Have a doctors appointment in a couple of weeks, gonna  really start working on my weight.....tomorrow. I suppose my blood sugar is up, "I know my weight is." Flipping channels, "sure wish they'd come up with a mind controlled channel changer," you know, "where you just think of the channel, and the television magically turns to that channel," that would be neat, "I'm gonna have to work on that one."

Anyways, flipping through the channels, I come across the food network and I stop and began watching. The lady is talking about eating health, and stopping most all the foods that are in my food groups, sugar, potato chips, red meat and snack foods.

How dare this channel and this bitch talk about my food groups, and the damage that they can do to a person's system and long term health. She also talks about how eating healthy can cost as much as $400 extra a year. That's $400 I can spend for beer, red meat and hot dogs, how the hell can this person  so "matter of factly" take away $400 from my food budget?

My annual visit to our family doctor lets me know exactly how my life style has impacted me, and my life expectancy. My Doc. is a real straight forward guy, leaves little or no doubt to what is happening with my health. He has one simple word, STOP, or die, "sorry that's 3 words." No matter, I am now starting to eat more greens, less sugars, starch's red meat and carbohydrates, &*%#@@, but I guess I'll live longer.

I'm 67 years old and I figure if I follow this "new" diet until I'm 70, I can go back to all the good food and if the doctor gives me 4 or 5 years, hell, I'd be 75 or so, and that would probably be enough time to live, so watch out Mr. Chip and Dip, "I'll be back."