Monday, January 2, 2012



It must be the battle cry of some of the idiot drivers on the road today, or "give me texting, or give me death," "I swear to God." I'm 68, and with but a handful of cell phone messages, I can recall few that we important enough for me to use my wireless device while driving, and I used to drive for a living.

I racked up half a million miles over the last six years of my driving "professional" life, and with little exception, a trained eye could detect a distracted driver. From the "perch" in my Freightliner I witnessed all sorts of driver distraction, reading a book, the newspaper, brushing teeth, make-up, shaving, "both electric and shaving cream and razor, changing clothes, eating, drinking, reading a street map, and the occasional sexual act(s).

Several states and the Federal Government are attempting to address some of the stupidity on the public roadways today, but in my opinion, don't go far enough. I'm adamant in my belief that nobody needs to use a hand held communication devise during the operation of a motor vehicle, IT'S NOT SAFE.

Any transportation official, any political official, any beat cop, and every driver needs to understand that driving distraction is other drivers and their safety. I could care less what happens to those drivers who use hand held devices, I'm worried about the drivers who don't recognize the dangers by these "hand held devise morons."

Even Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood-Ornament doesn't get it, he thinks that the focus by law-makers should be on hand-held cellphones, not the fast-growing new technology that allows drivers to talk while keeping their hands on the wheel.

Look, here's the deal, distraction of any kind while a person is driving is.....well.....just what he word implies, "a hindrance to the task at hand." What is so important that it can't wait until a driver either pulls off the road, or waits until he's home, I don't get it.

And these guys who figure that they can "multi-task" are so full of crap it's unbelievable, talk about people who need an adjustment, wow, a good swift kick in the ass.....and then continue. Nobody, absolutely nobody operates a truck or car with the same attention when distracted, so get over it, you jerks aren't as important as you think you are.

And these "grace periods," where a driver is given a warning instead of a ticket, forget it, "when you violate, you get the ax," you get the full priced ticket. A grace period is like allowing drivers a chance to familiarize  himself with the new laws, kind of like a gun purchaser a chance to know that if he points at a target and pulls the trigger, something bad will happen to the target.

Forget about the estimated 3000 people who lost their lives from distracted driving auto crashes in 2010, understand that as a "people" it appears that we need  to be cared for like a parent would watch over a child. We are why we have government, we are why, as a people, we know we need to be protected from ourselves, we are pathetic.

Some people argue that the use of hand held devices is almost a "God given right," and I agree, just as long as those who use a hand held device, or use a conversation device while driving are in a big field, surrounded by a 20 foot high  fence made of re-enforced steel, so that the only people that they hurt are themselves.

Even emergency responders and roadside assistance workers are often distracted drivers, but I see no way around allowing those people use of their communication devises. After all, they are safer then some "twit" talking about a new outfit, or some macho punk explaining his next conquest. Why oh why can't we be more responsible for our actions.

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