Thursday, October 11, 2012



(N.P.R./Asian Times/Frazer Chronicle)

Oh no, just when I thought it might be safe to go outside, Mitt Romney is at it again, and where else was he when he uttered words that made me "duck," a state that lives on every word a conservative, any conservative speaks.....Virginia.

Ya, Virginia, a state that is heavy into the defensive thinking that is linked to our own war department, "oops," I'm sorry, I mean the Pentagon." You see, the Pentagon revels in a form of defense for our country that can be viewed as kind of unique, it's called "peace through strength," or, "if you don't sit down, shut up and do what I say, I'll kill you."

You didn't think that a war.....any war.....and for any reason didn't come with death, pestilence, savagery, homeless people, widows, and orphaned children did you. And in the midst of all this pounding of the chest, the patriotic speeches and the "Gods in our corner," crap.....did you lose sight of the fact that these conservatives are actually talking about untold cases of murder.

Conservatives talk about putting things in "proper prospective" regarding the deaths that the United States has suffered during the past ten years of war, it's minuscule when you compare the past ten years against, oh let’s see, say World War 11. I got a news flash for all of you conservatives out there, "we were invaded," ya, Pearl Harbor was, and still is a part of the United States. Whatever the Japanese got, they deserved, and you won't get an argument from me on that.

The second world war came mostly out of necessity, the United States was attacked, and just like the guy who comes over to my house and beats my wife and rapes my dog, there would be hell to pay, and Japan got their butts handed to the time.

But gee whiz, Afghanistan didn't invade Pearl Harbor, Washington, or the Twin Towers neither did Iraq, or for that matter Turkey, or Libya, yet we enter all of these countries to further world peace. If you might notice, I left Iran out of the mix.....for me, the jury is still out on whether they have a nuke or not.

Now if Iran gets the nuke, like I know there trying to do, then you know the conservative side of the room is gonna want to kick some "sand flea butt," as my friend would say. But I wonder, is it really worth the effort, I mean to "kick butt in Iran." Let’s see, we have nukes, some of our allies have nukes, gee, "why can't Iran have nukes.....I wonder." Guess I'll save that Iran issue for another time.


Mitt Romney gave a speech earlier this week in Virginia, it was full of vigor, "his speech," and he talked about pulling the empire, "United States" out of lethargy, pump a few million new jobs into the mix, and actually saving the world from.....itself.

No matter the legality of our move, we will invade, and stay even if illegally, it doesn't matter, where saving the Empire, and to boot, the entire world. If anyone complains, screw them, we'll invade them too.

But here's the best part, we have another war on the horizon, fresh onto the world stage is.....Syria, oh joy, no matter their fight is internal, or their border neighbors, Turkey, Jordan, Israel and Lebanon fear them. It's "pass the ammunition, keep your powder dry, and sharpen those knives time," we see another threat to our way of life.....that we want to push onto everybody else.

I read a blog on the situation.....recently, and was amassed at how simple some people look at things. I'm always talking about the simplicity of life's problems, and how the world isn't really as complicated as people make it out to be.....but this guy, he's way past me with regards to simplicity.

His reason for the problem in Syria, "those people want what we take for granted, FREEDOM, gee pal, you made the situation really, really crystal clear, a mostly nomadic people wants the right to crap behind a bush, live it the desert, and pro-create whenever they feel the need.

Has anybody here really taken a look at our political system, threats of voter I.D. cards, faulty election machines, voter fraud, people selling their votes, "it's happened, you can look it up," and this joker really thinks that a country wants to pattern itself after our template, only if their uneducated nomadic wanderers, "oh wait, isn't that what a whole bunch of people in that area are.....I guess I stand corrected.


Presidential candidate Romney, in his Virginia speech the other day talked about Middle Eastern allies, prosperous people, "missing a chance to gain new friends, who share the same values as the United States. Romney went further, I would say....."right off the chart further," by talking about Middle Eastern "friends" who are fighting for their own futures against the very same violent extremists, and evil tyrants, and angry mobs who seek to harm us.

By now, Mitt was on a role, he was going to put everybody on notice, especially Iran, who better beware, "no nukes for you," Mitt also said that he would keep permanent aircraft carriers in both the Eastern Mediterranean and the Gulf region.

"The decision we make today will determine our ability to protect Americans tomorrow.....the first purpose of a strong military is to prevent war. Ya right Mitt, just like my neighbor with the big gun and I with my stick, rest assured I'll find a way to either get a gun, or kick his butt in some other way.

In closing Mitt said that he would "rally our friends and allies to match our generosity with theirs. And that I, "Romney," would make it clear to the recipients of our aid that, in return for our material support, they must meet the responsibilities of every decent modern respect the rights of their citizens, including women and minorities, to ensure space for civil society, a free media, political parties, an independent judiciary.....and to abide by the international commitments to protect our diplomats and our property.

Talk about a guy that covered all the bases, I don't know about any of you liberals, but I'm fired up, almost ready to vote for a Republican.....Romney kind of tugs at the heart when he talks like he did the other day in Virginia.

There's more.....I could go on, but I'm sure you get the jest of what old Mitty boy was talking about, ya that's right, he was talking about stuff that we have absolutely no right to interfere with, it's called keeping your nose out of other people's business.

Lately we intercede whether we are wanted or not, we bully our way through situation, just like my old buddy G.W. Bush did for almost eight years, and Obama is almost no better. It's too late for this election cycle, hell out on the campaign trail, the speeches change, depending on which state these guys are in. Employment, keeping our collective noses clean, and out of other people’s problems, and possibly re-thinking our foreign policies might be in order....."do ya think?"

There is a saying in baseball for all the teams that didn't finish first, it's, "wait to next year," the hell of it is, I'm beginning to wonder if we aren't running out of next years. Thank God for bubbles, if there weren't bubbles, where would Republicans live?

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