Friday, May 4, 2012



(Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel/Charles Jylha/Frazer Chronicle)

Have you noticed that stairs are getting steeper, groceries are heavier and everything is further away? A task that used to be exercise free gets you to blowing air at an ever increasing pace. The walk to the corner thunderstruck me with the fact that our streets are getting longer, they have to be, how else could a walk that used to take five minutes now takes ten.

I'm sure that is how Wisconsin Governor, Scott Walker is feeling these days as continued "heat" dogs the Walker camp down in Madison. To the governor's credit, I'm sure that he and his people feel that his "platform" is a just cause and in some twisted way, he really believes that by cutting well over 200,000 jobs from the public sector will bring prosperity to the state.

Of course, Walker is deep in the battle to keep his position in Wisconsin state government by fighting off recall efforts, which will be voted on in early June. No matter the money that has been raised on his behalf, no matter the backers, no matter the luminaries that trumpet his qualities, Scott Walker is in a fight for his political life.

The "dogs are at the door" four separate polls conducted by the Marquette Law School, one each for the first four months of 2012 show that Walker went from a 50/50% approval rating in January to a 47% approval rating at the end of April.

Is this a surprising result for Walker and his administration.....well if it is, then Scott truly is "sleeping" at the state switch. De-regulating the unions, in effect making them, unions, lose what little power that they did have, making union dues a personal decision, "state agencies no longer deduct dues from paychecks," cutting teaching positions and slashing department employees throughout the state tends to "piss" people off.

On June 4th Walker will reap the benefits of his rather radical agenda, he will be recalled and there will be a mass return to the democratic ways, which I might add will make the state no better, just swung to the liberal point of view.

Walker will wake up on June 5th 2012, the day after his re-call election feeling that people his own age look so much older, some friends won't even recognize him.

Scott Walker has made some bold moves during his 16 months in office; sadly all of his moves have been "slanted" towards business. The shock-wave that Walker sent across the state of Wisconsin truly "shook some things up." Austerity programs sometimes are necessary, but to target mostly one group of people is not only unfair, it's get recall events.

I believe that Scott Walker the governor will soon be a man with plenty of time on his hands.....and will have spear time to devote to games, games like softball, or touch football in the park and be able to take long walks on the beach.

We will never really know how the Walker plan would have worked out; Walker was way too brash and bold for his plans to work in Wisconsin. For Scotty's sake, I hope that he has cultivated some friendships, because he sure as hell is going to need friends to occupy his time after June 4th. 

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